Chapter 76: Of Nurseries, Babies and Family (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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My pregnancy with the triplets was fucking rough mentally and physically the bigger I got. But I had my husband right there beside me and our oldest children; it meant so much to me, it still does. But my fifth month was very memorable, and that is where I'll begin this one...

5 months....5 months and I haven't seen my damn feet in at least 2. This pregnancy is rough on me mentally, and I've been so sad lately.... Guns has been relatively silent other than occasional barbs in the media and now there's shit on the internet, only means MORE karma for them. I just, I've already been put on bedrest and at my latest appointment, Nikki requested, and I didn't fight him, because I could see how much it meant to him.... that the genders of the triplets be put in an envelope and if I know my husband, he's working on something...several things, even enlisting the kids to help. I don't know what I'd do without my family.

Here I sit, no lay in bed.... I'd been napping, scratch that I was on a group call with Mick and Vince, very much worried about me...MEANT a lot to talk to them and it helped distract me. But I am worried NOW, because the babies haven't kicked yet...they move constantly with zeal, wee bit uncomfortable.... but apparently the doctor says there's nothing to worry about.... i suddenly burst into tears, the triplets squirming about in protest.

"W-Why haven't you guys.... kicked...i-I feel like m-my fault..." I rub my much more swollen stomach, trying to breath and calm.

"Mommy?!" Drew's voice sounds from the doorway. I try and dry my tears.

"S-Sorry...I'm sad and they haven't kicked.... i feel like its my fault." I cry, Next thing I know my son is on the bed hugging me, his expression very much reminding me of Nikki.

"Mommy don't be sorry.... it's not your fault. It will be ok, they'll kick...I promise. Dad sent me to get you. I..."

"Dad is here...." Nikki cuts our son off, adding on, "I felt like you needed me.... babe, talk to me." Nikki joins us on the bed, and our daughters flank him as they follow.

"I was just sad.... the babies haven't kicked...and I've just been so sad in general, things have been rough...and I just wanna, I mean you are working so hard to take care of me and the kids and I...."

"Blue-eyes," Nikki cuts me off gently but firmly, "Don't do DO everything, love me, the take such amazing care of everyone, our entire family...our fans, the babies will kick I promise." Here my husband places his hands on my swollen stomach, our 3 oldest gathered around their father and me. I entwine our hands together. "I'd sent Drew to come get you because I have a surprise for you, or surprises. The nursery for one and a gender reveal for the triplets.... now, if you feel up to it, we can do those things.... i just, WE just want to cheer you up blue eyes." I cannot help but be touched!!

"I would LOVE to see.... thank you, babe." Softly, I feel Nikki reach out and thumb my tears away with one of his hands and gently kisses me, and I then find myself hugged by Frankie, Rain and Drew...feeling so very loved. And suddenly, I freeze...alarming my family, before I feel myself smiling. "Guys feel this!!" My husband's hands, and our 3 oldest children's hands all find a place on my belly, as we feel FINALLY the baby's kick!! "T-They are kicking...the triplets are kicking!!" Excited now.

"Wow.... i can never get over how this makes me feel." Nikki murmurs reverently.

"Does it hurt momma?" Drew asks.

"No.... a bit uncomfortable sometimes, but they are so makes me feel better.... All of you do." I get misty again.

"Love you mom." Rain and Frankie chorus together. I swear sometimes they are more like twins, not that I am complaining...I love that.

I feel a bit more feeling the triplets continue to kick away and move occurs, before I am effectively herded and help off the bed and to the nursery, Nikki with an arm around me, telling me to close my eyes, which I do so pouting playfully.

I feel myself stopped, "We're here blue-eyes....and in addition, are you ready to find out the genders?"

I nod eagerly, I can feel him smile.... making ME smile. The sound of a door opening, myself being led and helped into a very plush and comfy chair and I am told to open my eyes, which I do with a gasp....

"Wow.... Wow...." 'Wow' indeed, colors for girls and boys are mixed in the room. Lots of accents, a chaise lounge, rocking chairs, changing tables, 3 little cribs....and a wall of portraits.... I'd recognize my husband's art anywhere. But what really touches they are portraits of ME, smiling...laughing, including one of me pregnant caressing my very rounded stomach, and I know its of me with the triplets. I can feel the tears. "This is BEAUTIFUL.... Thank you, Nikki, thanks all of you. God, we have the best kids!"

"We do, they helped....and it was murder trying to keep them from spilling the beans on the gender reveal surprise......" Nikki teases.

"Dad that was YOU! We had to keep from spilling the beans!" Frankie protests.

Nikki laughs, "Ok! OK, you got me! But they helped pick out things for the nursery...and..." Nikki draws my attention, as he sits next to me pointing out portraits of our oldest children, himself very much misty. " surprise all of you...hang on..." Nikki kisses me softly; I can practically feel him vibrate with excitement as he rushes to get a box? Which he hands to me reverently, the kids all gathered around me, "Open it, Steven."

I open it eagerly; I can feel not just my breath hitch but my children' I find.... WOW.... onesies, custom-made saying 'baby Sixx', two are pink, one is blue....

"Nikki? Does this mean?" My voice cracks.

"Yes, blue eyes.... we're having two more precious little girls and another precious son." Nikki has tears streaming down his face.

"How do you kids feel?" I ask, and their reactions are to rub my belly, feeling their...sisters and brother move.

"So happy!!" Rain sniffs, crying. Her eyes a dark blue from tears, just like mine.

"I get to be big brother to sisters and a brother, so cool!" Drew is so happy; it means so much that my children are happy.

"Mom, you look so beautiful..." Frankie says, "I am happy that you are happy, and I'll keep being a good sister to the triplets."

"Honey, I know you will.... Your father and I are raising you guys right." Softly. I turn to my husband, "Nikki.... This was one of the most moving and memorable days of my life. I couldn't do this without you, without our children. I know things haven't been easy on you, nor them...watching me struggling, but you loved me thru it, you ARE. I love you."

"I and the kids would do anything for you....and no it hasn't been easy, but I do what I do BECAUSE I love you, because it's you.... i can never fully express in words just how much you mean to me, but I fucking love you babe...I love our children, our girls...our sons more than my life!" Nikki's voice cracks and I feel his lips, those lips I love and know so well on my own and I am lost in love and in feeling.

After more hugs from the kids and kisses from my husband, I am once again exhausted but hungry, so Nikki helps me back in bed...propping me up, making me as comfortable as possible, while our oldest children opt to hang out with me, as he tells me has dinner. More kisses from him and I think of how amazing my life is, my world...of my loves...and I feel my unborn daughters and son settle, I think of my family, and I smile.... feeling so much better mentally for now.

Sadly, another scare for me is coming.... with as you now know my youngest daughters and son, the triplets. And it led to the dreaded STRICT bed rest. I remember the pain, the fear.... but I had Nikki with me right by my side...

A/N: Bittersweet, precious family moments, moments between Nikki and Steven and a gender reveal for the triplets!! Next chapter will see Steven back in the hospital, for a scare...stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now