Chapter 18: After- math & Wrath (Nikki Sixx)

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When I had let Steven leave for the grocery store I'd had a bad feeling....i told him to be careful, which I usually did whenever he went out by himself, and had at first figured it was because I am so protective of him...NO, it was because he was my other half, IS my other half...and so, when he was taking longer than I thought he should or would, I sick with worry was gonna head out and find him, about that time the phone rang and my heart fucking dropped to my feet. Steven was in the last place on earth I wanted him to be:  the hospital. But I was told he was injured and he asked for me....i broke the fucking sound barrier practically to get to the hospital, me all keyed up and frantically asked what room he was in, also given exactly what injuries he had...but nothing on earth could have prepared me for actually seeing him, a bruise on his chin, but a whole side of his face was swollen and bruised...a black killed KILLED ME.

I rushed to his side and broke down and he woke up....which brings us to now: Steven has just fallen asleep due to the pain meds and I have a visit to pay to 'certain' people, but I flag down a nurse and ask where the nearest phone is...I call Vince and Zak and ask them to come sit with Steven while I paid again 'certain' people a visit, I heard a lot of angry shouting...but I tell them too to let Mick and Ozzy know and once that's done I go to sit with Steven until they arrive and I talk to him, feeling somehow he'll hear me....

"Hey babe...sorry I stepped out...I rang Vince and Zak...there was a lot of yelling...they are pissed, and God am I pissed...not at you baby, never at you...but those fuckers." I practically snarl, before managing to soften my tone. "But I am getting them to come sit with you while I go take care of something...ya know, those fucking assholes that did this to you, that stood by and let this happened...I will do anything for you Steven, I am gonna do what you asked and 'go get them', I will make them regret this...regret everything they've done to hurt you. B-But...Steven..." Here I falter and start crying feeling myself shake. "I wish I'd have been there to protect you; it kills me that you got hurt...I...God, I love you." I whisper and whimper both gently kissing his hands and them murmuring to him until Vince and Zak show up, both looking solemn, and Vince starts seeing Steven....

"Damn...they...did a number on him. I am gonna kill that fucker!" Vince hisses.

"Get in line man." I huff, wiping away my tears.

"Go do what you need to do Nikki.... Does Steven know where you're going?" Zak states and asks slight edge to his voice that I know is not directed towards me.

"Yes...and really quick...dare I ask how Mick and Oz took it?" I note the expressions on their faces and that says it all to me. Carefully I stand, gently running a hand on the good side of my lover's face, "Steven...I'll be back as soon as I can. I need to do this for you blue eyes." I gently kiss his lips and he doesn't stir and soon I am gone and make my way to my anger building....

I manage to make it to the jail I know Axl Rose, Tommy, and the rest of them are still being held...and lucky for me, they can receive visitors, but I am told they'll be let go tomorrow...they don't deserve that, so I better make the most of today. Even the cops steer clear of me, I radiate 'pissed' energy...but too I can tell they know why...and then I see the five people I hate most in this world...all on the same block in separate cells and they look shocked and very unhappy to see me.

"Let me kick things off, shall I?" I glare at them all willing them to die by my gaze. "You all know why I am here? If I hear so much as a fucking peep out of any of will regret, it and THAT is the least of your worries." My tone coated in Venom. "You for far to long treated a fucking angel, bad-ass, talented as fuck musician and person as an outsider, a punching bag a attacked and or stood by today, Steven, who was minding his own business. You are ALL complete and total fucking morons if you couldn't or didn't see how amazing a person he is and that doesn't just come from the fact that I am his lover." Here my voice breaks slightly. "It comes because I SEE him, I always have even before I fell in love with him. Even when i was fucked up it didn't sit well with me how he was didn't sit well with me then and sure the hell doesn't NOW. HOW FUCKING DARE, YOU HURT HIM, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! NO ONE DESERVES THAT AND IF ANY OF YOU GO NEAR HIM, SO MUCH AS BREATHE IN HIS DIRECTION, THINK OF HIM, MUTTER UNDER YOUR BREATHS, TRASH TALK OR WHATEVER...YOU WILL REGRET IT!!!" I scream, lucky for me the cops do nothing to me...knowing I am in the right here defending Steven.

"You took my fucking royalty's man!" I level up a Mick Mars on Steroids type of glare at Tommy, who I swear literally looks like he is shitting himself.

"It was in your contract Tommy! You knew betrayed Mӧtley, you betrayed me, sold us out to not expect me to feel sorry for you. Steven has done nothing but try and be nice to a friend to you Tommy, to all of fuck off!" I shout. I turn to a surprisingly silent Axl; the others mirror his gaze...fear of my wrath...

"And you..." My voice shaking full of quiet menace. "You won't have to worry about Vince beating your ass, which you know full well he can...because I hurt him, mentally and physically...did unspeakable things to him...I won't allow you to come near him or hurt him again.... any of you. And let this Axl be a warning to not only you...but everyone, you fuck again with the man I love in any way, shape, or form...remember today as a warning...there will not be a next time. I promise you that!" and the thought occurs to me...

"Oh, and Tommy? Steven is not and has never been or will be my fact, YOU are the real whore here." I turn and walk away, ignoring his cries...ignoring all of them, I did what I felt I had to.... i take calming breaths and race back to my heart: Steven.

I arrive back at Steven's room to find him still asleep and Vince and Zak, look up as soon as I come in...

"I know that Look...." Vince starts. "You let them fucking have it didn't you? Tell me did they look like they literally shit themselves?" He smirks.

"You know I did...I'll give details later...and thanks for being here and sitting with Steven." I tell them, sitting down by Steven's side and gently holding one of his hands.

"We're family man. It's what we do." Vince states softly...Zak and Vince stay for awhile and talk, they even bring me something to eat, though I protested they didn't have to go to so much trouble...

Finally, Steven wakes up with a look in my eyes and he knows...he winces but smiles as best he can....

"You got em didn't you babe?"

"I sure did.... oh Steven...I..." I struggle to say feeling overwhelmed by emotion.

"Hey, hey...Its ok...I know...but Nikki, I am so damn proud of you. You did something for me today, I've never had anyone do've always been that way with me. But today, you defended me and then some and I have never loved you more Nikki Sixx. Never forget that." Steven is crying and so am I. "Can you...please cuddle me? I just want you to hold me...for us to hold each other."

"Oh, blue eyes...I'd love nothing more." I state softly, removing my socks and shoes...and so very carefully being mindful of his bruised ribs and other injuries, cuddle him in his hospital bed. There is no one I'd rather have by my side than Steven, no where I'd rather be than with him. How fucking lucky am I? To be with someone I love so completely, also getting to do what I love?

A/N: Aftermath, tender moments, and the wrath of Nikki Sixx. Next chapter, first of two parts of tour rehearsals, and some surprises...good ones for Steven from Nikki...and lots more!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now