Chapter 58: Our Little Pumpkin Pie (Nikki Sixx)

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The moment my beloved blue-eyes, my husband Steven told me he was pregnant.... i could NEVER forget that moment.... when he told me and together, we found out or realized he was pregnant with our second child.... it's like wow, baby Sixx no.2! I hated that he felt so bad on our daughter's birthday, because one I hate to see him feel bad period and two, because I knew how much he hated it. Rain understood, she was more worried about her mother than cake and presents. Our wedding Anniversary was spent, me just taking care of Steven and us having a little date night.... we've worked some on our book and stuff, but mostly just spending time together.

Which brings us to now, Feb.22 two days after mine and Steven's 3rd wedding Anniversary and Steven working thru a bout of morning sickness, as I hold his hair back and try to soothe him as he heaves and cries both.

"I know sucks ass, but it won't be forever I promise, and our little pumpkin pie will be a healthy and happy baby, because they have you as a mother."

Steven finally stops getting sick, as I help him rinse his mouth out and back into bed before he answers me, still I wipe away his tears.

"You know our pumpkin pie will have you as a father Nik.... they are a part of me and apart of you."

"Your right blue-eyes....and I love that so much. Now rest a little while, I'll bring you something to try and eat, and your appointment is this afternoon to check on the baby." I smooth back his hair and kiss him gently.

"I-I miss Rain!!" Steven wails, sobbing.... i take him in my arms and hold him tightly but not tight enough to hurt him or the baby.

"I know you do, I do much. Mick and Oz offered and gave us no choice, you know how they are, they wanted us to have a few days to ourselves."

Steven sniffles but manages to chuckle at what I said about Oz and Mick, "Both stubborn as fuck, but amazing family members!"

"They are." I chuckle in agreement before asking what he'd feel like trying to eat. "What do you feel like eating?"

"Um... some toast with jam, I think that peach jam is fresh...and maybe some eggs? And ooh hot sauce! Peppermint tea?"

"If that's what you and pumpkin pie want then that's what you'll get. Please try and rest for me babe, but if you need me call me...I will come running." I tell Steven before kissing him once more and telling him I love him before I fix him what he asked for, me marveling over Steven...him carrying our child once more, what he's done for me....and the fact that I don't suck ass at cooking like I once did, it's all thanks to my beloved blue-eyes....

I eat a little something, and before long I trek back upstairs to find my husband with his ever-present lyric book in hand, which he sets aside and the way his eyes light up upon seeing me...God, how fucking lucky am I?! Steven eats breakfast, still looking pale...but manages to keep it down but falls asleep after he eats. I make sure he's ok and to have something nearby in case he gets sick and check on Rain, who misses Steven and I...but otherwise is doing well and work at house hold stuff until it's time to help my husband to get ready for his appointment and my heart races when I re-enter the bedroom to find him gone...but my brain kicks in when I find him retching and race to the bathroom to hold his hair back with one hand and gently rub his back with another.

"God...babe, I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner! It'll be ok...I promise!"

Steven finishes puking and I help him to his feet and rinse his mouth out and at last he answers me, a gentle hand on my face. "Don't apologize Nik...and I know it will be ok because I have YOU by my side. Help me get dressed?"

"As if you have to ask babe and I love you blue-eyes." I pull him to me, just resting my forehead against his for a few moments, before helping him get dressed and myself too of course and we head for the appointment and my husband gets quiet and I know he's nervous and can't help it. "Steven? I know babe, you are nervous about everything.... our little pumpkin pie is already growing beautifully because of you."

"Thank're right. Just thank you for being here for me." Steven says quietly, small smile on his lips.

The appointment goes well, Steven and I both cry upon seeing the image of our second child...OUR daughter...our youngest...we both just know...but seeing that beautiful little outline...and the moment that really got me was hearing the heartbeat, that strong little heart.

"Steven.... god, how beautiful is that sound?! It never gets old...never will." I declare sniffling.

"I know! You are so right! And it's the most beautiful music in the universe!" Steven laughs and cries both, he is so fucking right by the way. The exam is soon at an end, Steven and I armed with a stack of ultra-sound photos, and we head for home....

Upon arrival, Steven declares he wants to rest on the couch downstairs...naturally propped up with plenty of pillows and his favorite blanket and without even asking I massage his feet, and he lets out a satisfied sigh.

"How're you feeling?" I ask after concerned.

"I feel a lot better....and I am really craving pumpkin pie!" Steven beams.

"Well lucky you...we have one in our fridge that is you want---"

"YES!!" Steven cuts me off excitedly. I just laugh as I fetch him the pumpkin pie, watching as he gives me a soft smile as he tears into the pie with gusto. Afterwards, he lets out a loud burp, his cheeks turning red. "Like damn this kid is making me make the worst noises!"

I laugh, "Guess that's really ultimately my fault!"

"Can I have cuddles?" Steven asks, hopefully...eyes bright.

"Hell yes, you and our baby will get cuddles." I answer, burrowing into Steven my hands coming to rest on his little rounded and beautiful belly housing our child. "That's our baby inside you...our little pumpkin pie." I state awed.

"I love that." Steven says in the same tone before adding. "Rain is SO excited to be a big sister!"

"She is...she loves her sibling so much already. How many kids did we want again?" My voice takes on a teasing note at the end.

Steven rolls his eyes playfully, "12." He quips before his tone turns tender and more serious. "AS many kids as I can give you. A big family." As it turns out, we would have Sixx children.... after our second child, our daughter Frankie, we would have our third child, a son....and then came the triplets.... but that is a story for later, let us say it was a huge shock but God, was I happy and am still.... i was and am so proud and amazed by my husband.

"I love that idea and I love YOU." I state almost fiercely gently stroking his belly, both of us peaceful...

Sadly, that peaceful feeling would not last long...and no, Steven and I didn't have any fights or was as always Guns ' N' Roses.... those fuckers and their album which would be released just before Trans-Siberian Orchestra's in March during the 3rd month of Steven's pregnancy. Their album would turn out to be for them a flop....and led to them doing a greatest hits album, much sooner than they would have liked...but the point is, the pain and heartache and the way they slandered my husband on that album over their legal battles with him.... I could have...I kills me to this day to think of. And too they took digs at me, though nowhere near as bad as what they did to Steven and that led again to more karma for them...

A/N: Sweet moments, humor, heart...and the inevitable calm before the Guns' storm. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now