Chapter 43: The Sweetest Things (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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I find myself waking up with a start and start to panic when I realize the fact my husband isn't in bed.... but the sudden urge to piss wins out and I carefully sprint practically out of bed and manage to make in time, relieving myself in exactly and then wash my hands, and I notice my face is wet. When did I start crying? I hate mood swings....

"Nikki...where are you?" I whisper, upset as I shakily sit down on my side of the bed and notice suddenly a piece of paper with the handwriting, I know so well...I pick it up and read it....

Dearest Blue-Eyes (Steven),

I am SO sorry if I've upset you at all not being here when you woke, and I imagine I've made you cry. That makes ME cry...but I am downstairs fixing you breakfast, and I have a surprise for you. I'll tell you when I come back upstairs to our room.

Your beloved Husband,


P.S. Know that you only must call my name....and I will come running.

If I was crying before, I am full on sobbing now....all this stress isn't good for me or the little jellybean, breathing in and out deeply...slowly, with my hands on my rounded stomach....i eventually calm down and about the time I do....i hear a guilty sounding Nikki in the door way of our bedroom and for some reason, I feel embarrassed at my mood swings....and refuse to look at him.

"Steven?! Oh shit...babe...I am SO sorry I made you cry!" I hear something being sat down on the side table, and I feel the mattress dip as my husband sits beside me and I feel those warm, bass roughened hands gently tilt my face up.

"I-I.... panicked.... you weren't here.... and...and I read your note.... I...I... hate...I freak when you aren't with me...I feel embarrassed at these mood swings!" I just feel dejected looking down again, crying once more.

"Look at me...please." Gently and firmly my husband asks, and I do so. "Mood swings or no... you never have to FEEL or BE embarrassed about your moods EVER. You never have to apologize to me for anything and to tell the truth...I do the same thing, when I wake up and you aren't there, but then I immediately calm...because you are HERE." My husband takes one my hands and places it on his chest and his goes to mine. "Just as I am HERE and...." With his other free hand on my swollen stomach. "And here it is our child lays... a part of me and a part of you is in there.... together we created something extraordinary...something beautiful. I love you and I love jellybean." Nikki is in tears. My husband...I mean how fucking lucky am I?

"We love you too." I whisper, deeply moved by my husband's love and his words as we kiss and I finally eat breakfast and afterwards, my husband helps me in the shower and we talk..., "So.... what's this surprise you mentioned?"

"Well babe, I made some phone, later The Osbourne-Mars clan is coming, and I called Zak and Vince.... they sadly aren't coming since they were leaving to visit Zak's parents, but they sent their love...and we have another Liza prediction." I hear the smile in my husband's voice as he helps me rinse my mane of hair out.

"I am SO Happy they are coming! And it sucks Vin and Zak are visiting, but I wish them well.... Mick feeling, ok?" I think to ask. Nikki, it seems is finished with my hair and turns around to face me, and his expression soothes me at once.

"Yeah, he's doing ok...Mick is much more energetic when he's pregnant...well he was with Liza. So, he's good until labor...then Ozzy may well be a dead man!" Nikki cackles at the last line. I follow suit.

"Oh yeah! Maybe Oz will make good on his threat to bite Ozzy's head off this time"

Nikki snickers, "You should have been there! I had to hold Mick back from lunging at Ozzy!" Nikki then gets serious, "Mick of course was in pain.... Oz knew and took it in stride...and Mick clung to Ozzy afterwards."

"I worry about that...the pain.... it's scary." I whisper.

"I hate the thought of you being in ANY pain...babe...but remember you are stronger than you know. It's one of the many things I love about you." Nikki murmurs in the same tone. He somewhere in this gets cleaned himself, and then soon enough I am dressed, and hair dried, and my husband does the same...but he lets me brush his gorgeous gravity defying mane...something so intimate and I loved every moment. I am helped downstairs, I wanted to practice for a while and practice I do, my husband joining me...and before I realize it, once again I am waking up, Nikki is beside me...smiling.

"What time is it?"

"It's time to start fixing dinner, but I didn't have the heart to wake you." He says, hands of course drifting to my swollen belly, caressing it.

"Mm... Ok....but...i demand to help you...don't argue won't win and.... before I get up, I need my kisses and so does our jellybean." Softly. I feel my shirt lifted, and delicate kisses are placed all over the warm and rounded flesh, making me giggle as I run my fingers thru my husband's hair, and when he's done, I feel my face peppered in kisses before those lips I love so well cover my own. Nikki never fails to make me feel anything less than cherished. Soon after we wind up in the kitchen starting on dinner and the doorbell rings before I realize, and my brain supplies that Oz has a spare key and soon they gather at the kitchen table but not before hugs are exchanged. Which made Mick and I both cry.

Nikki insists on me sitting down, first making sure I am comfortable before finishing dinner and all. Meanwhile, we all talk with one another.

Liza fairly bursting with excitement, "Mommy...daddy can I please tell?"

My curiosity is peaked...though I have a feeling....

"Let your mother tell." Ozzy reminds his daughter. Liza huffs but, relents.

"We must tell you guys...we went and found out because I couldn't take it anymore. The baby's gender." Mick is very animated.

"Well?" Nikki asks, pausing in what he's doing for a moment.

"It's a boy!" Mick practically squeals, Ozzy looks upon his husband fondly.

"Already picked out a name...Liza here helped." Ozzy says.

"I sure did! I said name after Daddy and Robert Ozzy Osbourne!" Liza breathes out excitedly. There are many cheers and much celebration and soon we all dig in and talk in between eating.

"Congratulations to you both on a son! I bet he will be as adorable as his big sister!" I sigh happy for my family, I feel my husband gently squeeze my free hand, smiling at me making me melt.

"That right Unka Nikki!" Liza says sassily.

"Steven is so excited for our am I....I...I mean look at us....Mick, you and i....never thought we'd find love, or be worth loving and now look, both of us married to our other halves, children...things we once thought we never wanted...but turns out it's everything we need and Steven...Steven brought us all closer together...really made us into a family." Nikki's voice is husky from tears, and I too am is Mick.

"Very well said Sixx. I could not agree more." Mick sniffles.

"Steven?" Nikki whispers.

"Y-Yeah babe?"

"Thank you...for well everything. My life, my world...has grown so much because of you. You opened my eyes and helped me to see that life is beautiful. I love you." He whispers, as we come together in a kiss and the world around us disappears.

Fun fact: When Nikki and I together founded Sixx AM, this night would in part come to inspire the song we'd write together....

A/N: A Gender and name reveal of Mick and Ozzy's 2nd child, family moments, taste of things to come and love and romance. Stay tuned for more!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now