Chapter 38: The End of Tour & Strange Behaviors (Nikki Sixx)

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Early September, FINALLY. The tour is over, I love the fans, I love my band, my brothers, Mick, and Vince and especially I love my husband, but still, I am beyond glad to go home. Mick has now entered the fourth month of his pregnancy and seems to be doing well, he's even visited a doctor out on the road, he insisted...and I for one cannot blame him. Things have been super, super busy and tour stress, more the physical aspect has been the stressful part. But my husband, something isn't right and I'm not sure what it is. He's for a while now not acting like his normal self, he's more like he was when we first officially met 2 years ago. He seems sad, sadder than usual...he's quieter and moodier and he barely talks to anyone even me. I just have been his support, to be there in any way, I figure he needs that. Another thing is he kept disappearing after shows recently, like he'd take off like a rocket...and he's looked pale, I've chalked it up to tour stress.... though something tells me otherwise and then there's been the weight gain, Steven has complained about when he does talk.

I told him, "You're fucking stunning no matter what you weigh."

" I'm fat!" He cried bursting into tears, before throwing himself in my arms as I tried to desperately soothe him.

It gets stranger, my husband's behaviors.... well maybe they aren't THAT strange, but anyway: Steven hardly eats, or eats like a horse, he has come to really love blue-cheese dip and hot wings and has developed an obsession with my lasagna.... well, I mean he's always loved it but now, he cries because he can't have it while we've been on the road. Mick keeps giving Steven concerned but knowing looks.... all I can think is I should KNOW what's going on.

Which brings us to now, on a flight bound for good ol' LA and home. My husband is quietly crying in my lap, as I try and talk to him to get him to tell me what's going on....

"Steven, blue eyes.... I'm worried about you...I have been for a while now, you barely talk even to me, you're so quite not like your energetic self.... you look like you feel like shit."

"Y-You shouldn't worry about me." Steven whispers, before sobbing out. "I'm SO sorry!! That I-I haven't talked.... like barely.... I'm sorry! And, And...I...I've been getting Sick...I didn't tell you....i just...I mean..." Steven stammers, before paling and bolting upright and running straight for the bathroom, which luckily I guess is unoccupied as he heaves and heaves, as I kneel down and gently hold his hair back, this continues for a few minutes before he finally stops...and I race back to the cabin and find some water to rinse his mouth out, helping him do so and wash his hands as carefully I scoop him up in my arms as we resume our previous positions. Steven silently crying, whimpering a bit making my heart break at the sound.

" eyes.... i didn't know, you'd been getting sick. I'm NOT angry babe, I'm worried. I worry about you because I love you, ok? I'm gonna take care of you, be here for you in any way as I've always done and always will do. I know we've had so much going on with the tour, and the stress from that...I promise you things will be ok. I love you." Softly, worried...I gently kiss him, hoping too that this helps him.

"I don't know what...I'd do without you Nikki; I love you too...I just wanna go home!" Steven is getting himself worked up again.

"And I don't know what I'd do without you...and I know you do, and we will go home...we are going home. Never be afraid to tell me what's going on, babe. But regardless, I am gonna be your rock, be here." I whisper, as my husband sits up carefully and kisses me before then burrowing into my arms.

"I will let you take care of me ARE taking care of me.... you DO...I'm so sleepy..." Steven yawns.

"Sleep babe." I whisper, as Steven quickly drops off to sleep. I notice surprised thought i shouldn't be, Vince and Zak are screwing in the they'd disappeared...Mick is sleeping cuddled with Ozzy, Liza also napping. But I stay awake, worrying...and watching over my husband.

Steven sleeps the rest of the flight and finally we land in LA... saying our good-byes and parting for now and promising to get together soon but knowing us we will talk on the phone. But rest, Steven gets sick before we can even get in our car, me rubbing his back as he gets sick and I carefully place him in the car after, making sure he'll be ok...but he spends the car ride groaning with his eyes closed. Upon arrival home, I get our luggage in first, figuring I could sort the crap later and go back to the car, where I gently carry my husband bridal style up to our bedroom and lay him on the bed.

