Chapter 39: This is A dream Come True (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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The last thing I remember is I think I was going to shower maybe? And I was vaguely aware maybe of my husband helping me, things are fuzzy.... all I knew and know is I'd been SO ill, worrying my husband. Which brings us to slowly waking up I guess, and someone starts...


I know that voice! Nikki.... it's my husband Nikki.... i slowly keep opening my eyes and blink at the light.... the hospital?!

"W-Why...why am I here?!" I immediately burst into tears before I can stop myself, my husband though knows just what to do as he takes me in his arms, gently. Gently running a hand up and down my back.

"Shh.... blue eyes...I don't want you to hurt yourself.... I've got you...I've got you." Nikki whispers, pulling back enough to gently kiss me. "You've been out for a scared me; I can't lie...but.... i have something WONDERFUL to tell you...about why you've been acting strange and feeling so bad, which by the way has killed me. "I hear the wonder in his voice, the pure adoration...the love and finally I anticipation building....and it clicks...

"Do y-you mean? — "I trail off, sniffling.... Nikki's answering smile puts the sun to shame as without words, he guides my hands to my stomach, his own covering mine. And I KNOW. "I-I'm p-pregnant?"

"You ARE...Steven...we're gonna be parents! You...I mean...THANK YOU. You are more beautiful, everyday...I only love you more." Nikki is crying and so am we feel my already small swollen belly...WOW. THIS IS amazing!

"Yeah...parents Nik! It's...our dreams...our dreams are coming true!" I gush, laughing and crying at the same time. "Already taking after daddy...I'm already showing some...gonna be tall." My tone amused and fond.

"I KNEW you would say that!" Nikki exclaims, our hands have yet to leave my little swollen stomach, housing our child. "They would check on the baby here soon, like an ultra-sound...if I had to hazard a guess, now that I think about it...I believe you are two months maybe along."

I feel my eyes widen, "I think you are right!" I mean to say more...but I am really feeling sick again...which now I know is morning sickness...., "n-Nikki...sick..." I am a volcano about to blow, as I am handed something to get sick in by my husband, as I heave....and heave and then after a few minutes, stop feeling spent. My beloved husband helps me clean my mouth out and then despite my protests, has me eat something light and gives me tea to helps some. About that time, the nurse comes in and tells me it's time to check on our baby.... wow! I smile at Nikki despite my exhaustion, who although his eyes are concerned...are soft and he smiles back and as we enter an exam room for an ultra-sound, the nurse explains some things, chiefly that the gel being used is cold and my husband reverently reveals my stomach, just to where it shows...and my eyes are wide.... It's the most beautiful sight I have ever seen! And it's about to get even better, I feel Nikki press a kiss to my temple, gently squeezing my hand as we get started, I shiver a bit from the cold gel...

"Well now...everything appears to be right on target...good length, would you like to see?" Nikki and I nod eagerly, and sure enough...the tiny outline of a baby...our baby can be seen.

"Nikki! It's. It's our baby!" I gush.

" baby!" Nikki is excited and emotional both, and it appears it's about to get even better as we're asked if we wanna hear the heartbeat...and next thing we know, a loud whooshing sound fills the room...the most beautiful music if you will I have ever heard. Before I blink it seems, we are back in my room, armed with a stack of ultra-sound photos and I find I can't quit touching my little swollen stomach...housing...our daughter...I KNOW...I KNOW.

"Nik...oh.... we got to see our baby...our little girl...I feel we are right! And even if fucking happy!"

"Oh, I know babe me too! And I agree...our little princess! But as you say still fucking stoked either way...but definitely our princess inside you...our little rock 'n' roll princess!" Nikki kisses me and then kisses my stomach...and his irises are such an iridescent green. "Oh! Just remembered! If you are wondering while you were out...I called the family, I told them...they are so happy for us prepared...they are soon and likely will bring baby stuff and knowing them stuff for us." Nikki sounds highly amused, and I can't blame him and too I hear the fondness in his voice.

