Twenty Nine

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I've always been confident in the way I looked. All of my life growing up dad never let me or my brothers think that we were anything besides the best and the brightest. But right now I was feeling incredibly self conscious.

. The restaurant Nick led me inside of was dark and romantic. Glasses clinked against each other as voices and boisterous laughter rippled through the air. The restaurant consisted of mostly men and also immediately all eyes fell to me. But once Nick met their gazes with a hand on my back, the lingering looks changed into wide smiles. Most of the men in here were older than Nick but they still respected him.

" Aye Nicky, it's so good to see you!" A heavy set man with a large belly belted happily. Many rings glittered on his hands as he stretched his arms out wide. Nick smiled as the man pulled him into a tight hug. Nick let out a laugh as the man grabbed ahold of his face and kissed him on both of his cheeks.

" You finally come to my restaurant, and you brought the Miss DyverCity with you" the man said slyly winking at me.

I smiled glancing up at Nick.
" Oh, thank you but you don't-".

" Oh but I do" the man interjected. " Every beautiful woman should know how beautiful she truly is, especially one as beautiful as you." He grinned as he looked at Nick. " Your a lucky guy"

He beamed proudly as he wrapped his arm around my waist. " I know. Alberto this my Mia, Mia this is Alberto, he owns this restaurant"

I nodded as Alberto smiled proudly. " Come, I have a table especially for you two"

Nick urged me forward as Alberto led the way. Eyes followed us as we walked past several booths and tables. We walked up a few steps into a separate room that was blocked by a heavy curtain. It was a secluded candle lit table that gave the deep green walls a orange hue. Equipped with all rose folded napkins, tall wine glasses and too many pieces of silverware. Even the chairs were immaculate with finely craved designs in the wood.

" You like?" Alberto asked cheekily.

I smiled tucking some hair behind my ear. " Absolutely this is beautiful, thank you"

" Thank your boyfriend, I only followed his directions" Alberto gestured towards Nick.

I smiled up at Nick. He shrugged. " I can be romantic sometimes" stepping around me, he pulled a chair out. I sat down and let Nick push my seat up before sitting in the seat across from mine.

" My best server will be right in to take your orders" Alberto announced laying two menus down on the table and Nick nodded as if a signal for Alberto to leave.

Sighing I couldn't help but glance around at the stunning decor.

" You really didn't need to do all of this" I said softly picking up a menu.

A cheeseburger at the drive in would have been fine.

Nick gave me a confused expression. " What do you mean? Of course I did. Mia-" he paused suddenly and pulled his phone out of his pocket. A look flashed in his eyes as he looked at his phone. Before I could ask what was it, he blinked and the look was gone.

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