"Nik? You should get some rest; you've been touring too...and... and..." Steven whispers paling. I reach out and caress his face gently.

"Hey, I'm taking care of you and that's all there is too it. But I will ok, after I take care of you and if I don't get rest that's ok too." Steven nods tearfully. He declares he's hungry, but 'food sounds fucking gross too right now', so I quickly whip him up something light and something to drink and arrive back in record time, Steven still in the same position I left him...I help him sit up and make sure he'll be ok eating, taking care of him where I can. He looks at me with a grateful smile after, though it looks like a grimace because he still feels like shit.

"I love you Nikki, thank you for taking care of me, such good care of me...I love and appreciate everything you do. I want a shower, and then sleep...lots of sleep."

"I'm your husband babe, it's what I do blue-eyes. You do the same for me every day." I whisper, Steven slowly gets up, I wrap an arm around him and lead him to the bathroom, helping him undress and when I see...I focus on his stomach, my eyes wide.... It, it looks like it's a little round...the beginnings of a baby bump.... wait?! Baby bump?! Oh Steven, Steven, I think you may finally be pregnant with our baby! The timing is right my love if you are indeed pregnant, we've these past 2 yrs. been able to experience things together as a couple and I know how badly you've wanted to give me children and very well may be. It will be or may be one of the greatest surprises of my life!!

"Nik-Ki...On second...thought...I..." I very quickly notice my husband is dizzy, very dizzy, and inwardly I am freaking the fuck out, not wanting him to be hurt, hating to see him feel so poorly....and the next thing I know, he slumps forward, and I quickly catch him as he loses consciousness....

"Babe?!! Babe.... please, please be ok...please." I cry, picking him up carefully, re-dressing him and calling 911, hoping my husband will be ok, and that if he is pregnant like we've dreamed of that our baby too is ok.

The EMS workers arrive quickly, and while I waited, I made sure to gather wallets and whatever would be needed and I VERY reluctantly let them take him from my arms, as they wheeled him out, me detailing his symptoms and what I'd noticed here recently, shakily I enter the ambulance too, I mean I'm Nikki Fucking Sixx...they gonna tell me 'No'?

The ride to the hospital is long and eternal, my husband has yet to wake and upon arrival, I make sure he gets a private room and as they check him over, I nervously pace the floor as they do various tests, collect blood and all that jazz. Finally, they tell me it will be a bit and I sit by my husband's side.

"Hey blue-eyes, I hate seeing you be in such pain...and feel so rough. But you...I may.... we may very well be parents' babe, and I THANK YOU for that. I love you." I whisper, gently stroking his hair back.

I keep willing him to wake up, but he's been so tired...he needs rest at the same time. I murmur gently to him while we wait and at last a nurse, not a doctor comes in and delivers the greatest news of my life!

"Mr. Sixx, congratulations are in order it seems.... Steven is pregnant, we will keep him here for a day or two and will be back in a little while to check on the baby and see how far a long he is."

I thank the doctor and my heart is soaring!

"Babe...Babe! It's a dream come true! I can't wait to tell you...Steven you're pregnant! Babe, you're pregnant with our first child! It's such a beautiful thing!" I whisper tearfully, excited, worried about how bad he's felt, wishing I had noticed sooner.... but never have I loved my husband more. Gently, slowly I reach out my hand and rest it...on my husband's little baby bump, he's already showing a bit and I wonder if they'll take after me in the height department, I know Steven when I tell him will say the same, but no matter...I love my child so much already.

I continue to murmur to my husband, waiting for him to wake-up and all the while, my hand never leaves his swollen and amazing little belly...housing our child.

A/N: SO, Steven is feeling roughly, Nikki is so worried and now we know why. And next chapter, Steven will know why as well! But they are finally having their baby! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now