Chapter 47: Rain Fall Brings Sunshine Part 1 (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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The past two months I have grown: more miserable, bigger, and yeah misery thy name is Steven. Don't know what the fuck I'd do without my husband, he's a saint practically taking my mood swings in stride, doing whatever he can to make me feel better, just to take care of me. Now it's February, the day before Valentine's....and again I am in utter misery, today is particularly bad. No matter how much Nikki has massaged me, I had even taken a bath...nothing has HELPED. I keep getting these cramps.... have been since early this morning it now being huge belly feeling like a rock then it would stop. My belly is starting to get low, only increasing my anxiety. Nikki knows I am miserable...but I keep touching my belly...trying to keep it somewhat together and am failing BIG TIME. Nikki is in Rain's nursery, I think getting her bag ready for the hospital making sure that's ok...her car seat is already in the car...I burst into tears, clutching my large swollen belly

"Ow.... Oww!!!" I practically scream....and my husband comes running, it's hurting.... i am not sure...if it's the cramps.... but this one is oooh strong! "N-Nikk-i..."

My husband is petrified but his voice is steady which god do I need, "Steven? God.... you look.... I think she's coming..." Nikki goes to say more but I cut him off, in tears very much in tears.

"N-Not...sure if contraction...that one really hurt." It's starting to pass now...., "I've been having cramps all morning.... s-sorry I didn't tell you!!"

"Steven...breathe blue eyes...I'm not mad, I'm worried....and I think you may be starting labor if you haven't already. I can see it, you're've got're stronger than you realize. I will be with you...right by your side."

Nikki's words warm my heart even admist my pain....

"I f-feel so much pressure..." I freeze....and STRONG urge to pee. "Help me...up...BEGGING. Hurry..." Nikki carefully goes to do so, and he barely gets me on my feet, me leaning against him before...I feel a hard pop and my eyes widen, NO!! "M-my...water broke.... Nikki...Nikki..." I am freaking out, my Nikki gently and carefully and quickly may I add pulls my hair back, changes my clothes, something is put in my underwear to absorb any fluids....and next thing I I wake up in the hospital?!!

"W-Where?! Nikki...what happened?" Panicking, my husband comes into focus. He cradles my face in his hands, tears in his eyes.

"You'd passed out on the way here...scared the fuck out of me...She's ok as she can be, they checked.... you're about 5 cm I think now...called everyone, they know...."

"D-Did...they give me something?" I tremble, hands clutching at my belly.

"They did." Nikki confirms. Suddenly at that moment, a contraction hits me like a freight train robbing me of my breath.

"FUCK!!!!" I scream, Nikki grabs my hand and I squeeze.... he also kisses me quickly.... after what seems an eternity it passes, I lay back already feeling spent...and I haven't even given birth yet.

"Rain is coming...and oh!!" Nikki gestures towards the window getting my attention. "It's also raining...Steven...God, it's...all so special." Nikki is very much emotional...not that I can blame him.

"It really is." I say quietly......the hours that pass by are long... more and more painful as i dilate more and the more dilated I get...the more covered in sweat and exhausted I am and next thing again...with this, but the next thing I know is I'm told I've been in labor 14 hours....and it's time to push, so much pressure down below..., "Nikki...Nikki..." I sob, clutching at my husband for dear life.

"'ve fucking got this! Bring our daughter into this world baby.... she's ready to meet us. I love you...I love her...I've got you..." I am told to push, and I bear down with a scream that I am VERY sure L.A. just heard...THIS burns!!

"MOTHERFUCKER!!!!OWW!! THIS SHIT BURNS...UGH...." I feel her head at some point start to crown, then she slides back in.... i pant, scream more for at least 30 min before FINALLY her head slides out. "Nik...." My husband gets my message...

"I hear you babe...I hear you...She's almost out...I can see her little much hair...blond hair...Your hair...she's BEAUTIFUL." He cries.... i push some more and at long last, my daughter: Rain Iris Sixx is born, wailing...and red faced, covered in birthing fluids and I have NEVER seen anything more stunning in my life!!

"Nikki...she's HERE.... WOW." Laughing and crying both, utterly exhausted, hair in a million directions...but the way Nikki is looking at me, I've never felt so beautiful.... it's how he always looked at me. Rain is taken to be cleaned and measured and I pass the afterbirth letting my body take over, Nikki peppers my face in kisses, sweetly...also kissing my lips and the thing NO the person, the baby I have wanted for so in my arms, my hospital gown is pulled down and I MARVEL at the little girl in my arms, who quits fussing and settles...she has yet to open her little eyes. "Nikki, look at her! She looks like us both, she has my hair.... or our hair, blonde and wild...she's so small!! Even though she weighs 8 and a half pounds....and she is OURS. Thank you, Nik, for making our dreams come true." Tears stream down my face and Nikki is bawling---

"She...Rain Iris Sixx...Steven if anything I feel I should thank YOU. And I agree it's a dream come true. If you'd asked me a couple of years ago...if I'd wanted a marriage, a family...I'd have said 'fuck no' but you changed all that...from the first day we met it was YOU. We bonded over our pasts, and you became my absolute best turned our band into a true family, that day...that day you'd found Liza...I'd begun to see...a family...and such with you and, we have our own little family. It's nothing I thought I wanted once, but it's everything I want and NEED."

"She is the most precious little angel.... our Rain." I murmur, very much moved as Nikki gently kisses me and then smoothes back our daughter's hair reverently before kissing her little forehead and it is that.... that causes our daughter to open her eyes and my husband and I both gasp. "She...has my eyes. They are likes sapphires." I murmur, Rain makes cooing noises. "I think she likes the complement." I chuckle lowly, running a finger carefully along her little cheek and her tiny hand, is SO warm.

"Steven...another blue-eyed angel is in our midst. I am so proud of you babe, for doing this for us, I know it wasn't easy and you've been SO miserable. But you did it anyway. I love you." Nikki strokes our daughter's head gently.

"I love you too." I smile tiredly, but smile I Nikki leans in and kisses me once more. I spend ample time bonding with my daughter, Nikki looking proudly on as we marvel over the human being we created. Then after a period she turns red and begins to wail...I panic, "What's wrong?!"

"I think she may be hungry." Nikki quickly reassures me.

"O-Ok.... i wonder if I can well you know feed her?" I ask, without further words pull my hospital gown down more, and Nikki helps me his hands steady cradling our little girl, and I fight tears as she latches on to my surprise and delight and begins to suckle, the things I feel...I cannot describe in words, softly I speak to Rain. "Hey sweetheart.... daddy and I are so beyond happy you are here. Our little princess...our little jellybean. The best things in life are worth waiting for. I've wanted you my little bean for so long.... was so sad, but daddy loved me thru it. He's always been by my side and saved my life more than once. I don't know where I'd be without him, and I know I'll never find out and now he's given me you."

Rain is at last full and carefully I burp her and settle her back in my arms, Nikki is at this point on the bed with his arms wrapped around us.

"Nikki? Would you like to hold her?" Rain makes cooing noises; seems she loves that idea.

"I would LOVE too blue-eyes." Nikki states softly, eyes shining brilliantly.

A/N: Rain Iris Sixx is officially here!! Next will be part two and Nikki bonding with his and Steven's daughter. Stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now