Chapter 54: The Pursuit of Dreams Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Even pursuing our dreams, family ALWAYS comes first. There was a time in my life, in OUR lives it wasn't true, now though it very much is. Zak Wylde joining my husband in his venture, Vince supporting him and Steven and being a working stay at home mom. Same for Mick, with him joining Ozzy for some shows and producing Oz's new works. But as I said, family comes first. AS a matter of fact, Steven is working with the Trans-Siberian Orchestra and I meanwhile am doing a photo shoot with my daughter: Rain, a perfect way to have daddy-daughter time and an excuse for me to play dress-up with my jellybean...I don't need an excuse by the way, I just love spending time with my little girl and miss Steven terribly.

Before he'd left and after making sure he spent every moment with me and Rain he'd told me:

"I'll miss you and Rain so much Nikki, but you both are always with me. Baby, it means so much that you support me in everything I do, for I would do the same for you."

"I know you would, and YOU do." I replied, kissing him...holding him close before he held Rain, murmuring sweetly to her and reluctantly he left....

Which brings me too now:

Washing Breakfast dishes, Rain babbling away to me in her highchair...

"Da-da?" Rain asks.

"Yes jellybean?"

"What do? "Rain asks quizzically, she means of course what we will do today while mommy is working of course.

"Ah...well daddy's gonna take lots of pictures of you and me, a photo shoot. The daddy will Fix lunch and everything." Rain is practically bouncing in her highchair in excitement.

"Yay!!" Rain claps her little hands in delight, my heart melts. But then I get worried when she starts crying, dishes are done anyway and I quickly scoop her up, feeling frantic. "Miss ma-ma!" Rain cries into my neck, as I gently rub her little back.

"Shh, I know too. Me too. And I know Mommy misses us, Mommy didn't want to leave. He loves us very much and he will be back before you know it." I tell her to reassure her.


"I promise Jellybean, now let's go take some pictures hmm?" I tickle her and am rewarded with her laugh, her laugh so much like Steven's. I head upstairs to change her outfit, making sure she is nice and clean, diaper wise and head back downstairs to the art part of our studio, making sure Rain has her favorite stuffed toys while I buzz around setting things up, she watches me in fascination. Soon we are ready to get started and I scoop her up and toss her carefully in the air, her squealing with laughter.... I'd set the camera on a timer and hear the click.

More pictures follow, her posing with her toys.... her looking at me with awe and fascination.... talking to me in her way, then I take pictures of her and I particular, I am laying down, holding her gently the both of us smiling at one another and again, the click of the camera. Then comes, a picture of her and I both looking in the camera, waving saying 'hey' as it were. Rain is loving taking we move into the music studio, and I take pictures of her touching the instruments, I mean fucking adorable!! We do take breaks here and there, potty breaks for us both and then finally I am thru, or we are thru with the shoot, and we head into the kitchen to fix lunch, when the phone rings.... the way Rain's eyes light up, I tell you!! She knows and so do with her in my arms, I answer the phone breathlessly.

"Steven!!" My tone joyful, wistful.... i have missed him, and really, we both hate being apart from one another.

"Nikki!! I missed you too and Rain!" My husband replies in the same tone, but too his tone is very happy, and I have it too, to where our daughter can hear. "I'm calling to say, we've already rehearsed!! Everyone is so into this and on board and too, we're done for the I called to say I'm on my way..." Steven starts singing the last part.

"Home Sweet Home..." I sing back before Rain interrupts, making me and Steven both laugh...

"Daddy lotsa pictures! Fun!"

"I can't wait to see them Jellybean! I know you and daddy had fun and missed me, for I missed the both of you so much!" Steven replies.

Rain's little smile is radiant just like her mothers, though she looks like us both.

"I'll show you the pictures the meantime, I was gonna get started on lunch. Be careful getting home. I love you." I get a little misty.

"I love you too Nik! And Jellybean, I love you too sweetheart!" Steven replies huskily, we chat for a minute more before heading back to the kitchen where Rain is placed in her highchair, us chatting while I get started fixing a favorite, the same meal Steven made the day I proposed to him during rehearsals for the first leg of the Dr. Feelgood Tour. I could NEVER forget that day if I live.... we made love for the first time; I asked the love of my life to marry me.... the food was fucking divine, but it was merely a bonus...but special, nonetheless.

"Daddy?" Rain asks, I look up from what I am doing with a knowing smile. "Wuv ew! Wuv mommy..."

"We love you too." I reply smiling softly, as I continue to fix lunch and it seems I blink and I feel those arms I love so well wrap around me, and I'd heard Steven pick our daughter up and her joyful squealing. "Steven..." I sigh, happy to have him home.

"God, I missed you and Rain! But today was a good day for us both in the pursuit of our I am gonna pursue another dream..." Steven trails off as he pulls me into a kiss, me smiling into it. Rain needs kissy next, she she gets kissy. "Need me to help?" Steven asks.

"What I need babe, is you to relax." I tell him, he huffs playfully as he does so, spending time with our daughter telling her all about his day....

Again, time passes, I blink, and lunch is ready...Rain armed with a bib, and we eat.

"Everyone meshes really well, it was fun!" Steven says after taking a bite of noodles and helping Rain eat hers.

"That's wonderful baby! I am SO proud of you." Softly.

"And I am PROUD of you, to be with you. To be YOURS." Steven says echoing my tone. God, do I love this man!! Lunch is soon eaten, dessert involved but Rain it seems needs a bath because despite having help, still made a hug we trek up to our bathroom, towels and clean clothes are gathered and we give Rain a bath. And after she wants cuddles with her mother and I, so how the hell can we say 'no' to that?

"Oh, the pictures!" I say suddenly remembering.

"I'd love to see them babe, but right now.... cuddles!!" Steven grins.

"Yeah daddy!"

I laugh, "More cuddling it is then!" We all end up falling asleep, happy...contented and most importantly: together.

Some months would pass and by November, Trans-Siberian Orchestra would have their first show, an album or albums released, and we didn't know it then, or maybe I did.... that this would start a Rock Holiday Tradition for the ages.... And it goes without saying, I was right there by his side thru it all, still am and that first show was one for the ages! Another legend would then be born....

A/N: A fun photo shoot, daddy-daughter time and family bonding with a taste of things to come! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now