Fifty Five

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"Nothing, I don't have a problem" she said nonchalantly.

" Look" I tented my fingers against the table. " I know your a idiot but I'm not. Everytime I've said something you've given me a look, a gesture or whispered some bullshit to this snake" I gestured towards Bri.

" Mia"- Michael started.

" Excuse me" Bri scoffed. " I'm not a snake and I thought you were talking to her but if you got-"

I let out a laugh as Amber sniffled a laugh next to me. Arrogantly I smacked the table.  " Bitch are you stupid?! Yes you are a snake and yes I have a problem with you. I had a problem when you walked your fugly ass through the woods into my space" I held up a finger. " The reason I didn't say shit was because of Michael, he clearly wanted you here so I wanted to be nice and keep the peace. Y'all weren't fucking invited" I gestured towards the girls. " The only reason you are here is because of these dumbwatts"

" Hey I'm not-" Daniel spat

I pointed at him. " Yes, yes the fuck you are a dumbwatt Daniel"

He smiled. Scotty, Simon chuckled and Ryu wore a amused grin. My gaze snapped back to Bri and Marco's ex. " I've been watching you two this entire time and been biting my tongue but I'm done doing that now." I cupped my hands together with my elbows on the table. " So tell me what's up? Because my patience is gone" 

" Fine, your a dirty bitch and I don't like you" she said with a spitefulness in her tone. " Your dating Nick but I seen you flirting with Kaleb last night and now I can see your definitely fucking Corey too. Brianna was right your a slut "

Bri laughed, Gabriela covered her mouth as if to hide her smile. Marco's ex stared back at me with a proud look. It was short lived cause as my own smile grew, her's fell. The adrenaline pumped viciously through my veins again and I let out a laugh, tossing my head back.

" You know what's the most amusing thing about bitches like you?" I stood from my seat and slowly walked around the table to her side. " It's when y'all talk like you actually know what the fuck your talking about. It would be cute if it weren't so pitiful"

She turned around in her seat as I now stood in front of her. I held my arms behind my back.

" What are you doing?"

" Told you she's crazy, why do you think her brother sent her to Gudens" Bri said pointedly. Gabriela giggled.

I smiled at Bri. " Oh yeah I'm crazy and your a fucking idiot. Your fucking the male equivalency of me" I gestured towards Michael.

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