Chapter 86: A beautiful Rain (Rain Iris Mars-Osbourne former Adler-Sixx)

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My Wedding Day, March 11-2011 I can NEVER forget it was magical, other words it was PERFECT. I'd just turned 20 the previous month.... Dad and Mom insisted on throwing a birthday party, though Vince I know had a hand in it. My Aunt Vince, I will tell you made sure there was at least SOME pink. There were whispers of course, especially given just who Robby and I have for parents and that we were too young. To Quote Dad, "Ignore those stupid fuckers.... I did shit at your age that should have seen me dead.... but seriously, you and Robby are made for each other. He makes you Happy Rain, that's what matters to your mother and me. We love little jellybean is all grown up." Dad of course cried after saying that, so did Mom when he found out. I grew up, raised by parents that loved me, supported me, guided me, and taught me so much about acceptance, finding your voice and love and that i am stronger than i realized.

It's because of my parents and family too of course, that I was inspired to do what I love with the ones I love, and Robby has loved me as mom said since we were in diapers. Robby and I decided to honor my parents wedding, married in the same location and the reception was to be held in a place dear to my In Laws: Ozzy and Mick...both were stunning locations and, in any case, the morning of my wedding, I was a bundle of nerves, and it was more than just jitters......Mom of course knew what It really was....

I am wrapped up in a robe, surrounded by my 'Rain Clouds', as Aunt Vince calls us in regard to my sisters: Frankie, Stormy, and Ruby and brothers are with Dad and Robby. God, do I miss Robby...Mom is meanwhile, fixing my hair and make-up, he insisted. My mother-in-law, soon to be Mick, is also here. I feel nauseous....and suddenly my vision.... I lose focus trying desperately to breathe.

"Rain! Rain.... oh jellybean. Its will be." Mom stops what he's doing, and when my vision clears, I find myself downing peppermint tea. "Good.... you have more color in your face now." Mom's look is knowing as he wraps his arms around me, hugging me. His tone knowing....

"Mom? I must tell you something.... I just found out." Everyone is concerned for me and eager for me to say, "I'm.... pregnant."

"Oh Jellybean, I'm gonna be a Nona.... I had that feeling. Your father will shout it from the rooftops." Mom wipes the tears from his eyes.

"Steven, I will be the one shouting from the rooftops." Mick deadpans but is unable to fight the smile that crosses his face. "See? I told Nikki we'd be in laws one day." He then turns to me, "I'm proud to have you as a daughter in law...that you are family and giving Ozzy and I our first grandchild."

"Well said Mick.... Now Rain, do you feel ok enough to continue?"

"Mom, I'll be fine I promise." Mom's eyes hold concern, but they glow as he resumes fixing my hair and moving on to my make-up.... mimicking a starry sky and making my eyes pop... and my dress, my dress which looks like I am made of stars, fading from white to a Dark blue and sparkling and before I realize it, I find myself in full regalia.

"You look BEAUTIFUL." Frankie whispers.

"Sissy pretty!" Both Stormy and Ruby chorus.

"Oh sweet Rain...." Mom struggles to hold back tears. "I can't believe this day is here, remember to believe in yourself always, always, in your love....and listen to your heart. I KNOW you will be an amazing wife and mother."

"It's because of YOU." I whisper.

Before Mom can say anything else, knocks sound at the door and Dad's voice calls out---

"Can I come in?"

"Yes Nikki.... just wait till you see her." Mom smiles softly as the door opens and Dad steps in and his eyes light up seeing Mom as they greet one another, kissing and Dad's jaw drops seeing me as he hugs me carefully.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now