Chapter 77: Sixx Ways to Fear (Nikki Sixx)

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Steven's pregnancy with the triplets was one of the most difficult and painful things to watch, to watch him suffer and to just watch him struggle period. As hard as it was on me then, I can't even fucking IMAGINE how my husband truly felt to ACTUALLY go thru what he went thru. All that said, he was always more worried about me, about the kids....and he NEVER failed to show me he loved me, he always insisted on taking care of me...of the kids, that was and is his way.... But that leads me into something that to this day.... fucking haunts, me, because it scared me and rocked me to my core.... but Steven needed me, and despite me being fucking petrified, I calmed his fears and was right by his side.... grab those tissues, you're gonna fucking need them....

Month Six now of Steven's pregnancy with our triplets, the nursery really did help cheer Steven up, but things have gotten better and not...Steven's struggling still, but he always smiles for me, for the kids, telling me we keep him going. He tries so hard to do stuff, that he's so used to doing...but he can't like physically to do them. Steven is currently resting on the couch in the living room, and we've passed the holidays, it now being January 2004.... Thanksgiving and Christmas, everyone came to us for Thanksgiving, since Steven was so very pregnant and he insisted on cooking on helping, and I gave in at least some and didn't let him be on his feet very long at all. Still the bigger his stomach got the harder it was for him to breathe, and then came my Birthday's and Christmas.... our kids had a good one, our family did but I could tell Steven was it was very bitter-sweet and the trauma...the trauma of the past, especially the twins Steven had lost really started to haunt him more and more....

Thank god the kids are still out of school and home...which brings us back around to the present, me in the Art Studio and the kids in the music studio jamming away...though I can tell they are channeling their emotions...and that emotion is worry....which is why I can't fucking concentrate right now on a painting I am doing of that custom Dodge Charger I'd bought Steven all those years ago....i just have this bad feeling and abruptly the music stops, jarring me out of my stupor as Frankie, Drew and Rain gather around me.

"What's wrong?" I kick myself mentally and sigh, "Your mother?"

"That and we felt like you needed us." Rain fingers her drumsticks in a nervous gesture, the drumsticks my beloved blue-eyes made for her, and I can feel the sting of tears. Next thing I know, I'm crying and all three of them are hugging me.

"I-It' watch your mother suffer...he should NEVER BE in pain...suffer, be sad...and given what he went thru with the twins that BASTARD forced on him and he lost....i mean....its haunting him more, he has a hard time breathing a lot....and...I don't wanna lose him and today....i just have a bad feeling." I stammer, feeling so helpless.

"Dad it will be will...." Suddenly this time we all startle, our heads jerking around at the sight of.... STEVEN?!! in the doorway, panting looking heart tears...the kids let me go and before I can blink, I am in front of my husband frantically checking him over, as I note he's clutching his stomach...fearfully. NO...NO...fucking no!!

"I. I...Nikki...hurts.... i was.... watching tv.... Guns on news.... concert.... upset...OWW!!" Steven cries. I place my hands on his stomach, the babies are very much frantic...

"Dad.... I called 911..." Drew sobs.... when the fuck he did that, I don't know.... but damn am I proud of my son for doing so!!

Steven starts to buckle....and my world crashes in as I catch him....and lay him on the ground, I hear shouts, running footsteps...I have Steven's head in my lap...murmuring to him.... hands on his stomach...

"Please...I can't lose this...I can't lose them.... lose you...please, please be ok!!" If I can get my hands on those bastards...., but right now...Steven, my husband is more important....

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now