Chapter 1: Rehab, Betrayal, Shattered World (Steven Adler)

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1988, let's start this year out right! Got you, didn't I? The start to my year is already FUCKED. For I find myself in rehab.... let me back up a moment. My name is Steven Adler if I didn't mention that already, and I am the drummer for Guns'N 'Roses. Sounds like a sweet gig, right? Drugs, babes, dudes, and the fact that we opened for Motley Crϋe last year...should be on top of the world, right? WRONG! No one knows or acknowledges the fact that I founded the band, yes ME. I founded it 3 years ago, as a bright-eyed kid...I am the one that placed ads for my band members: Axl, Izzy, Slash, and Duff. They answered my call, and from the get-go...they seemed not to like me, I was treated as a child...still am, but I was so determined to not only make it big but make friends...I've tried so hard....and I've failed.

I've been everyone's punching bag so to speak, it's been like that since childhood. Then again what the hell kind of childhood did I have? Parents and family members at large that abused me, treated me like I didn't matter how hard I tried rather foolishly to get them to love me. I was kicked out at the age of 14, just a scared kid.... bumming off people, and I sold drugs, did what I had to, to survive. Yet, I've always had that sunny personality which seems to get on everyone's nerves or so I'm always told. I always try and be positive, but no one sees my one cares or has ever cared for me.

So, the band, I thought that would help me.... i instead of SELLING drugs, started doing them.... nearly overdosed a time or two, I got lucky...but anyway, back to Guns. Even though I am and have been treated like an outsider, a servant...whatever the fuck you wanna call it...there was magic when we were on stage together, chemistry but not the right kind...instead the kind that is always on the verge of combusting.

Which now that everyone is basically up to speed, rehab.... see, I was lied to and or coerced by Axl Rose, my lead singer, and my boyfriend...some boyfriend, but anyway he'd told me he and the rest of the band agreed that if I went to rehab things would get better. "You wanna fit in dontcha?" Axl asked me, there's more to it I am sure.... but I am so damn gullible and naïve, that I believed him. He dropped me off at rehab, with out a backwards glance... a 'good luck', 'love you' or even a 'fuck you'...practically throwing my suitcase at me and literally barely stopping long enough for me to get out of the car.

Upon entering the facility, which very snazzy by the way or at least to me.... i was told that I'd have a roommate, which brings us too now....

I walk in my room to find my roommate: Nikki Sixx?!

"N-Nikki?" I ask timidly, Nikki looks up shocked to me here.

"Steven? What are you doing here?"

"Um.... i was told.... that it would help me fit" I squeak out embarrassed and ashamed as I toss my suitcase on my bed. But then I find myself in tears..., "He didn't even say good-bye, good luck or fuck you...literally threw my stuff at me and sped off burning rubber." My tone very bitter.

"Who?" Nikki asks, edge to his voice.... oooh, he's not gonna like this. Its no secret from what I know that Vince Neil isn't the ONLY one who hates Axl Rose, course there's always a good reason to hate Axl.

"Um Axl.... he's my boyfriend...or well he was.... now I don't know." I am just SO lost....and angry.

"That fucker!!" Nikki spits each word out like its literal poison. "Wait till Vince hears about this...then by extension Mick, Ozzy, and Zak." Strangely, I note he doesn't mention Tommy Lee, but I store that away for later.

"Yeah." I say quietly as I open my suitcase and start to put away my clothes in the dresser in the room, then I pull out my lyric book and my drumsticks and my drumsticks go on the side table....and I go to write only to realize I don't have a pen. "Fuck." I mutter. And suddenly I see a pen in my vision.... Nikki.

"Um thanks man," I tell him trying to smile.

"Lyric book huh?" Nikki sits back down and pulls out his own book.

"Yep. Wanna see?" I hand it to him, and he looks thru it and turns to me jaw dropped....

"Wait? These are...fucking amazing...their Guns songs..."

"Yeah, lot of good this did me, I didn't get credit for it on the album...." I sigh.

"You're fucking serious?" Nikki says incredulous, before shaking his head..., " didn't deserve that, Axl if I had to wager...or maybe Mr. Smoky, tall and quiet." Izzy of course he means.... suddenly I am told I got a phone call and I sigh; I have this sinking feeling.... i walk to the phone like I am walking to an execution and Wait Nikki is following?

I answer the phone trembling, "H-Hello?"

"Hello Steven..." Axl...OH FUCK!! "So ya know how I said you'd fit in if you did this...well, I talked to the guys...we're kicking you out." My heart completely shatters.

"B-But Axl...that's not right!! Why?!! Why would you do this? You can't...I FOUNDED the band!!" I start screaming, amazingly no one stops me.

"What the fuck ever.... we're over by the way, don't bother sending for your stuff...getting rid of it." His tone mocking, hurtful...each word is like a literal stab. I go to say something else.... but I hear a dial tone and drop the phone with a clatter, curling up in a ball...sobbing my eyes out.

"Steven, what did that red-headed son of a bitch say to you exactly.... don't tell me...wait..." Nikki says, tone screaming pissed...but not at me.

"H-He...d-dumped me, kicked me out of the band...that I fucking founded, he wouldn't be where is now with out me...I've been treated as an outsider.... like shit, but God...I guess I really am as stupid and naïve as I have been told.... this sucks!!! He's getting rid of my stuff, I have no where to go after rehab...nowhere.... i have.... well, nothing.... well, that's kind of not true, this 'stupid' person...saved their money, but then what the hell do I do when its gone? I've been betrayed...I was LIED to Nikki...lied to." I bring my knees up to my chest, tears streaming down my face.

"I'm gonna kill him.... legally he shouldn't be able to do that.... oh Steven, I am...well I know this doesn't mean shit right now, but I am SORRY." I look at him in surprise.

"Yes...I'm not the asshole everyone thinks I am...but I can tell you didn't mean it that way by your look. You're not the only one that's been lied to or manipulated.... believe me." Nikki helps me off the floor and then we end up after a bit, going to therapy sessions...separately, a group intro thing, I didn't say a damn word in any of tears said enough, mercifully all that shit was done and I could go back to mine and Nikki's room, guess it does help to have someone who seems to understand or something. Dinner is brought to me and Nikki, and I find myself unable to say anything, my world is livelihood was a lie, I was used....and thrown away, I should have in hindsight seen this coming...once more the tears they fall, and they wont stop....

A/N: Lies, betrayal.... a shattered world. Next up, the betrayal deepens for not just Steven, but Nikki and it will be from Nikki's POV. Hope you liked the first official chapter!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now