Chapter 20: Dr. Feel Good Tour Rehearsals Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Making love with Steven was like NOTHING I'd ever experienced before and I'd experienced plenty prior to him, but they didn't count. None of them did because it was FUCKING, meaningless sex meant to get me off, even then it was never satisfying. But Steven? Words can't truly describe how amazing it was, he did everything right and then some. I was determined to show him how love was supposed to feel, how it SHOULD feel, and it was perfect! And I'd never cried after sex before but cry I did, as did Steven and I finally both of us had found completion, no love and perfection. I'd felt guilty the morning after, waking up before he did and seeing the bruises around his hips, from my hands...and thought I was too rough and that maybe I hurt him and was worried about triggering his past traumas, but my fiancée, God how amazing is that to say? MY fiancée as if he knew I was thinking about him, opened his eyes as if on cue, sleepy yes but concerned.

"Babe? Nikki? What's wrong? You look like you feel it about last night?" Steven reaches out to touch my face and I nuzzled into his palm.

I sigh before answering, "I feel bad that like maybe I hurt you...I mean you have bruises...I didn't...mean..." Steven cuts me off with a finger to my lips.

"Nikki, I know you didn't knowingly hurt me...and yeah, I have bruises so the fuck what? You weren't too rough; you weren't rough period and no you didn't trigger any of my past traumas if you were wondering. I fucking cherished every moment of last night with you...I will remember our lovemaking for the first time if I live to be 100." Steven's words bring tears to my eyes, which tenderly he wipes away before covering my lips with his own, I pull him closer to me and deepen our kiss...and that lead to us making love again, just as perfect to me as our first night....

Which brings us to now, the last of rehearsals, two weeks till the tour and the days that preceded what is now our last day have been nothing short of kicking ass and taking names, I mean I shit you not the band has NEVER sounded as good as we have since Steven joined....

I lock eyes with my fiancée who grins as he continues to pound away on drums, I notice we now have additional company : Liza, Ozzy and Zak are here too. Liza is mesmerized especially eyeing her mother, as he shreds away and the kid, God, I love her as her little hands throw up 'metal horns' proving just whose child she is...raised right I tell you!

We practice a little bit longer before finally; we declare ourselves done and all of us share a look that says 'we are Mӧtley Fucking Crϋe! We got this! We are ready!'

Liza seems to have realized that we're done and runs squealing to Mick, who barely manages to put his guitar in its stand in time to catch her.

"What'd you think my little rocker?" Mick tickles her, making her giggle.

"You kicked arse mommy!" Mick tries to hide his snickers at Liza using a swear word.

"Shouldn't use grown up words like that poppet! But you ARE right!" Ozzy grins broadly, Mick shakes his head at his husband before Ozzy greets him with a long kiss and Zak and Vince IMMEDIATELY do a rated "PG" version if you will of making out...and Steven, wait where is he?! He's not at his---Suddenly I feel those drum callused hands of my fiancée close around my eyes, Steven whispers in my ear...

"Guess who?"

"Hmm...could it be my Steven?" I pull his hands from over my eyes and pull him around to face me. "I forgive you for teasing me blue eyes...sides you are far too sexy and cute for me to stay mad at." I smile at him and God his smile back...I can never get over how he looks at me like only HE can.

"God how'd I get to be SO lucky? I mean every day; I am grateful to have met love you."

"I say the same thing, we are ready...2 wks. until the'd you feel about it? I can take a guess, but I wanna hear you say it." I vaguely note everyone else are now all having their own conversations before I turn back to Steven, him still in my hold.

"I am nervous...well I feel nervous...I mean my first head-lining tour with Mӧtley...but then I have never heard the band sound better than we do now, since I joined. I mean I always thought you guys were great, but something was off...but I think that when the first show comes, I'll be ok, more than ok."

"You babe will be STELLAR. And I was thinking something along the lines of what you just said earlier. And Steven? So damn proud of you: My amazing, talented, beautiful, sexy fiancée." My words make Steven tear up.

"I love you, Nikki!" We kiss once more and Steven asks, "So I was thinking we could---well I'd love to make dinner for everyone tonight like as a celebration, we have a shit-ton of food at the house. What do you think?"

"Steven, I think that would be wonderful! But you know they'll tell you not to go to so much trouble. Let's ask them ok blue-eyes?" Steven nods as we indeed ask everyone here/fill them on Steven wanting to make dinner for everyone and sure enough, they protest.

"Man, that's really cool of you...but you don't need to go to so much trouble!" Vince is the first to protest, he I know feels he would be taking advantage of Steven. Mick and Ozzy make similar protests.

"Nope, I'm doing it...everyone knows how much I love to cook and besides we need to celebrate!" Steven's excitement is catching, and he convinces everyone to come over to celebrate rehearsals being over.... Liza being among the most excited, to see her Aunt Stevie and me, her 'Unka' Nikki as she calls me.

Steven winds up deciding to cook one of his famous pasta dishes and everyone makes it to our house in record time, I wish I was as speedy as Steven in the kitchen...but I never tire of watching him buzz around, putting his heart and soul into the food the same way he does everything. Dessert is involved and of course I insist on helping him, washing dishes as we go...

Before long dinner is ready and all of us gather at our table to eat...

"Steven, you ever think of being a chef?" Zak asks my fiancée seriously.

"Well food is a passion of mine...I've got so many ideas! I think I'd love to write a cookbook someday and ha, ha it'd have to have an advisory sticker because on my recipe book as I tend to write down curse words in my recipes a lot! Like for commentary and all that, you should have fun while cooking, make it easy and why not laughs, and all that too?" Fun fact: Steven would in fact go on to write a cookbook among other books, but it would be a huge hit, "Heavy Metal Cookery" Being the title.

"I can totally see that babe!" I tell him and add on, "It would be a huge hit! I want you to follow all your passions and dreams blue eyes." My voice growing soft as I feel him squeeze my hands gently. Him eyeing me, with teary eyes.

"Aunt Stevie be chef!" Liza pipes up. "Thank you for all the food! I have fun! Motwey Cwue wocks!"

"Oi princess! What about daddy?" Ozzy is teasing her I can tell, and she rolls her eyes, and I see Mick, who is highly amused.

"Daddy you wock too!" She huffs. "I wisten to 'Bark at the moon' all the time!"

"Teasing you princess." Ozzy ruffles her hair affectionately. Dinner is soon finished including dessert and everyone stays for a while or until it's time for Liza to leave because it gets to be near her bedtime and then its Steven and I...who together wash the remaining dishes, which takes us a bit because he and I cannot keep our hands to ourselves but at long last we fall on our couch before I pull him in my lap.

"That was the most fun celebration for rehearsals I've ever been apart of and it's because of mean, you are the heart and soul of our are MY heart and soul, and I can't wait to marry you. When did you wanna get married?" I have some ideas about when we get married and sure enough Steven echoes my thoughts...

"I think February, after Valentine's next year."

"Sounds perfect...absolutely perfect." I whisper resting my forehead against his before we kiss.

With Steven, our band became a family unit for the first time in its history....and I and he did indeed wait until Feb. 1990 to get married, and that would also wind up leading to him becoming pregnant with our first child a little later on... Our first show together with Steven, God what a night that was! I remember every moment clearly as if it happened only moments ago even after all these years: when Steven became the legend, I always knew he was and would be.

A/N: More rehearsal news, family moments, surprises, foreshadowing and little of everything in this chapter. Had so much fun writing it! Next chapter will see Steven's first show and the start of the 'Dr. Feelgood' Tour. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now