Chapter 15: Christmas 88' Part 3(Steven Adler)

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Nikki and I stayed up rather late last night, watching Christmas movies and cuddling. God, I love cuddling with him! I fit so well with him.... Christmas Eve was the best one of my lives! Well, the best one so far, I know there will be many more to come with my Nikki. But spending time with Family and friends meant and means so much to me and its all thanks to the man that currently has me in his hold: Nikki. Nikki is still very much asleep; my head is on his chest and as I listen to and feel his THIS is the most beautiful of sounds!

"Love you Nikki and Merry Christmas baby." I whisper, when suddenly I feel his fingers run thru my hair, I look up into his smiling face, making ME smile.

"Merry Christmas Blue Eyes, honestly, I'd been awake for a couple of minutes...I just really love holding you."

"Merry Christmas....and I love being HELD by you." I find myself getting misty, tears slipping down my cheeks, which Nikki gently thumbs away.

"Shh, don't'll make me cry." Nikki's emerald irises darken and then I feel his lips cover my own, so warm, so NIKKI and everything around me fades away but HIM. "I have to say that you Steven are the greatest gift I could EVER receive."

"I'd have to say the same about you Nikki." I whisper, managing to glance at the clock.... hmm, it's 10:30 am. "Oh it's Christmas! Come on let's go!" Nikki laughs as I practically drag him out of bed and down the stairs as we both come to a halt in front of our tree, laden still with presents we've gotten each other.... all except one that I've gotten him, that I don't know how I kept it hidden.... but anyway...

"I love you, Steven." Nikki says softly.

"Love you too Nikki, so much." I say sitting in the floor cross-legged, Nikki joining me as I place all his presents in front of him...except the hidden one. "Open yours first.... i hope you love them; I just want to see that stunning smile of yours...I love your smile...I love everything about you." I say both dreamily and sincerely. Nikki's eyes I swear fucking glow and I get lost in them as he starts to open his presents, wrapping paper flying...I'd gotten him: Aqua Net (It's become a running joke between us), Make-up, vintage records he'd mentioned he'd like to have, art supplies (Naturally), photography gear including a camera and some other odds and ends. Before I can blink, I find myself, tackled practically on my back Nikki looking down at me an arm on either side of me, effectively caging me.... the intimacy of the position is not lost on me.

"I loved the gifts babe; you know me so well.... but the best gift of all is YOU. Ever since you've come into my life...I'd be fucking lost without you...Steven." I reach up to touch his face, him leaning into my touch.

"I'd say the've taught and shown me what true love is. You've always shown me kindness, unwavering in your support....and this is the best fucking Christmas...OUR first Christmas of my life!" I start getting emotional.

"I will always, always do that...and hmm, you're right our first Christmas together.... I need my special Christmas kiss." Nikki smirks on the last part, irises dancing. I yank him down to me and our mouths crash together, the kiss is very heated...but by some miracle we manage to stop...not either of us wanted to....

"Damn.... babe, that was...WOW...course it's always 'wow'." Nikki is dazed...a blush adorning his cheeks, as we sit back up and I store that information away for later, as I manage to then open my gifts, he hands me....i admit, I am very nervous...scared, though I shouldn't be of making love with him....given my past....I need to tell him...I want Nikki, no I need him...but I'm not sure I..., "Steven are you ok? You kind of zoned out on me."

"Umm...I don't wanna ruin our Christmas." My voice small.

"You won' something is bothering you...please tell me." Nikki begs practically and I relent...

" scared of making love with you...though I shouldn't be, I want you...I NEED you in all's just with my past...I don't...I...." Here I break down, but Nikki, he takes me in his arms gently rocking me.

"Steven...Steven. I understand baby...I do...I can see and feel how much you love me, how much you want me, and given your past I more than understand why you'd be afraid." Nikki's voice takes on an edge that I know is more directed towards: Axl. But his tone turns tender, "I promise you, that I will worship you, take care of you whenever you are ready to take that step. I'm not going to may hurt a little bit, because well I'm huge...very much so, so I worry about my size...but Steven baby, I'd NEVER knowingly hurt you...I will show you what pleasure is supposed to be, and I know it will be worth the wait. I ask myself everyday....'How the fuck did I get so lucky?' You are and were always meant to be a permanent fixture in my life."

"THANK YOU." I whisper, clinging to him...Nikki gets my true message and squeezes me gently in a hug, and then at last I open my gifts...finding new drumsticks, a custom-made case for my violin (which matches it perfectly by the way), a set of cookbooks I'd been wanting, new cookware and countless other things. I pull Nikki into a kiss when I am done...and I smirk, making Nikki raise an eyebrow. "I have one last present for you.... it's been tortured to keep it hidden..." I trail off lifting off my t-shirt and lifting my hair turning to where Nikki can see the tattoo, I'd gotten for him...

"Holy shit!! Wow...this is STUNNING." Nikki sounds awed as he gently reaches out to trace said tattoo on my back. It says, 'Sixx's Heavy Metal Mozart', in green calligraphic script intertwined with a copy of his bass and my drumsticks. Reluctantly I put my shirt back on, to find Nikki looking at me with such awe. "The green matches my eyes....and you remembered what I called you...this is such an amazing thing you did for me."

"I still have a lot of catching up to do with you in the ink age department!" I quip, feeling playful as Nikki and I share a laugh. We clean up the wrapping paper and head upstairs to freshen up. And get started on our Christmas dinner, talking, laughing...LOVING. Dinner is delicious and there are leftovers, Nikki and wind up cuddling on the couch.

"Best Christmas dinner ever..." Nikki sighs contentedly.

"Well, I had to use the new cookware someone got me Afterall." I state in the same tone.

"I am glad you love your new cookware." Nikki smiles.

"Very much...this has been an amazing Christmas...truly. "My voice soft.

"I'd have to agree with your blue you."

"Love you too Nikki...always." I burrow deeper into his embrace and then both of us sigh in contentment...

If you are making love, well THAT would come months from now during rehearsals for the Dr.Feelgood Good tour....Nikki and I'd talked and wanted it to be special and to wait,  and until it happened for the first time we just developed even more of a bond as a couple...but next comes 1989, a wonderful new Year's...and then trouble, an encounter that left me encounter with my ex-bandmates and Tommy Lee.

A/N: A Special Christmas Day for Nikki and Steven, some surprises...and then a taste of things to come...

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now