Chapter 28: A Motley Thanksgiving 89' (Nikki Sixx)

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Peaceful, it's a peaceful November year to the day, that I realized that I was in love with my best friend, my now lover, my partner, my HEART...for it is Thanksgiving about mid-morning and I am wide awake, Steven still very much asleep. Just like a year ago, I feel my heart race, but THIS time it's a little bit different in heart is racing, just LOOKING at him or maybe it's not so different after all---

Since we've been home from the tour, Steven and I have done anything and everything, worked on projects for the band, planned our wedding and Steven has also been working on his cookbook. My favorite moments were the ones with Steven, and my family. Liza especially was thrilled; I can tell you now...I cannot wait for mine and Steven's dream of having a child: Our daughter come true—

Back to now—

Steven is currently clutching at his pillow, looking so peaceful.... beautiful, angelic. I want to do something special for him, maybe a late breakfast would be a good idea and I know just what to make---I gently, tuck a lock of his wild blond mane behind his ear, and gently kiss him...he doesn't wake, but it seems he KNOWS I am touching him for there is a trace of a smile on his lips.

"Love you." I whisper, carefully getting out of bed...Steven still sleeping away making my heart melt, as I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and find Steven's recipe book....thumbing thru I find his recipe for his pumpkin cinnamon rolls and I know that we have all the ingredients, so I gather everything together and get started, and before long the scent of Pumpkin, cinnamon and coffee fill the air, since I also decided to make coffee. Steven really has changed me, and I find like him, I love's all because of him, I am cleaning and washing dishes when suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around me, with hands that I'd know anywhere from the feel alone and I smile: Steven.

", smells good. You didn't have to do this!!"

I turn to where I am looking at him, "I just wanted to do something special for you Blue-eyes, I can't believe it's a year to the day, that I realized I was in love with you. In love with my best friend, the one who I am marrying. So, what better way to honor that day, this day...then making something special for someone special."

"That means a lot and hey it's a perfect way to celebrate one of our anniversaries!! Kiss me and then I'll help you with these dishes and we'll have some coffee and pumpkin rolls! I---" Steven goes to say more but I cut him off by kissing him until his lips are swollen, parting for breath not long after. It's a miracle really that dishes manage to get washed, but they do and soon Steven and I inhale our coffee and pumpkin rolls, its like Heaven on a plate and in a cup! And Steven and I chat at our kitchen table...

"Oh, I am excited Nikki for our family thanksgiving this time! I'm fixing a few desserts; oh, everyone will be there! Zak & Vince, Mick and Ozzy, Little Liza.... i can't believe that Ozzy insisted on going to so much trouble though!" My fiancée excitedly exclaims.

"That's Ozzy for you...seems like he'd be a crazy ass guy, he's done some crazy shit...but who here hasn't? but bottom line he's a good guy, good for Mick and their daughter and too we're family." Steven's eyes I swear fairly glow, there is a faint sheen of tears, but ones of joy....

We pass the time talking, drinking coffee and the like until Steven decides to start working on his desserts for our dinner, which is this evening...and I insist on helping him, and we both get lost in the joy of baking, the joy of being together...truly its magic.

All the desserts I helped Steven with are packed and ready to go and before either of us realize, it's time for us to get ready to go, Steven beaming with joy all the while....

When we arrive at Ozzy and Mick's place, both Steven and I have our hands full literally and thankfully, Ozzy answers the door....

"Damn, a lot of dessert there...not that I am complaining mind you...lemme help you with these." Ozzy grabs some desserts, lightening mine and Steven's load, as me and my fiancée follow Oz to the kitchen, where it seems everyone is and the greetings begin, but after everything is set down.

"Hey man, good to see you two!" Vince exclaims, but then quips, "Fashionably late as always Nikki."

I roll my eyes but fire back with, "Admit that you were actually here early so you could taste and sneak food beforehand!"

Zak Snickers, "He did."

Vince huffs and whines, "But baaaabeee...damn it...I can't even be mad at you!"

"How about a kiss to make things better?" Zak purrs, before kissing his husband and silencing any possible further attempts for Vince to say something.

Mick greets us looking amused at Zak and Vince, "Those two...just as bad as the rest of us. You guys look good, make it all right?"

"Yeah, we did Mick...I made a lot of dessert! Nikki helped...I've been so excited for this!" Steven is breathless, eyes sparkling, and I wrap my arms around him from behind.

Mick laughs, "Us too! And someone else has especially been excited..." Mick gestures to our little niece Liza, who is barely restraining herself from tackling Steven and i.

"Well, I am sure some little girl has given hugs to everyone here...except us..." Steven mocks a pout, and I unwrap myself from him because I know what's coming...Liza throws herself at Steven first, Steven who doesn't miss a beat and picks her up laughing, drawing everyone's attention...especially mine, I cant wait for our dreams of starting a family of our own to come true! It would indeed come to fruition next year, a new year...a new decade...

"See? Aunt Stevie, I give hug...big hug!" Liza wraps her little arms around Steven's neck.

"Hmm, I do give the best little hugs! Did your mommy tell you—" Liza interrupts gleefully.

"OOOH yes, Mommy told me...I be flower-ring girl! Mommy and daddy were right!"

"Hey what about Unka Nikki? "Steven grins at me...And Liza immediately leaps from Steven's arms into mine.

"Hey Unka Nikki, happy tanks giving! Aunt Stevie make you happy...I be bestest flower-ring girl eva!"

"I know you will be Liza." I ruffle her hair affectionately. Soon after everyone gathers at the dinning room table, a veritable buffet of food laid out and we all go to town eating. This, our I look around at everyone, I think of how much things have changed since last year and all because of that fateful meeting with Steven in rehab and chiefly Steven himself, he I fully believe is the reason all of us are closer with one another, truly the heart and soul of our family, and MY heart and MY soul. I swear I fall for him even more with every passing moment.

Somehow, despite all the food we consume we attack Steven's treasure trove of desserts and there is not a single crumb left after I can tell you that...and then an impromptu belching contest, Liza included in the mix takes place and she surprises us all for SHE has the loudest burp, Ozzy beams with pride at his daughter—

"Oi! I taught her that!" All of us have a good laugh at that, Steven holding on to me for support.

"Oz you also taught her to swear." Mick smirks widely at his husband but then says, "So have I to be honest. I don't always watch my language."

"Darling.... How I love you! All it took to get to where we are now...has been more than worth it. Mick, to me you've had my heart from the've always and will always be my, Queen." Ozzy states seriously, bringing tears to Mick's they then kiss one another.

"Nikki..." Steven whispers to me.

"Yes babe?"

"Love you...this has been one of the best family gatherings of my life! "Steven gets misty and gently I reach out and caress his face, we are in our own little world...everything fades but US.

"I'd say I fucking agree with you babe...and really its all because of brought us all closer together, not just as a band, but family...healed the fractures, made us whole. I fall more in love with you every passing moment."

"Oh...Nikki...babe...I...I don't know where I'd be with out you and I'll never have to find out." Steven's voice is husky and then I seal his lips with my own and I am lost in the best of ways....

A/N: A family thanksgiving, Motley Style! Next chapter will be Nikki's 31st birthday and band meetings for the second leg of their tour and just a few chapters until their wedding! Stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now