Chapter 82: 3 Little Firsts (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Sixx months have passed, Sixx months.... i mean Damn. And that means that 1 year ago today. I gave birth to three sweet little angels: Stormy, Ruby, and Decker. Today is their first birthday, my babies, all six of them are growing up FAR too fast. And these past six months have been good ones, but always tinged with the bitter-sweet because of Guns 'N' Roses.... Axl and Tommy leading the charge slinging shit at me (Even Izzy got some shots in, Slash...everyone had something negative to say in the very least), and my family...MY FAMILY, pisses me the fuck off and makes me...have those bad days as I call them, but I have my amazing, beyond amazing husband Nikki and our children to lean on.

Obviously, the sweet moments if you will be Nikki and I celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary, Mick i.e., Ozzy insisted on throwing us an anniversary bash and cooking. It was special and then my 37th birthday, Rain's birthday my oldest having turned 15, followed by Frankie at 13, so we have another teenager on our hands and Drew at 11 here soon and if I have not mentioned it before they have their own band and they declare they will open for Mӧ of their greatest dreams is to tour with Us. Funny enough or maybe not that dream did in fact come true.... seven years from now when we co-headlined a tour with Kiss and Drew.... met his husband, Jamison John Mc-Lennon aka McCartney-Lennon the youngest son of Paul McCartney and John Lennon, for he'd come to see us having never met Drew before despite the friendship Nikki and I had with their parents, always their paths had never met until one day they did....

Currently Nikki and I are readying Ruby, Stormy, and Decker for their birthday party.... The older kids are helping with the prep, and it's being held in our backyard, and it means the world to Nikki and me. Everyone is here, Mick & Ozzy, their clan.... Vince and Zak with their kids, our friends the Mclennon's as we call them, were sadly unable to be here but they sent gifts and we received gifts from the Butler-Iommi Clan. If you're wondering why, I or Nikki have never mentioned either except for referring to the McCartney-Lennon clan.... Well, where would the fun be in totally giving everything away.

The triplets are eager to see everyone, and are chattering away with their father and I...

"So, cited! Mommy an 'Daddy! Wots a food and peasants an..." Ruby's little grin, so like my husband's is infectious, she for sure has his personality.

"Where big brudda and sissies?" Decker questions, little lips trembling.

"Pop-corn their helping our family set up things for your special day!" Nikki reassures our son and softens his tone, "Don't be upset Decker, their ok.... i know you miss them."

"It ok brudda." Stormy, who is fully dressed hugs her brother, making my heart melt. Nikki and I share a look that says 'Our children are perfect.... they are OURS...we both had a hand in creating these perfect little angels...Sixx angels in fact.'

Finally, all 3 little birthday babies are ready and before we can take them downstairs and outside, in walks in our 3 eldest: Drew, Frankie and Rain who seems to be blushing heavily...hmm...I know that look. Nikki and I blink, and the triplets practically tackled their older siblings, I feel Nikki wrap his arms around me as we share a kiss.

"We came to get you guys." Rain says. Nikki I can feel more than see him smirk at our oldest daughter.

"You quit making out with Robbie long enough to come up here?"

"Dad!" She blushes embarrassed before a smirk equal to my husband's crosses her face, "You and Mom are just as bad." Thankfully the triplets are oblivious to the conversation.

"Nah.... now your Aunt Vince and Uncle Zak..." I trail off laughing, and soon everyone is laughing, and we manage to make our way downstairs and to the back yard where our family is waiting, and we are greeted with cheers, Stormy, Ruby, and Decker talking everything in as they cling tightly to Nikki and me....

"Come on its ok, its our you wanna go play and then eat?" I look down at them smiling gently and I can FEEL Nikki look at me in awe as he always does. It seems 'eat' is the magic word, kind of as first they insist on hugging and greeting everyone before we get settled in to eat, my little babies enjoying the food and a constant flow of steady giggles ring out.

"Oi! I saw our son snogging his girlfriend." Ozzy says out of the blue grinning slyly.

"Dad!" Robbie gives a Mick Mars-Osbourne type glare, but his tone is playful. Liza ribs her little brother in turn.

"Ignore your father...." And he turns to whisper to Ozzy and promptly blues at Ozzy's reply. Those two, but honestly, I'd say Zak and Vince are the worst. Everyone eats plenty of food, Nikki taking tons of pictures so we will have record of this most precious of days....

Then comes time for the cake or three small cakes are placed before Stormy, Ruby and Decker eat with a single candle....and I start bawling, Nikki in much the same we sing them happy birthday and their older siblings help them blow out their candles and the three of them go to town on the cake and they wind up having their own little food fight...

"Blue-eyes..." Nikki whispers choked. "Look at this.... there is a year old, a year...we have two teens, one almost a teen...I mean, why the hell can't time slow down? But I would not trade our lives, our children for anything. Especially YOU.... you gave me our children, carried them...and are raising them beside me. You have shown me what a mother should be.... what love should be, I can never, and I mean truly never can express just how much this all means to me. I love you, Steven."

"I know Nik, I KNOW. I could argue that YOU gave me them.... you all those years ago gave ME LIFE, a life...a new start, friends that became family.... You gave me your heart Nikki Sixx. You've been thru Heaven and Hell with me, thru all moments and I love YOU...all of you." I whisper before I feel my husband's soft lips on mine, and then Stormy, Ruby and Decker start tugging on our pant legs and we toss the 3 of them up in the air carefully, and are rewarded with their joyous squealing and laughter, what could be better?

All too soon the party ends, everyone pitching in, and the inevitable baths come for the triplets and their bedtime, meanwhile Drew, Frankie and Rain are downstairs watching tv, raiding the fridge or both if I had to hazard a guess....and then comes time for them to be laid down for sleep. Nikki and I sing a favorite, 'Here Comes the Sun' and each of them close their little eyes before songs end.

"Nikki, they've had such a big day today." I remark quietly so as not to disturb our sleeping children.

"They have." Nikki agrees, pulling me close to him. "Love you blue-eyes."

"Love you too Nik." I lean further into his touch, and we linger a bit before going downstairs. And joining our 3 eldest children.

This was the calm before the storm for a week from this day....the final confrontation as its called would occur, my oldest children would be with me....hell would break loose and lets just say the triplets once Nikki came to us, to me....would be with Zak and Vince since they actually lived a bit closer to Nikki and I...that is all I will say for now.

A/N: The Adler-Sixx triplets 1st birthdays, surprise cameos and mentions and glimpses of things to time the final confrontation! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now