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" How the hell could they fuck up like that?!" Nick blurted

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" How the hell could they fuck up like that?!" Nick blurted

" It's not like they asked who she was, plus she ran " I said bluntly " it was good, a simple snatch and grab"

" You both are missing the most important part" Tony said loudly

Nick huffed crossing his arms and leaned back in his seat. " What is it then?" Nick asked

" What are we going to do about her?" My dad asked leaning forward putting his arms on the table. " She knows where and what this is"

" You think she'll turn us in?" Tony asked

" That's if anyone would believe her" Gerald added. He was one of my dad's closest friends.

" She wouldn't do that" Nick cut in.
" How do you know that?!" Dad asked coldly. " She might have been loyal to you two years ago when you were banging her but she just got back from Gudens. It's very likely that she's changed"

" It's a gamble" I nodded understandingly.

" Your damn right it's a gamble. We don't know that little bitch, if she blows the whistle on this, we'd lose everything" a man by the name of Kenny blurted. He was a veteran in this lifestyle. Now he was so furious that he was actually sweating. " Just cause Nicky wants to keep his little whore"

Nick glared at him. " Shut the fuck up. You miserable old bastard, don't talk about my girl just cause you still need to jerk your wrinkled dick off just to bust a nut. Not even the women in here will fuckin touch you"

Damn Nick.

I sniffled a laugh and glanced at Savino. He was Gerald's son. He just graduated highschool last year and was the only one in here that was close to our age. He nonchalantly covered his mouth with his hand and coughed.

" Nicky" Tony snapped glaring at Nick. " You haven't seen this girl in years. You can't possibly tell me she's exactly the same as you remember"

Nick clenched and unclenched his jaw.

"What do we do then? Dump her?" I asked shrugging nonchalantly. " Sell her? Camil was definitely interested. "

Nick sneered at me. " Camil is a sick fuck and your not selling my girl to anyone."

" Nicholas" Dad said lowly. " This girl is not your wife you will not value her life above your family"

" She probably just wants money, can't we just try that. Buy her silence" Savino suggested.

Everyone was silent for a moment to think but Nick broke our concentration by chuckling. Sighing I looked at him.

" What are you thinking?" I asked

" Mia doesn't give a fuck about money. When we broke up she gave everything back. Didn't try to pawn any of it" he chuckled softly to himself.

" Was it worth pawning? How much did you spend?" Savino asked " a thousand?"

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