Chapter 73: A Rainy Day (Rain Adler-Sixx POV)

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Hello there! Yeah I know just like Obi-Wan....but anyway, mom and dad have kindly let me tell you a story, a day when the rain fell down in sheets and Mom had been home from the hospital, sadly it wasn't the last time as he had to go back...the triplets would be fine, but it broke our hearts to see mom struggling so....but anyway, how rude of me....Rain Iris Mars-Osbourne aka Rain Iris Adler-Sixx, and part of my parents story is also my story...or rather OUR story...but this day, Frankie had found an old photo of our parents and THAT led to the WHOLE story being told, the drugs...the pain, the suffering....finding one another. We always knew something was wrong, like when mom would get extra sad....and quiet and always the tears and his clear blue-eyes looking like a cloudy sky ESPECIALLY when Guns and Roses were mentioned and then dad.... our parents, could have very easily not been here, Dad nearly wasn't.... but the ultimate point here is: Even on that Rainy day, that I remember so very clearly...It was easy to see how very much mom and dad loved each other, how much they loved us, and it only brought us even closer together as a family.... now on with the show....

Last night or yesterday, we were pulled out of school early.... since Mom was being brought home or was home from the hospital. It killed us being without our parents while they finished the tour, but even when there weren't here, they were HERE, Frankie, Drew and I could feel their presence. It was scary, finding out mom was in the hospital....and that mom was pregnant...I don't mean, I hate that mom was or was scary how it happened. I'd NEVER heard dad sound so scared and lost, and then mom was scared, still is in a way that he wasn't with Drew or Frankie.... because Mom is carrying triplets and if I know mom.... had a rough night. I stare out at the pouring rain, fingering the drumsticks mom made me.... just thinking...thinking.... when I hear something at my door and mom's voice in miniature: Frankie.

"Rain are you up? I found something, well Drew and I did."

"Yeah...come in." I state not turning from my seat for a moment before placing my drumsticks in their case and facing my siblings, hugging them both close to me and we all sit in the floor. "What did you find?"

Frankie hands me a picture of Mom and Dad...1987?

"Frankie found it in Dad's old says something on the back." Drew says seriously.

I flip it over and it says, 'Remember This.'

"Wait....1987, isn't that when Mӧtley toured with Guns?" I stare at the photo of my parents intently, growing sad... and I sigh, "We're now starting to find out or no.... we've known all along just how famous our parents us their just our parents, their everything.... i mean...I love them.... maybe if we ask them what happened?" I stammer very much unsure, and VERY reluctant to cause my parents ANY pain.

"They would probably rather us hear the story from won't be easy...but mom's already going thru so much..." Frankie says worried, that same sad look mom wears on certain days. All of us are dad's voice in the doorway.... our father: Nikki Sixx.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you guys." He apologizes, "Your mom's resting downstairs, he insisted...or I did, that I get him settled first. Had a rough night, but he wants to spend time with you kids and me......"

Dad trails off raising an eyebrow expectantly...noticing that the three of us aren't exactly focused...and his eyes fill with worry.

"Dad..." I start slowly, "Frankie found this picture of you and mom..." I get off the floor, Frankie and Drew following and Dad's eyes widen when he sees.

"Oh my god..." He closes his eyes before opening them, "I.... I.... there are somethings you kids should know about our past.... about mine and your mothers and the story behind the photo." Dad's green irises fill with tears. "It's time." I can tell Dad very much needs hugs, so he gets a 'kid pile' and he clings tightly to us, and we all make our way downstairs, to find mom propped up on the couch, looking pale and like.... i know that look he's just gotten sick and is now nursing a cup of tea. "Steven...oh god...I am...I should've..."

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now