Chapter 22: Rival Tour News (Nikki Sixx)

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We've had some more shows, it's been about 2 weeks or so roughly since the tour began. So still in the beginning stages of it as it were. But of course, Steven's first show as a member of Mӧtley and he FUCKING owned that stage, he killed it. We all did, I mean the band since my fiancée has been with us has never sounded better, got along so well, become a family, and bonded like we have before. All our shows have sold out, sold out!!! The best feeling in the world bar none, was and is seeing Steven thrive, looking radiantly happy. I get to not only rock & Roll, doing what I love...but I get to do it with the man I love more than life itself....

Which brings us to now: just gotten off stage another sold out show, and I am waiting for Steven he'd stopped off to visit a little bit more with Mick, Ozzy, and our little niece Liza as they've now started visiting us on tour. Liza did see me earlier during sound check and on stage a bit but anyway, Steven took a shower first, with me...of course and oh was it HOT!

More time has passed then I realize as I hear that voice I know so well exclaim from the doorway---

"Hey babe, I'm back." I turn to greet Steven, him in my arms before he can blink.

"Mmm...glad you are." I lean in and kiss him, taking my time before our lips part with a sweet click. Steven looking pleasantly flushed, and I can feel myself in a similar state. "So, I bet Liza was happy to see you."

Steven grins, "Yes she was, even though she saw me earlier." Steven then frowns, eyes filled with tears alarming me.

"Blue eyes what's wrong?" I run a gentle hand along his cheek, Steven buries his head in my chest in response, sobbing. "Steven honey please tell me." I beg him.

"I-It's stupid." Steven whispers blue eyes swimming with sadness.

"No, it isn't baby, I promise." I try my best to reassure my fiancée.

"Ok..." Steven takes a deep breath and I feel him tremble making my heart break. "Why haven't I gotten pregnant? I-I just wanna have a family with you SO bad HURTS." Somehow, I manage to steer us to the couch, Steven in my lap clinging to me for dear life, tears threaten to fall.

"I know you do baby and I want us so much to have that and I am telling you we will. WE will, I promise you Steven. I promise....and I know it hurts to see everyone else have families." This time my tears do fall.

"Y-You really think so?" Steven's voice trembles, his eyes a dark blue from tears.

"I know so baby, I KNOW SO." I aim at him a watery smile and kiss him like there's no tomorrow and eventually he calms down, so I tell him. "Let's get out of here and grab some take out or something, and I am gonna take care of you."

"Sounds wonderful and you DO take care of me." Steven sighs and then it seems he remembers something, "oh! Yes, I took a little longer because I'd stopped to chat with Allen." Steven's look is surprisingly gleeful, despite the still red rimmed eyes.

" seems you have news blue-eyes. Tell me along the way?" Steven nods, and we finally peel ourselves off the couch and each other for now and call a car and are soon on the way to the hotel, Steven cuddling against me...

"Ok, so..." He starts, "there is tour news from Guns. So apparently, they are going on a small tour for 'Lies' in about a month, I guess because promoters are a little wary given the shit, they've pulled not just with me, and it's confirmed Tommy is indeed with Axl."

"Hmm, so promoters are skittish?" I scoff, "Not surprised...they are catching karma and it's a MAJOR bitch. And as for Tommy? I guess I am glad he's happy...but still very bitter and there's the fact that although, they haven't according to our sources said shit about you, they've not apologized to you or us either."

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt like it did, but ya know I tried so hard to reach out and I figure now, that if they haven't formally apologized, they ain't gonna. All of them are stubborn mother fuckers so I am done with them. But make no mistake they talk shit or step out of line; I will have something to say..." Steven pauses a moment and I gently squeeze him to give him strength. "I may be wrong, but they will end up I feel making an album or having something to say about all the legal stuff, like my copyright on the Guns name and all that.... but if I am right, it will NOT go well for them. It's taken a while, but Allen told me finally that its out there for the world to know, I....ME, founded Guns and so they will only dig themselves a deeper hole."

"I do believe you are right Steven; I do believe you are right." I hold him tightly to me and we end up stopping for takeout, and soon enough get back to the hotel and wolf our food down. Prompting loud and nasty burps from both of us, causing us to burst into laughter. "M-Man, l-like damn!" I am laughing so hard, I'm wheezing.... Steven in a similar state.

"Y-Yeah..." Steven gasps, finally we manage to calm ourselves down and I declare I am gonna take care of him, that soft look in his eyes making my heart race. I give him a full body massage and trade lots of kisses all the while and afterwards, we shower together which leads to us making wild passionate love in the shower, our screams echoing....

Somehow, we wind up in bed both of us clad in boxers, Steven in my hold fitting perfectly with me, me running my fingers thru his wild blond locks, humming perfectly contented in this moment.

"This is really nice, wonderful...amazing." Steven echoes my thoughts perfectly.

I chuckle, "It is and damn all those adjectives their babe."

"Shut up." Steven mutters, but playfully.

"AH.... but baaaabeee...there's only one way to—" I go to say more, before I feel Steven's lips on mine, then after he smirks but his eyes are soft. "Shut me...up." I finally finish.

"I have more tricks---" Steven yawns hugely, the adrenaline of our love making and the euphoria from the concert having long worn off. "Sorry, baby sleepy."

"Go to sleep babe, I love you."

"Love you too." Steven murmurs, I gently kiss his lips and he drift off...soon, I follow suit---

Dreams are powerful glimpses into reality or the future of how things are, how they should be and how they COULD be...I am dreaming now, the scene is very tender...very sweet....

It seems some time has passed, Steven and I are married, got married earlier this year...the calendar says 1990, but Steven is laying in bed, Steven's shirt is up exposing his swelling belly, he is pregnant, and it seems with our first child, I rub his stomach gently...seems Steven has just woken from a nap.

"Sorry I woke you babe." I state apologetically to my husband, But Steven's blue eyes are shinning.

"Don't apologize Nikki, I heard what you said to our baby...that was really sweet!"

"You know something? Before you came into my life, the prospect of kids, parenthood, marriage, love...scared me shitless, I didn't believe in it...but now, now here we're pregnant with our first child, we're married and really, we've been together for 2 years. Sure, we've had arguments like any other couple, but we always...always work it out." I sniff getting misty. "You've changed my life forever, in every way Steven."

"Oh Nikki!" We come together in a kiss and then are hands entwine together over his swollen stomach, seems he's only about 3 months not too far along.

"I bet we'll have a little girl.... I've always wanted a girl, since that day you'd found Liza at the studio, that way about you...I didn't realize it then, but I think it's the moment when I could begin to see such things with YOU, I think I started to fall even more for you that day."

Then the scene fades...

This night was very prophetic it turns out...not just my dream, but everything Steven's told me about Guns, would also come to pass....

A/N: Rival News from Guns, dreams of the future, and more. Next chapter will be the halfway point of the first leg of the tour. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now