"I look forward to that! For now...I just wanna cuddle as a Me and our baby." Nikki is sitting on the bed with me, me wrapped in his of my favorite places to be by the way and our hands come to join over my little swollen belly. I doze off I think, next thing I know I start slightly when I hear knocks at the door, and Nikki who still has me in his hold calls out---

"Come in!" Before he turns to look at me. "You've been out for a while again, needed the sleep." Nikki explains, his expression amused. "See? I told you."

"You did tell me." I smile, still sleepy as the door opens and everyone files in: Mick & Ozzy with Liza, Vince and Zak and Allen bringing up the rear. Sure, enough as my husband uncannily predicted they are laden with all kinds of bags and teddy bears, and I don't know what else. Ozzy carefully helps his pregnant husband, into a chair.... fussing over him, making sure he's ok.

"I'm fine prince of darkness." Mick tells him, as Ozzy kisses him and rubs his baby bump, the looks they are giving each other, get me misty...hey it may be my hormones at work, but it's such a sweet scene too. Liza is as adorable as always, giving her mother's stomach kisses and then she makes us all laugh with the following, her look very triumphant:

"See? I tolded Ebby-body...Mommy and Aunt Stevie have babies!!"

"You're very uncanny Liza!" I laugh, before adding softly. "You will be a wonderful big sister and cousin, you're an amazing little girl...because you have amazing parents." My husband gives me that look he always does, like only he can...and he soothes me as I burst into tears, Mick following suit and finally after a few minutes both pregnant spouses one of which is obviously me are calmed.

"Congratulations you guys! Nikki was really worried about you Steven, how ill you've been and all...but man I have never heard someone so happy, and proud to be a father." Vince sniffles, leaning against Zak, who squeezes him gently.

"Stevens really rocked my world...changed my world for the better...changed EVERYTHING. I DON'T KNOW what I would do without him. I'm a father...I'm a father, never thought I'd say that or want that...but now, I can't imagine my life any other way. "Nikki chokes up, I gently kiss him and burrow into him, his hands still resting on my stomach.

"I'd say that he's changed everyone's lives for the better." Zak states matter of factly, "Now...this is an unofficial.... baby shower if you will...." Zak trails off, sassy like Vince...making my husband and I try to hide our snickers. Not very well I may add, but before long Nikki and I receive gifts: The teddy bears, other stuffed animals, baby sized bedding, diapers, and so many other things it would take forever to list and knowing the guys, they will throw an official baby shower at some point, so this is merely a starting point if you will...and its one of my greatest dreams, here with my family.

My husband and I also get things for us, like for me my favorite comfy shorts, sweatshirts, and -t shirts and Nikki, gets similar things as well. Everyone stays for a while and I end up getting sleepy, so everyone heads home as I drift off.... I wake up hours later, to find it is dark and very husband is asleep in a cot, next to my bed as close as he can get to me. Nearby where I can grab it is water, ice, and shit! Sure, enough my nausea kicks in and I feel the urge...I really am trying to hold it back, so Nikki can sleep...but I barely manage to grab the bowl for me to get sick in as I heave, which alerts my husband who I am vaguely aware of him carefully holding my hair back....after a few minutes I stop, my husband helps me rinse my mouth out, gives me ice water to drink and joins me in bed as I sob...

" Much!! I didn't wanna wake you!!"

"I know baby...I know it hurts....and Steven if you need me, I don't care if I lose sleep, you need me I am there. This morning sickness won't last forever, I promise. Never forget how much I love you and our little jellybean." Nikki's green irises sparkle, how lucky am I to be married to such an amazing and loving person?

"Jellybean?" I think to question. Nikki blushes....

"I think it's an adorable Nick name for our baby."

"It's fucking adorable babe!" I quip but add softly with yawn." I love it.... our jellybean and I we love you, Nikki."

"Well, I love you both too, so much! Now sleep. I've got you Steven and our Little Jellybean." I feel my self-drifting off once more to the sound of my husband's heart, as I feel him kiss me and then my little belly and I fall into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: Steven's reaction to finding out he's pregnant, Nikki taking care of him, humor, heart and family.... next chapter, Steven will be home where Nikki will take care of him and their little jellybean, their baby...and I totally had to give the baby an adorable nick name. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now