Chapter 79: Here come the Triplets Part 1 (Steven-Adler Sixx)

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2 months have passed since my scary hospital stay with the triplets, and I have grown. Grown ever rounder, ever more uncomfortable and ever more winded. I have for months now, had to have help getting up, sitting down, laying down.... you name it. It's been so fucking hard for me, even after my hospital stay, now I am 8 months pregnant, my stomach is enormous.... but my point is through it all is I have had my husband Nikki, our children, and our family, I have them still.

Also, 2 months ago...much to what I FELT was to my detriment and scary as FUCK it was decided by my Doctor's to have a C-Section Scheduled for the babies, that it would be safer. All I knew and all I know is it scares me; sure, they'll numb me when they.... i HATE TO even think of the incision, because I've had problems with being cut in the yet more trauma and unwanted memories.... especially with the twins i miscarried because of HIM. I shared how I felt with my husband who told me...

"Steven, I WON'T let them hurt you, I the KILLS you with what used to be done to you and because of the twins you lost, and that bastard had forced on you...but I know you, you loved them."

I asked him desperate to know, "Would you.... if you'd known...." Nikki finished my thought for me....

"I would have did the world and YOU especially a favor and killed Axl, I want to sometimes NOW for what he did...but to answer you true question....i LOVE them, I love them because they are a part of you, I would have taken them as my own, they ARE my children. I would have loved to have raised them, and I wouldn't have loved you any less had been meant to be with them and you had kids when we met."

I was stunned, though I shouldn't have been by his beautiful words, and I replied tearfully with, " YOUR way. I mean Nikki, you don't know just how very much that means to me. I love you."

Which brings us back around to the present....

March, Mar 10 to be exact which means among other things, PRECIOUS things that I have passed my 37th birthday, Rain's 13th birthday, I mean HOLY SHIT....13! I and Nikki have a teenager now, then mine and Nikki's 15th wedding anniversary....and soon, wont be too much longer until Drew's 10th birthday and in August Frankie will be 11....time is going by too damn fast, but I cherish each and every moment....but ah yes, today March C-Section has been scheduled today....currently enroute to the hospital, the kids are lucky for us on Spring Break, early spring break so what the hell, I mean why not? Anyway, they are all piled into the car with us, Family has been alerted and I am gripping Nikki's free hand like a lifeline, because I have started cramping...could mean labor, but all this scares me especially as it's almost Time. I whimper....

"Blue-eyes, you're hurting, aren't you?" A worried Nikki asks.

"Y-Yes.... cramps.... tight...HURTS." I groan.

"Almost there Steven, almost there...." Nikki assures me, despite the worry tinging his tone. "You may be getting ready to start labor I think."

I don't reply, gritting my teeth and feeling so fucking exhausted....and I bite back a eyes widen, clutching at my very well swollen stomach.

"FUCK!!!" and then I realize my children are in the car and I burst into tears, "S-Sorry...I s-swore..."

And even though I am in pain and feeling like shit, Rain makes me choke out a laugh and I can't reprimand her for....

"Mom shit happens....and you're in pain, miserable and hurting.... sides its nothing we haven't heard Aunt Vince say."

I can see my husband's eyes roll at that, huffing. "There's a shocker.... why am I not surprised?" Before I know it, the contraction stops and we arrive at the hospital, me wheeled in, the kids trailing behind refusing to go anywhere else right now until the family comes and they are armed with homemade snacks, books, art supplies you name it.... all I know is it means so much to have them with me.... with Nikki and much.

I get prepped, hooked up to various machines.... then I am given something to numb me from the waist down and I freak....

"Nikki...please.... PLEASE DON'T LET THEM.... PLEASE.... this.... this.... reminds me of...I almost had a drug related stroke...did...mild one...I don't like feeling numb!!"

"Steven, Steven looks at me...please." Nikki is in tears, cupping my face in his hands, " I know, I know the feeling....but they have to do this, for you...for our babies, its safer to get them out via C-Section. I will be right there. By your side. Look at how much you've overcome, look at where you are now.... you've fucking got this babe.... now let's get you up for a moment..." Nikki gently, helps me sit up me leaning into him, face buried in his they give me something to numb me for the surgery, I cling to my husband for dear life and then I don't feel so much pain or any physically....

"Mom, Dad?" I turn to the kids, as they wheel me out or start to...Frankie, my dear precious little girl.... pumpkin pie, "We love you guys so much, we love Stormy, Ruby, and Decker.... Mom you are the strongest person I know, my hero, OUR HERO.... you and dad both are." Tears stream down her face as well as Nikki's, everyone in tears....and then the family arrives, Frankie, Rain and Drew wait with them and I find my self in the operating room, the Doctor's making sure I don't feel a thing, checking things over....and dearest Nikki doing whatever he can to take my mind of things, kisses and.... talking to me.

"Steven, if I haven't today or lately said this.... but babe, BLUE-EYES, I am so fucking proud of you, to be YOUR husband, your accomplishments, to be YOURS. I love your eyes, the way you always take care of me, of everyone. You just being YOU.... you're an amazing mother, you are what a mother should be.... you.... you taught me love; you made me love.... only you, my life like our song, without you, I'd slowly wilt and die, without you a sailor lost at sea...." Nikki's tears hit my face which he wipes away, thus wiping away my own and we are broken out of our reverie by a loud cry...., "Steven.... Steven! Our Son.... our son is here!" A Wailing red-faced, but BEAUTIFUL little boy is held to where we can see and, in his face, I see my husband and I.

"H-He's perfect.... Nikki...Perfect." I cry. "Hey Decker!" I laugh and cry both before Decker is taken to be clean and then comes our first little girl....and again I see Nikki and I, and her hair is wild just like Decker's like all our children's hair...a wild dirty blond. "Stormy...she feels like Stormy."

"Perfect." Nikki says softly, before Stormy too is taken to be cleaned and weighed, our final daughter is held up....and a mini-Nikki, hair a rich brown with a tint of blond...., "There's our Ruby, oh Steven THANK YOU."

They sow me up and I can no longer hardly keep my eyes open the meds making me sleepy, I kiss Ruby, Stormy and Decker on their little foreheads, telling them I love them so much and I say to Nikki, "I love you Nikki, I know you'll be here when I wake and go show our family our newest members and give my love."

"And I love you Steven Adler-Sixx, more than you could know. Sleep for a bit blue-eyes, i will always be here and I will do as you ask, I'd do anything for you." I feel a kiss to my lips, and I give into the meds and sleep, happy and content.... all this so fucking worth it!

A/N: The Adler-Sixx Triplets are here!! Part 2 to this will be up asap! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now