Chapter 85 Saints of Los Angeles (Nikki Sixx)

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Guns had finally, fucking finally left me and especially Steven alone after the final confrontation and my words to them would come true, both Axl and Tommy wound up serving jail time and sure enough Tommy's mom for a time became their guardian. Steven's recovery was rough on him, he kept insisting on helping me with our youngest and our oldest...and sometimes he'd overdo it, but he wound up ok. We got through it, and I was right by his side for it all and at last hopefully those old wounds could heal or at least scar as my husband said, for he will always carry the trauma, just like me.

2008, 2008 spring....and we are amid filming a long overdue, music video for 'Saints of Los Angeles', James Michael is directing of mine and Steven's band: SIXX AM. I must stop and think of how fucking lucky I am really....20 years this year with the love of my life, my best lover, the mother of my children: Steven Adler-Sixx and to think for about 18 of those years we've been married. Our three oldest are now all teens and the triplets are about 3.... the most adorable children, ALL of them on the planet. So, sue me, I am partial...I have damn good reason to be. Maybe, Steven and I... i.e., will have private time later tonight...meanwhile, a break has just been called for, and you best believe everyone comes running.... Steven had insisted on cooking for everyone.

"Someone hasn't kissed me in forever..." I whine slightly to my husband.

Steven playfully rolls his eyes, "I kissed you five minutes ago."

"See? For—" I am cut off, by Steven's lips on mine....and quickly I take over, not that he is complaining judging by the pleased groans he's making. "Wow..." Dazed, after 20 years together, married for 18 of those years....and that's never changed, nor will it.

"Did I mention how Sexy you are?" Steven states and he and I hand in hand, walk to where his food is set up. Everyone headed the same way we are. "I swear you get better looking with age."

"It's a gift." I smirk.

"I know that tone....and that smirk...." Here Steven leans into whisper, "Later babe." This naturally sends heat straight to my loins, later indeed. He and I separate our hands long enough to load up on my husband's delicious food and are joined by DJ and James, flanked by Vince and Mick.... the kids are all doing their thing, the eldest triplets I share with Steven are with a babysitter.

"Damn, I've always wanted to try your Food Steven." DJ practically gushes.

"Um babe? You have we have his cookbooks." James shakes his head amused.

DJ huffs, "I meant TODAY."

"Steven you really didn't have to do all this man." Vince says, "But it really means a lot. And God, it seems like yesterday you joined us, made us a family. it's been 20 years, 20 kick ass years."

"For once, I agree with you." Mick deadpans, his eyes though sparkle.... he's fucking with Vince I can tell. "Now, move your asses so we can sit and eat." Vince flips him off. Finally, everyone has food and drinks, and we sit down, naturally the couples.... i.e., Steven and I, James and DJ are all sitting as close to one another as we can get. I love being so close to Steven.

"You're doing a great job James, seriously thank you." Steven says to James, DJ looks so proud at his husband.... It's exactly like how I look at Steven.

"Wow...thanks. It's like family.... a beautiful, chaotic, and yet cohesive unit." James really hit it on the money with that.

"That's because we are FABULOUS AS FUCK." Is Vince's response.

"I don't think I've ever heard us described that way." Steven cackles, before full blown laughter takes over, and when he laughs everyone does. Steven leans into whisper to me after a bite of food. "Isn't this amazing? Nikki, I am just so happy....and especially since I get to do what I love with YOU, biggest fan, my greatest strength." Steven's voice grows husky with the threat of tears, I feel them gather in my eyes.

"It is amazing.... It's all because of your blue eyes. You are my hero; you've always been my hero. I can't tell you how much I love you and our children." I whisper, Steven leaning over and gently kissing me, the world disappearing......

Everyone eats their fill, and we get back to it, thankfully we will be done.... except for editing. And time passes in a blur, and we all linger a bit and chat with one another. Steven and I have news about our oldest kids' band, of which Liza is the lead singer of. Mick is aware and his smile is knowing.

"Well, we wanted to wait.... but their band just got signed!" Excited shouts and congratulations sound. I am so fucking proud of my children and my niece.

"That's fucking awesome! They are all so talented, they have good genes." Steven and I practically vibrate with pride at that. We all talk a bit more before making our separate ways, and Steven and I head for home, the youngest kids are staying another day with the babysitters, aka Ozzy.

"We're headed for home sweet home...." Steven sings, voice still just as beautiful as the first time I heard it, "You know it's their dream to open for Mӧtley." Steven says about our kids' band: Generation Rock.

"I fully believe they will someday." I reply, squeezing his hand with one of my free ones. Generation Rock would in fact open for us and Kiss in 2012's: The Tour. This would be after of course our daughter Rain.... well use your imagination for now, but you can very well guess.

"I know i can't wait for it to happen." Steven sighs happily. "I can't wait to see what their future holds, same for Us and our children. All of them Nikki. I love them and you so much, love you all more and more every day." I feel the same my love, I feel the same...I have since that fateful January 14, 1988...that date seared forever in my mind.

Steven and I upon arriving home that day, since we had the house to ourselves, pretty much attacked one another as soon as we stepped in the door, barely restraining from unclothing one another.... We by some miracle made it up to our room and all I knew was if I had to FEEL him. We had to feel each other....

The next three years would be amazing, we had already...Steven and I our Radio Show on Sirius XM, we were Metal's ultimate power couple. Well so we've been called.... more shows, more photography. Steven did some work with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and the best things, NO the best milestones of all. Is the day Robby Mars-Osbourne is coming to Steven and I permission to marry our oldest daughter: Rain. Of course, as you know...Steven and I said yes, tears of joy from us both and I remember clearly telling Steven that day, "I can't believe that she's getting married, our little Jellybean all grown up...and when we get grandchildren, I was thinking...they, I would be HONORED if they called you Nona."

"Oh Nikki! I would love that. I know your Nona is proud of you and would gladly share that title with me." Steven had replied softly, both of us crying...lost in the joy of it all.

A/N: Some more time has passed, a Mӧtley gathering....and next chapter will be Rain's wedding and another time skip to 2011, March 2011. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now