Eighty Three

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6 days later

I couldn't say that I was avoiding Nick cause I wasn't.. well not exactly. I've been going to school, he hasn't. But at least this time I know he's okay and he immediately texts back but our conversations have been strained. It's not comfortable anymore and even though Nick has apologized at least hundred times for his uncle's words whenever we are making out hot and heavy.. it's like my libido just turns off. Like a light switch and we never get past kissing. I know it's getting to him even though he insists that it's fine.. I know it's not.

To make things worst tonight was the summer dance a few days before the big football against the liberty jaguars. It was supposed to be a celebration before a celebration.

Ridgewood has too much confidence.

I was still debating on going.

Pacing back and forth across the floor of my room I dig my hands into my thick curls for the twentieth time. My gaze consistently slides from my feet covered in the white fleece socks covered in the multi colored hearts. To the once beautifully wrapped black velvet box exposing the stunningly beautiful and obviously outrageously expensive metallic like silver silk dress with a clutch purse and heels to match. If that wasn't enough a large bouquet of wild red and black dallies also accompanied the gift box. It came with a note.

- . No amount of money, clothes, jewelry could express how much you mean to me or how much I love you. But my night is going to suck if I don't have you with me. Match my eyes and be my date for the dance tonight. -
Nicholas ❤️ -

He was pulling me in again. But this time I think I was going to let him. It wasn't fair of me to blame him for his uncle's behavior. Sighing I smiled to myself as I stopped my pacing. The dance had already begun and I was sure practically everyone was already there.

I was going to be a little late.


Standing in front of the mirror I zipped up my dress as a light flashed from outside my window. Josiah was leaving, he surprisingly had a date and actually said he intended on getting lucky and probably wouldn't be back tonight. I couldn't be happier for him, even if he was being a fuck boy, he deserved a break. Glancing up at the digital clock on the wall I've already taken almost two hours to get ready, though most of that time was spent on my hair. I straightened it and like silk it hung almost to the middle of my back. The dress was tight, strapless and glittered as it flowed to the floor and gathered at my feet. I grabbed my clutch purse and I headed to the door. After turning the light off I closed my door behind me then headed down the steps. Reaching the front door I smiled to myself as I silently thanked Dominic for getting a limo for him and the guys.

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