Chapter 71: Carnival of Sins Tour (Nikki Sixx POV)

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It's Summer 2003 and of course that means touring time naturally. The past few months have involved being busy with rehearsals, planning out the band's stage show.... but the best thing of all? Steven, my Steven, and our beloved children who were and are growing up way too fast on us. I mean 12, 10 and going on 8.... Rain, Frankie and Drew respectively and the kids of course are of course going on tour with us, given that as I said its summer and they don't have school. In fact, Vince's kids, and Mick's youngest are also with us.

The tour in question by the way is the 'Carnival of Sins' Tour, a celebration of decadence, of Mӧtley.... I'd say debauchery but the ONLY debauchery takes place off stage with my husband, and of course Mick and Vince with their spouses. Mick had quipped, "It's more like the Carnival of Nannies tour." He'd said this fondly in reference to us traveling with babysitters which just so happen to also be family members, we wouldn't trust anyone else with our kids.

We are a month in by this point, make that 2.... tour started end of May and now it's towards the end of July.... Little did we know.... funnily enough or not so funny, that when Steven and I had private time if you will...around this time...we conceived our triplets, and just like the second leg of the Dr. Feelgood tour, we'd realize Steven was the end of the tour or rather by the tour's end. However, we could not have anticipated just exactly HOW we'd find out or rather WHEN if you will.... all I can tell you now, is it terrified me when it happened....

Currently, we are getting ready to go on stage.... Steven and I are alone for now...naturally sharing a dressing room of course.... Rain is with Robbie, those two are attached at the hip, Frankie is likely also with them, and so is Drew. The kids always like to make their rounds with Mick and Vince.

Steven is in the middle of applying eye liner, and I can't help but stare....

"I can feel you staring Nikki." He remarks without missing a beat or poking himself in the eye as he finishes and sets down the eyeliner and then turns to stare at me.

"Can you BLAME me for staring?" I counter, sauntering my way over practically and before he can blink I have him sitting in my lap. I can't help myself and claim my husband's sweet lips with a groan and with herculean effort we both manage to stop ourselves, because we both know the kids will be in here any minute.

"Babe? You're gonna must re-do your stage make-up.... the bottom half." Steven is very much amused.

I huff, "Fucking worth it."

"Did I mention how much I LOVE your facial hair..." Steven purrs.

"Babe...." I groan warningly I lean into whisper, "LATER." THIS is the night in fact, the kids had a separate room, as we had a suite, but it was linked to ours and we checked on them often...but the point is...this is the night, Steven would conceive our triplets.

"I love you Nik."

"I love you too." I whisper, resting my forehead against Steven's before reluctantly, re-doing my stage make up on the bottom part of my face and soon I rejoin my husband and about the time I do, Rain, Frankie, and Drew barge in. And oh, the way Steven's eyes light up...that clear sky blue I love so well! I know my eyes are doing the same.

"Did you 3 have a good visit with everyone?" Steven asks.

"Uh huh Momma...Robbie kissed Rain!" Drew blurts out, Rain blushes.

I raise an eyebrow at my eldest, "Really? Did you tell him 'That's not how you kiss'." She's young...too young...only 12, my little girl. But her kissing is tame in comparison to the shit I did at her age and went thru and compared to what Steven went thru.

"Daddy I was like little!" She protests.

"Always be our little jellybean." Softly, "Now.... you three owe your mother and I hugs!" Soon Steven and I are tackled by our children, and there is so much laughter and love, that it brings tears to my eyes, I catch Steven's gaze...he is in much the same way as me.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now