Chapter 21: My first show, the Tour Begins... (Steven Adler)

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You're First Headlining Tour....Mӧtley Crϋe...this, this is what home looks like. They are nothing like what the public thinks they are, but I do KNOW they are family, they are what I needed...and I owe it all to my fiancée Nikki Sixx. Nikki, who ever since I've officially met him and got to know him has been and is my absolute ROCK, my best friend and now my lover. My world, my life would be a hell of a dark place with out him....and here we are the start of the Dr. Feel Good Tour, our first show is tonight, and we are still traveling at the moment---

I feel soft lips cover my own, I know these lips: Nikki. I feel myself smile into it, loving the feel and scent of my fiancée, and then all too soon we part for breath and Nikki looks a bit concerned.

"I'd been trying to get your attention Steven.... you weren't answering so I decided to kiss you...what's wrong?" A gentle hand on my face.

I smile to reassure him, "Nothing's wrong...everything is RIGHT. I didn't mean to worry you, Nikki. I was thinking abut everything, my first headlining tour with a band, that you guys are nothing like the public thinks, that you're my family, you're all just what I needed, ESPECIALLY You Nikki Sixx. My world, my nights and days would be dark and grey with out You Nikki." My ending words echoing one of the songs we wrote together, 'Without You.'

"Oh STEVEN." Nikki has tears in his eyes, "I love you." He whispers breathe ghosting across my lips before sealing them with his own, it's always like fireworks and I know it will never change.

"You know? I don't think it's EVER been this relaxed on the tour bus...and Steven, you...I've never seen Nikki happier than he has been since he's been with you." Vince suddenly pipes up, sitting down on the seat opposite Nikki and I, Mick joining him. Ozzy and Zak are off playing some shows and will be visiting in about 2 weeks, Liza is with her grandparents and sent her love to everyone.

"Hell yes, it is, and I agree with you Vince." Mick chimes in, "So Steven how are you feeling about everything, first show...first major tour?"

"A little nervous, but I got this. It's so surreal, I mean just a few years ago.... used and abused, bullied, no one listened, wanted to listen, or cared or respected me. Now, since last year...God how things have changed! I have my life back, a full and happy one...I am in a band, where my opinions are respected, listened to. I AM respected. Mick, Vince...I can't thank you two for supporting me since I joined. "My voice sincere and confident, I feel Nikki squeeze me gently in a side hug, I lean against his shoulder.

Time passes in a blur, and we arrive at the venue...first show of the tour...and straight off to sound check, Nikki and I of course holding hands and managing to kiss along the way. Sound check goes great...very surreal to me, doing what I love WITH the man I love: Nikki my beloved fiancée and two men whom I've come to see as brothers and too another awesome thing? Not a peep out of Guns about me, they've it seemed according to sources have and are keeping their mouths fucking shut, as they should. Which is doing wonders for my sanity.... However, I have heard rumors, wild rumors involving of which is Axl is apparently with Tommy Lee, but I have yet to learn if for sure that is true. Nor do I give a shit if it is, I've moved on from all of that now.

Sound check ends and food is brought in for us, everyone saying its not as good as my cooking, which makes Nikki glow with pride, eyes shinning too with love and too Allen our manager joins us and what he starts off with, makes me do a spit take...

"So...I thought I'd save this, I just found out prior to sound check...but we've sold out. And not just this show.... the whole first leg of this tour AND..." Allen pauses wide smirk plastered on his face, "Rumor has it, we've converted a lot of Guns fans to Mӧtley fans AND they are here according to my sources. "

"Well holy FUCK!" Nikki exclaims, jaw dropped and really his statement sums up everyone's feelings quite nicely.

"Serves those fuckers right." Vince mutters, and I very much agree...ah,'s true now, revenge is to move on and become something bigger and better than you were. There is more discussion and Nikki beams at me, his eyes very bright. 'So proud' he mouths to me....

Again, the blur of time and I find my self with Nikki in our dressing room as we are sharing one, Nikki I can feel his gaze burning a hole in I am currently, shirtless....and am wearing the bottom part of my stage outfit, leather pants...silver belts and black and red boots, my whole outfit is red and black.

"I can feel you staring babe. Any harder and I think I'll catch on fire." I tease and turn to him, suddenly with out warning...Nikki fairly slams his mouth on mine, taking my breath and making me MOAN. And reluctantly we part for breath..., "damn."

"I can't help you look SO fucking sexy...." Nikki purrs nuzzling me, "Later..." He whispers in my ear, desire surging within me, which I desperately try and will away, it will be more than worth my wait, I know...Nikki, and I finish getting ready.... he helps me do a little bit of make-up, mostly eye liner and eye shadow and soon it's only 10 minutes to show time and we meet up with Vince and Mick.

"Let's go out there, kick ass...take names and melt some fucking faces off!" I cry, my drumsticks raised to the skies, everyone echoes me...then at last, show time!

The roar of the crowd, the sheer size of it hits's deafening. It's an adrenaline rush....and then I take a deep breath...I don't miss a beat and start thundering away.... i can't keep the smile off my face while playing, the crowd singing along and Nikki and I catching one another's gazes, mouthing 'I love you.' To each other...this is one of the best DAYS of my life! I am putting my heart, my soul into my playing...every fiber of my being....and I swear my name...MY name is chanted at some point as well as Nikki's, Mick's, and Vince's.

Then comes the moment of the show for 'home sweet home', me out front on stage from behind my drum kit, Vince talking me up with my Violin...tears spring to my eyes, barely managing to hold them back as I begin the intro.... losing myself, FINALLY getting to play my Violin for thousands, no THE world to see. And then I vault back behind my drum kit and thunder away once more....

I blink and we are taking our final bows, Nikki's hands holding mine steadfastly, him and I beaming at one another, and to my surprise he kisses me, and the world disappears.... when I and my fiancée manage to come back to ourselves, we're backstage, towels wrapped around our necks, covered in sweat...but I've never been happier.... Nikki spins me around in joy, our laughter echoing....

"You FUCKING killed it!!! Oh Steven.... I knew you would! So damn proud of you! You were...seeing you tonight, I just...I...I..." Nikki is over come with emotion as am I and I feel the tears slip down my face, oh I get his message.

"THANK YOU." I whisper, as he and I hold fast to each other. Mick and Vince hold back a bit before offering their congratulations and soon we all part ways, Nikki and I heading off to the showers...where we wind up making love in the shower.... oh, what a night!!!

This would be the night, where in the eyes of the fans I would become the eyes of the world...thru it all I had my Nikki and my family....and soon we'd get news after this about Guns' tour.

A/N: Steven's first official show!! And Steven is well on his way to becoming a legend as he deserves. Steven is happy and moving on and he and Nikki are becoming a rock & Roll power couple. Much more to come!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now