Chapter 55: Welcome to the Trans-Siberian Show! (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Months have passed since I officially formed the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, months full of rehearsals, recording two Album's and their releases to be stagnated, The Christmas Album released first in time for the holiday's and the other one to be released early next year. But I digress, Nikki was my biggest cheer leader if you will. My husband taking care of Rain while I worked, which it killed me to leave her. But one thing, my family came first...make no mistake. Still, Nikki dropped in on recording sessions, so did our extended family. One of my favorite moments was playing a song for my husband and daughter, for the first time.

Nikki had tears in his eyes, the last strains of our Version of 'Carol of the Bells' fading, him clinging to me, Rain in between us.

"That.... was, the most beautiful powerful song I've EVER heard Steven. You my love, as I found out four years ago, I knew it then and I know it now more than ever you will change the world forever and always." Nikki's tone was reverent, proud...loving. We'd kissed and Rain got her kissy, us basking together in our love and in our dreams.

"Mommy be wegend!" Rain had exclaimed very matter of factly.

"Mommy IS a legend; he's our legend and we get to share his talents with the world Jellybean." Nikki gently reminded her, as she leapt from his arms into mine curling up against me, Nikki with his arms around us....

Ah, some more things before I get to the main event. Zak and Vince's daughter has turned one, one! My daughter continues to grow as does Ozzy and Mick's children.... life is truly beautiful!

Now for the main event:

It's November 20, days before Thanksgiving and the Trans-Siberian Orchestra is playing their first show, I am nervous...I've talked with Orchestra members but I find myself missing my husband and my daughter...I'd checked out the stage earlier, my jaw dropped and heart stopping for a moment at seeing my vision come to life...but almost as if on cue, Nikki enters the dressing room with Rain, stopping short at the sight of me.

"You look.... BEAUTIFUL Steven. Very snazzy tux, Rock'n' Roll Chic."

"Mommy pweety!" Rain chimes in.

I chuckled for they've made my nerves go away.... Nikki greets me with a kiss, Rain getting in some butterfly kisses as well.

"I could tell you were nervous, looked like it when we came in. are you feeling now blue eyes?" Nikki is made for me, I knew...and he knew, he knows me.

"I feel so much better with the two of you here....and everyone is here, yes?" I ask my husband.

"I am glad, Steven.... yes, everyone is here, we wouldn't miss this for the world! I know you will do as you always do and kill it, I'm proud of you." Nikki tells me getting a little choked up, and I am in much the same state. I spend some more time with my husband and daughter...before it's time.... it's weird, strange not to walk out on stage with Nikki, or Mick or Vince. But I do have Zak, who shoots me a thumbs up, smiling....

And I find my voice, doing the intro to the show...I am determined to give this my all....and so I do.... doing as I always do and pouring my heart and soul into the show, we start with our version of 'Carol of the Bells', I am high on adrenaline, the cheers.... the if I didn't know any better, awe from the crowd. It brings tears to my eyes, my vision a of my passions, my dreams brought to life and my living it.

More songs, including to quote Ozzy, 'A bloody rollicking' version of 'The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies', Ozzy said 'A Damned Bloody fucking good Version' of said song, well really, he said both. I can see my husband and my daughter watching in fascination as the show goes on, Nikki has tears in his eyes, so proud so happy and if I didn't know better falling more for me. It means everything to me.

It would come to pass, around 96-97, Mӧtley would reunite musically that is.... but the point is from this night, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra would tour twice a year, spring, and summer but this was after I went back to Mӧtley full time. Still, as the founder of the orchestra.... i would always sit in and join whenever I could. I started a trend as it turned out, and as my husband has said many times, I'd changed the world and music forever.

Before I realize it....we've reached the end of the night, the end of the show and we take final bows, Zak grinning ear to ear next to me, him blowing kisses to Vince and their daughter, I'd introduced orchestra members and FINALLY, I launch my self at Nikki him wrapping his arms around me, kissing me senseless with Rain in his arms, who I give butterfly kisses too, I feel on top of the world, truly I do.

"What did you think of the show Nikki?" I ask, though I believe I know what he thought by his reactions thru out..., this I ask heading back to my dressing room.

"It was SPECTACULAR, beautiful...epic. You my love were on fire, I've never seen anything like that, what you did tonight on stage.... you're a legend babe, of course you've always been a legend to me, and the world knows it." Nikki's words touch me to my core and make me blush a bit too, of that I cannot lie.

"And what did YOU think Jellybean?" I hold my daughter in my arms.

"Me play?"

"You wanna play in a band someday Rain?" Nikki asks, eagerly.... i confess I hope she will or play an instrument, but truly Nikki and I will support whatever our daughter decides to do in her life.

"Uh-Huh!" She exclaims, with a little yawn.

"Let's get you to bed princess, get you home." I tell her, stroking her hair back gently.

"k, ma-ma." Rain is then out like a light, Nikki chuckles lowly. I quickly get changed into regular clothes and soon we head for home, my stopping to tell everyone how much I appreciated them making this night a huge success.

Upon arrival home, Nikki puts Rain to bed.... changing her, while I take a shower and change yet again, this time in sleep wear. I enter our bedroom, to find my husband waiting for me smiling.


"Hey yourself Nik." Softly, I get with in arms reach and Nikki pulls me into his lap, me straddling him as he holds me close and kisses me, softly at first and then more passionately.

"I love you blue-eyes."

"Love you too Nikki, so much." I say in the same soft tone, the moment is ruined by my stomach loudly growling, causing me to blush and my husband to laugh.

"Someone's hungry babe, why don't you relax, and I'll fix you something?" Nikki is amused.

"Quit smirking before I kiss that smirk off your lips....and are you sure? I can get my self-something...." Nikki cuts me off with a gentle finger to my lips.

"I'm gonna take care of you, and it's no trouble....and I believe someone i.e., YOU promised to kiss the smirk off my..." This time I cut him off as I fairly slam my lips against his, Nikki quickly taking over, not that I am complaining or EVER would.

"Wow..." I state dazedly.

"Always babe, I'll be back soon." Nikki gently strokes my cheek and heads downstairs to the kitchen, and I go check on Rain, who is still sleeping peacefully.

"Love you Jellybean." I whisper, tucking in her blanket a bit more before heading back to the bedroom, sitting up in bed and turning on the tv. Nikki returns with some of my famous Waldorf Chicken Salad, and we talk and trade kisses while I eat, what a perfect thing to do, spending time with the one I love.

It is not too long before, Guns...God, Fucking Guns...but anyway, its not too long from now...they take another dig at me, with the recording of "The Spaghetti Incident" all about their 'legal woes' with would turn out to not be such a big hit, karma would strike.

A/N: Steven's first show with his new group!! Sweet moments, humor and future guns news foreshadowed. Stay tuned for more!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now