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2 hours later

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2 hours later.

The game finally ended with us actually losing. It was a great way to kick off Ridgewoods reputation... Amber kept teasing me saying that it was my fault and that I shouldn't have straightened my hair. It was so sexy that it was distracting the players. She said that it because of the guy wearing number 21, it's Jake's number. He kept glancing at me then missing his shots. That's why they lost the game. I didn't even notice.
I was too busy trying to scoot away from Corey with Nick's deadly glare watching us from the other side of the bleachers.

Soon as we got back to my house no one even seemed to care about the game anymore. My home quickly filled with people as everyone began to relax and the music thumped loudly, drinks were sat out the guys even bought a keg and someone brought enough weed so everyone could partake. Amber and I immediately began taking shots and fortunately for me Amber is total light weight.
The only other problem with a drunk Amber is that she's a brutally honest drunk.

According to her my nightmarish life was hilarious.

" Ugh stop! It's not funny" I whined playfully shoving Amber as she laid against the counter top. She was right though. My life had a constant flow of bullshit one thing right after the other.

Her eyes were slits as she laughed loud. " I mean seriously?! Is there any one in your life that's normal? "

I thought about it.. a sudden outburst of cheers made me flinch and I looked back towards the group of guys. Dom was shirtless in a chair with his head back and a funnel in his mouth. Nick held the big, keg on his shoulder as he poured the beer into the funnel.

" Go! Go! Go!" They chanted as Dom tried and failed to drink, he spit the funnel out but with a devious look in his eyes Nick showered Dom with the beer. In a playful rage Dom jumped up and Nick put the keg down before being chased through the house. Scotty eagerly jumped in the seat next. I giggled as I looked back at Amber. She wore a content smile on her face as she stared back at me.

" You know Mia, chaos suits you" she smiled.

" Uh huh you just know everything don't you?"

She giggled and squealed tossing her head back. " Absolutely.. and when I figure out the configuration for the perfect A.I I won't have to wait around for the perfect boyfriend. I can make him myself" she said proudly.

Smiling I filled our shot glasses once more. " And when you figure it out send me a chip that I can implant into Nick's brain" I held up my glass.

Amber picked up hers and grinned. " Anything for you Mama Mia" she toasted her glass to mine and simultaneously we tossed the harsh liquor back. It was bitter and sweet at the same time and it warmed on its way through my body. I smiled as I felt myself relax even more.

" I giggled at her face as she recoiled again.

" Let's dance" I smiled grabbing ahold her hand. Amber held on tight as I pulled her through the many bodies, and to the center of the living room. The room spun and air seemed to be alive as  strobe lights flashed colors on our faces. With a swing of my hips, I let myself go as the music played. Rosalie, DaBaby, Post malone, Ariana grande, Bea Miller each one flooded the air and when I closed my eyes. It was just me. I loved music and ever since I could walk I loved to dance. My dad  was proud that I loved it so much it made it easier for him to fullfil my mom's wish. She knew one of her triplets was a girl and had plans to put me in beauty pageants and to teach me to dance. My dad tried to do the pageants and I actually won a few growing up but it quickly proved to be too much for a father on his own to handle. But every weekend he would take me our community center that had every kind of dance class and I quickly fell in love with all of them. Waltz, swing, tango, contemporary, hip hop, I loved it all and I was good too. My dad wasn't surprised though he always would say it was in my blood to dance.

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