Chapter 70: These Amazing Years Part 2 (Present day) (Nikki/Steven POV)

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Oh, my husband and I didn't mention yet.... or hang on, "babe? Did we mention we were living in Jackson Hole, Wyoming?"

"Nope." Steven grins popping the 'p'.

"Just wait till later blue-eyes..." I purr into his ear and am rewarded with his blush. Oh yes, Wyoming.... round about 10 years ago, we'd went on a family vacation here.... i fell in love with the state and found our current property...Steven whose life like mine had been shaped by LA, was on board.... telling me all that mattered was that we were together. Speaking of family and being together, we are having a family husband and I of course, and our six children and our the whole family of course.

Back to the story in progress....

The Year 2000 dawned and Steven and I, by coincidence or fate...ran into DJ and James Michael again and so this led to us forming SIXX AM, which the media tends to refer to as our side project, which eh true on one hand and yet not....because we were living our dreams and sharing our pasts and baring our souls to the world....and our book, mine and my husband's 'The Heroin Diaries'....Steven had come up with the idea to do something that had never been done before for a book, for OUR book....creating a sound track for it and so we did. Although both the book and the soundtrack wouldn't be released until 2001.... the kids, mine and Steven's children continued to grow fast, and Rain was becoming quite the little drummer, talented as FUCK, and Frankie wanted to learn guitar, so she took up guitar.... Mick and Zak both wound up teaching her.

And this leads us to 2001...

2001: Ah, yes. The Official Release of 'Heroin Diaries' and its soundtrack by SIXX AM, we'd arrived it seemed, both quickly became huge hits. And truly it was such a cathartic and therapeutic release for my husband and I, if you're wondering at this time if our children at the time knew of the book, no and yes...yes they were starting to learn about their mother and I's public personas, yes that we wrote a book....but its 2003 that the full story would be told to our 3 oldest children, for Frankie would make the discovery of a picture of Steven and I from the infamous 'Girls, Girls, Girls' tour or as I call it personally, 'the blur', or the more adult version, 'deathbed' tour which was sadly all too appropriate. But during 01' Steven and I both felt that they were still too young to know...we just wanted to protect them, but they knew their mother and I both had tough pasts to say the least. 2001 also marked 11 years of marriage for Steven and I, now.... its 32.... pretty fucking amazing if you ask me.

Now I'm gonna turn it back over to Steven.... but not before I kiss him senseless....

"Damn..." Steven is breathless and blushing.... only magnifying his baby blues which I gladly drown in....


Steven here.... Nikki has just kissed me senseless, but damn...I can never get enough, truly there is nothing that compares to how he makes me feel. Let's see here, let's get started on 2002....

2002: 12 years of marriage, my turning 34...Nikki later in the year turning 44.... god, those milestones were and are huge, because both of us could have easily/did die and could have stayed that way. The years were flying by at this point and today, still the same and yet not. What I mean is that time passed by so fast and yet many moments lasted the sweetest of eternities, every day...every moment, I only fell more for my husband and our children.... god, Rain and Frankie were amazing musicians at such young ages, 11 and 9 respectively. And Drew turned 7, he loved playing the bass and Nikki started teaching him, so yes, we had a 3-piece band at this point. Our family, Vince and Zak and Mick and Oz and all their children also were thriving and Liza.... god Liza was a teenager...a teen, nearly grown and such an amazing Rock vocalist.

Also, this year, Nikki and I also would lay the groundwork for the SIXX AM or what would become the SIXX AM Sirius XM radio show.

2003: The start of 2003 meant many things, the kid's milestones, and 13 years of marriage to my soulmate....and it also meant a full-blown tour planned for the summer. Ah the 'Carnival of Sins' tour, an over-the-top stage show planned....and the kids, were coming with us.... rehearsals were fun, and the band still got along great, a family...MY FAMILY. Carnival of Sins, naturally wildly successful, Guns also toured in 2003, but of course naturally Mӧtley was #1, Guns as always were in our shadow. 2003 would also see Nikki and I after nearly 8 years see us expanding our family, though neither of us at the start or earlier part of the year could have foreseen how much our family would expand....we didn't know that by tour's end I'd be pregnant and what would turn out to be with triplets.....triplets, so fucking scary and tough for me, and I'd feel guilty as fuck I couldn't take care of everyone and everything like I always did....but Nikki, believe me when I say I couldn't have done it without him and it only brought he and I even closer together and made our family bond even stronger and unbreakable.

2003 will in fact be where will go into more detail here stick around for that, it'll be quite the ride....

"Takin' a ride on the wild side huh babe?" Nikki says this fondly.

"You've always been the ONLY one I'd want to take that ride with and keep on taking it with." I reply, gazing into those emerald eyes I love so well. "And did I mention how fucking sexy you are with a beard?"

"Many, many...and I do mean many times. Still, I AM sexy." Nikki smirks, that wicked sexy smirk that makes me weak in the knees, well one of the many things Nikki does that makes me weak kneed. "But your blue eyes? WAY sexier than me. You're BEAUTIFUL."

"Nikki..." I start getting misty at that last line, and then the tears they fall.

Gentle bass roughened and warm hands wipe away my tears, "I say that because it's TRUE. Because you are beautiful in every way.... all parts of you are, for 34 years now I've thought that I've felt that I've SEEN that."

"I love you." I whisper tearfully.

"I love you." I feel Nikki's breath ghost across my lips and the kiss is tender and sweet. And so, we stay like that for a bit longer. "2003, was a hell of year....and it's like I either got pregnant on your birthday or that the end of tours." I muse.

"It does seem so, and it turned out to be true I guess." Nikki muses in the same tone. "2003...God, I mean the triplets are 19 now....and Rain and Frankie are in their 30s, Drew is what 27? And we've got grandkids...God, life really is beautiful."

Truer words have never been spoken.... just wait until we dive deeper as it were into 2003. Ain't seen nothing yet...

A/N: A summary of the past and a taste of things still yet to come in the story...2003 is where the story will pick back up and on 'The Carnival of Sins Tour'. Stay tuned my friends! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now