Eighty Eight

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  " Next time I tell you I'm outside do not make me wait" I said glancing at Monica as she stared out the window. She didn't say anything but the look on her face said it all, she was pissed.

    She scoffed. " You are unbelievable "

" Yeah? How? You said fuck me remember? Never wanted to see me again then you text me to come fuckin rescue you and I'm unbelievable? Right. I didn't have to come get you at all I could have left your ass stranded"

" I wish you had" she spat rolling her eyes. "What you did was uncalled for"

" What would you have preferred I did? Huh Monica, stand there and watch him fuck you"

Sighing she shook her head, with her hand underneath her chin. " You know what, let me out here"

My jaw clenched instinctively as I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, pressing my foot harder on the gas pedal.

" Kaleb, did you hear me?"

Rolling my eyes, I glared over at her. " I'm not suddenly deaf"

" Then pull over so I can get out"

" No, I thought that much was obvious" I spat sarcastically as I turned off of the main street.

Falling silent again she fidgeted nervously as she took notice of far apart the street lights were becoming. It was the far side of the river where warehouses and factories functioned loudly, releasing pollution into the air. Barely any traffic came this way and the few people that did come over here were only here to do shady shit. But I've been apart of the shady shit for so long the dark unnerving scene didn't scare me.

If someone wanted to try me, they would learn the hard way. 

Tapping the gas pedal, I pulled underneath a old tired bridge. My tires crunched softly along the gravel and I silently hoped there wasn't any broken glass or nails amongst the rocks. With a sigh I put the car in park and turned the engine off along with the lights to blend in with the darkness.

" Did you bring me here to kill me?" Monica's voice was barely a whisper. I stared into the darkness as I felt a little tremor rippling through the car. She was shaking, she was terrified.

" Kaleb?!" She pleaded shakily, I couldn't see her face but she sounded on the verge of tears.

Sighing frustratedly I leaned back against the seat. " Fuckin hell, No Monica. Is that all you think the mafia does?"

" What else am I supposed to think? It's not like you tell me anything"

" I've already told you too fuckin much, I'm not telling you anything else" I spat.

" Then why did you bring me here?"

I shrugged nonchalantly looking back out towards the lights lining the many massive buildings in the distance. " I enjoy your presence.. I'm sorry for what happened back there. It wasn't me"

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