Chapter 7: A New Pact. A New Drummer.... a new life (Steven Adler)

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My life is changing once again...HAS been changing. So much has happened these past well roughly 3 months, it being now April...that I scarcely know where to begin. Suppose I should start with officially becoming the drummer for Motley Crϋe. The day in question happened towards the end of last month, so a few weeks ago...

-Flash Back-

"Today is the day, are you excited?" Nikki practically seems to vibrate with excitement, eyes shining.... a highly unusual sight, or it would be if I didn't know him so well.

"Yes!! A little nervous man, but that's normal!" I grin wildly, as I fix my hair....and spend a wee bit more time doing that until I'm satisfied.

"I'm so happy to see YOU happy.... you deserve this.... don't ever let anyone tell you, that you don't." Nikki states seriously.

"Thank've done so much for me Nikki; I feel like I belong now.... you listen to my ideas and so do Mick and Vince, you take me SERIOUSLY. You don't know truly how much that means." I state fighting back tears...Nikki brings me into a hug.

"No, I should thank you...I couldn't do this with out, being my absolute best friend." Nikki's voice husky from tears. He only hugs me tighter, before pulling back the both of us smile shakily at one another and then we head towards my destiny and I meet my new manager: Allen Kovac and I can tell right off the bat he is a damned good manager, and has a very wicked sense of humor, or as Nikki would say 'it ranges from twisted to grade school humor'. We go over the contract thoroughly, Mick and Vince present...I ask questions and voice any concerns, pictures are taken, and I sign my name to my new life, my new destiny...a feeling of excitement and belonging such as I've NEVER known.

I am now a member of the world's most notorious band....and it seems Allen had a surprise for me...

"So, Steven, welcome the fuck aboard! You'll be a good fit and do this band proud...they may seem wild, but as you know things aren't always what they I've brought you a little something.... Nikki had mentioned to me about Axl Roses 'little drunken, wasted issue' so here's a real genuine news paper article. Hell, I had it framed." Allen hands me said frame and my eyes scan over the contents...oh its front page!! Oh, revenge is sweet...

"Axl Rose has problems performing in more ways than one, too much 'welcome to the jungle' partying being the culprit'

'Rose vehemently denies.... groupies come forward'

I laugh until I cry, practically curled up in a ball, as too the article mentions they have no clue who is ultimately responsible for this 'vile-ass rumor'....

-End Flash Back-

Now we, Nikki and I are fixing to finally leave rehab , just 2 more days and I can fully start living my life....and I will still have him, and he will have me to lean on...I am on my way back from a therapy session, where I was very animated, I enter the room and my eyes go wide as I notice.... Nikki and so many packages.... He grins wildly upon seeing me, like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Hey there you are!"

"What is all this?" I gesture to all the packages and bags in a sweeping gesture reminding me of a game show host or something.

"Ah, well I had them all delivered here...but um, all of these are for you Steven. I didn't want you to have to worry about clothes and stuff, since that red-headed asshole got rid of your stuff, and you didn't have much.... I..." I cut Nikki off absolutely floored, I sit down weakly finding a spot on my bed.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now