Chapter 51: Milestones and Family Growth (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Where should I begin on the milestones I, my family and extended family reached in 1991? I suppose the first ones: the birth of my daughter Rain Iris Sixx on Feb. 14, 1991, and then a day or so later finding out that our family was growing in the form of a long-awaited baby for Vince and Zak Wylde. Vince at the time was 6 weeks pregnant, or there abouts. Then in March of that year Nikki and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary, a year of was...huge and sacred to both of us. We spent a romantic day & night together, dinner which was candlelight and a romantic night of passion....and the guys had all sent gifts for our anniversary. And then Vince was two months pregnant at that point...and Nikki and I, and the guys decided to write a new song to go on a greatest hits album 'Decade of Decadence' called 'Primal Scream' and to film a video for said song and re-record Mӧtley's biggest hits, as well as remaster them. But we waited until Vince's 3rd month of pregnancy to start recording, since his morning sickness was 'such a motherfucker' and boy could I feel that.

Little Robby Mars-Osbourne was growing, my daughter was growing.... time just passed by in a blur and I even talked with my husband about this dream I had, a band combined with an orchestra, where Rock meets Classical....

My daughter Rain is 3 months old now....3 months and we are back at work, recording and working on a greatest hits album.... god, it killed Nikki and I to leave Rain with Ozzy who was good with kids, surprising those that don't know him, and too Nikki and I know he can handle the chaos. Robby is with them too of course and he is it only a few months older than my daughter? It's like Damn....

Currently, we are in the middle of working on Vocals for 'Primal Scream' and we'd already run thru instrumentals on the other songs going on the album etc..... Vince is doing really well, but we are all making sure he takes it easy as he can. Finally, it seems we're finished or more like a break is called for...and Vince sits down/sprawls out on the couch with a grateful sigh as the rest of us find seats

"Damn...I didn't realize I was so tired till I stopped."

"I feel ya there." Mick and I both say at the same time which prompts laughter. Vince rubs his little baby bump fondly, though.

"I think we should call it a day, get back to our families.... we've got 'Primal Scream' done basically and the other songs are fairly set. We've done enough today." Nikki says with his arms wrapped around me, as I am sitting in his lap leaning back against him. As for the work on the album my husband mentioned.... it's just like recording 'Dr. Feelgood' in that we've been at this for a week or 2, so super productive just like those sessions for that album.

"Man.... I ain't gonna fucking argue." Vince sighs, before carefully sitting up. "I would like to chat a wee bit, if that's ok?"

"Until the other spouses and kids arrive? Sure." I grin before adding concerned, "Sure you ok man?" I feel Nikki gently squeeze me.

"I-I.... I'm FINE!" Vince burst into tears...snapping at me, at everyone. Oh, the joys of mood swings! But before anyone, can say anything Vince apologizes, "S-Steven.... s sorry."

"Don't apologize, man I've been there.... Mick and I both have." I tell him gently.

Vince collects himself, hands on his little baby bump and Nikki whispers in my ear---

"See how wonderful you are? You just.... your way.... Baby, I love your way."

"Everyday." I whisper back.

"So, Steven? Nikki said something about...this dream of yours?" Mick questions me, effectively bringing all attention on me.

"I know we've kind of touched on.... next year..." I begin slowly, "About focusing on family more, and other projects.... maybe even for a few years...not meaning we won't get together. But, well I want, I have a dream of a new group or. Or something combining Hard Rock with head banging meets Beethoven. And classical too, like Mozart. I've dreamed about this for a long time and too, I could still focus on my family."

"Steven....fucking go for it babe. I want you to follow ALL your dreams and passions. I am 100 million percent behind you." Nikki is very encouraging, my just the most perfect person to me. He's just HIM.

About the time Nikki says that we hear voice.... Ozzy's and Liza's chief among them, plus Allen's voice.... Nikki and I share a look, our baby girl is here! Everyone is....

"Oi! Two babies, hold the onions.... here for delivery!" Mick rolls his eyes, but smiles, nonetheless.

"Were they good for you Oz?" I ask.

"Liza was a huge yes." Ozzy replies, holding Robby in his arms while he and Mick kiss and Zak of course makes a bee line for Vince. Allen hands us Rain and her bag and our daughter is at last in mine and my husband's arms.

"Vin? You look exhausted." A very concerned Zak fusses over his husband.

"I'll be ok.... just tired. It's normal.... the guys made sure I took it easy. Sides we are done for the day...we were just talking a bit. Steven was just telling us about a dream of his." Vince plays with a lock of Zak's hair, before Zak gently kisses Vince and then his belly. I know very well how they feel: Happy, thrilled.... on top of the world...and in love with their baby.

"Oh?" Zak turns to me.

"Um yeah. I have this idea of next year I think after Rain's birthday, since we've as a band...decided to turn to other projects. I want to form a group of sorts...Rock meets Classical. I have this idea to call it the 'Trans-Siberian Orchestra', so strings, guitar, drums, and all mixed in. I was thinking of recording two LP's.... I've written lyrics and notes for years on parts and how I want them combined as well well as ideas for stage designs too. But ah yes, the LP' will be Christmas and another with again Rock meets Mozart, and Beethoven."

"I am SO damn proud of him!" Nikki's tone is very much proud, and he is in awe and so it seems is everyone else, spell bound and even the babies present are spell bound.

"you said guitars? You need a guitarist? I am THERE. I'd love to do it." Zak's statement causes me to go into shock for a min, and I feel more than I see Nikki take Rain from me.

"Y-You.... are serious?" I manage to ask.

"Very..." He responds, very much serious.

"Wow...THANK YOU. Seriously, man...thank you." I am very touched by my friend's offer; how could I not be?

"Aunt Stevie be legend!" Liza declares.

"Aunt Stevie IS a legend." Nikki tells her, close to tears. We chat a bit longer, before going our separate ways and before I know it, we are at home...Nikki fixing dinner while I feed Rain, her nursing away. "I meant what I said earlier you ARE a legend. You earned that musically the night of your first concert with us.... you are just a legend period babe."

"You are my biggest supporter, my rock.... i couldn't do all this without you, I wouldn't want to. It's means everything to me." I speak quietly, shifting Rain to burp her now as she is done nursing. Rain lets out a burp, I swear that can rival what my husband and I both are capable of, and I just hold her in my arms.... her little blue eyes...wide open, focused on me.

"You will NEVER have to do anything with our me...I've got you back in all I know you have mine." Nikki is crying and so am I. I rock Rain until she falls asleep, I kiss her little forehead and whisper...

"Sweet dreams Jellybean. Love you."

My daughter is placed in her bassinet, dinner is soon ready, and my husband serves us, but not before kissing me senseless, and really, it's like that every time....

'Decade of Decadence' would be a huge hit, me helping to put my mark on Mӧtley's biggest hits. My cookbook became a huge hit around the time of us recording.... it's made the best seller's list...God, I lost count...but a lot, I even wrote a sequel if you will. I would pursue my dream after my daughter's first birthday...and change the music world forever.

A/N: We've reached the Decade of Decadence....and dreams are discussed and will soon become a reality.... Next chapter will see another time skip to Rain Iris Sixx's first birthday so stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now