Chapter 27: Resting and Planning (Steven Adler)

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I find myself waking up groggily unaware really of my surroundings.... until my brain kicks in and I realize I'm being held in Nikki's arms, both of us are still naked from our love making session and I believe we've both slept a LONG time. Nikki, it seems is still very much asleep, and I don't know what time it is, nor do I care. All I do know is I love waking up in his arms. Those raven bangs obscuring his beautiful eyes, those sharp. Angular GORGEOUS me he is perfect! I settle back down and burrow into his warm embrace.... but then suddenly I feel his fingers run gently thru my hair and I pull back enough to look at him—

"Did I wake you?" Softly.

"No baby you didn't. hmm, feels like we slept forever...." Nikki glances over at the clock. "Hmm yep, it's afternoon sometime the next we've slept for a good day. Not that I am complaining." Nikki confirms and sounds amused.

"Combine touring and our session....and yeah SO worth it. No complaints here babe." I laugh lightly and make the statement almost dreamily really.

"You were perfect Steven...but then I'm partial. Rightly so I'd say...much as I don't wanna leave this about a shower and a trip to the store and then we'll work on planning the wedding, talking about ideas and such...but first, I need my morning kisses." Nikki smirks slightly and I huff...

"Like you have to ask..." I trail off, as he pulls me closer to him and we kiss until we part for breath and get out of bed and shower, though it was so hard to not have sex in the shower or in other words NOT KEEP our hands to ourselves...we're horny for each other, there I said it. After out shower, we both take our time and blow dry and tease our hair, managing somewhere in this to find clean clothes and head off to the store, me making sure to grab my list. I fiddle with the radio and find mine and Nikki's favorite station.

"Ah babe, you've got the touch!" Nikki exclaims.

"Damn right I do!" I quip laughing. Before I know we arrive at the store, and get two carts...because trust me, we'll need it. Nikki and I eat like horses.... Nikki follows me closely, and I love how protective he is of me as we shop. We get all kinds of food, food that we need, junk and ingredients for me to experiment with and Nikki loves being my taste tester, I know he loves being with me period. Both carts are full and are after awhile paid for, but Nikki and I kiss thru out the store, and we wind up being spotted by some fans and spend a wee bit of time signing a few autographs, I really do love meeting our fans!

Nikki and I work in tandem with one another to load our car up and head home...and along the way, start a discussion about the wedding...let the planning begins.

"Did you have any ideas, Steven?" Nikki asks side eyeing me; I can tell he is even while wearing sunglasses.

"Umm...well, I don't know where I want to have promise what I am about to tell you...well you won't think it silly?" I sound nervous and uncertain.

Nikki reaches over with a hand and threads his fingers thru my own, "You know I'd NEVER think that Steven Joseph Adler."

"Um ok, I'd had a dream or glimpse of our wedding.... i remember a white carpet rolled out, covered with blue hydrangea petals, we wore matching tuxes...but your bow tie was the color of my eyes and mine was the color of was well beautiful." I sigh wistfully.

"That sounds WONDERFUL! And that gives me some ideas on a location...hmm, we'll talk about more when we get home." Nikki muses. Upon our arrival home, Nikki, and work to put away all our groceries and Nikki breaks out his notebook and we discuss more of our wedding plans sitting at our kitchen table. "Hmm location...I thought, maybe a mountain location.... I know a stunning place, could have an arbor...with those hydrangeas you mentioned and...what do you think?"

"I'd say, I love it! A white carpet, blue hydrangeas, I could carry a bouquet of similar colored flowers, those matching tuxes...can we do that?" Nikki writes everything down, and kisses gently.

"It's our wedding and of course we can do that! Hmm, so clothes, venue.... reception---" I cut Nikki off sheepishly.

"I could cook. You know how much I love it."

"Steven, it's your day as well as mine......but that's a ton of work baby. I don't want you to strain yourself." I realize Nikki is right, but then I get another idea.

"How about Italian then? Cater maybe? I want to honor your roots and speaking of just came to me...our honeymoon, I'd love...well I've always wanted to visit Rome, Italy. I want to honor the man I love...Nikki, I want to well..." I trail off and am startled a bit to find tears in Nikki's eyes.

"See? You are MEANT for me.... Steven, you love all parts of me.... we'll do that, it sounds amazing. And I am gonna learn Italian...I am a fast learner." Nikki did in fact learn Italian quickly.

"As you love all parts of me." I whisper, moved to tears. We share an emotional embrace and just simply hold one another for a bit....

"Ok, so we have location, honeymoon, food...oh I have an idea for the cake, I know a good Italian bakery...guests, I figure Mick and Oz & Liza, Zak, and Vince.... something small just our family, more intimate." Nikki eyes me lovingly.

"I love all that Nikki; it will be the most beautiful wedding...though nothing truly could compare to YOU." I get choked up; Nikki gently squeezes my hands.

"Just thought...Liza would love to be a flower girl...maybe she could carry the rings, nestled in a basket among flowers? How fucking cute would that be?!"

"I say Nikki Sixx, it would be very fucking cute...and sounds like a plan! God, I can't wait to marry you!" Nikki with out warning pulls me into his lap, not that I am complaining and rests his forehead against mine.

" Steven.... i can't believe there was a time, not so long ago where I didn't want this, didn't think I'd have this, but I have NEVER in my life been gladder to be wrong. I always knew we'd always be connected, this I could never's everything to me, I'd want no one else by my side but you. I wake up everyday to see YOU, I see you at night...I dream about you every're my other half. My heart and my soul, my heavy metal Mozart." Nikki whispers tearfully and we just stay like that for a bit, feeling our emotions...feeling each other.

Before Nikki reluctantly releases me from his arms, we kiss for a few minutes, before I declare I want to bake Nikki's favorite cookies and fix dinner, Nikki beams at me...looking at me like only HE can.

"Your way.... i mean, I can never get over it and God how I love it!" Nikki exclaims.

"OH Nikki!" Nothing else needs to be said, Nikki gets my meaning loud and clear. Nikki tells me that he wants to help me, and I let him...there is nothing on Earth like doing what you love WITH the one you love and now we have our wedding planned out and I can't wait to be officially Mr. Steven Adler-Sixx!

A/N: A wedding inspired in part by dreams, Now Steven and Nikki have their dream wedding planned out, Next chapter will be A Motley Thanksgiving gathering, so stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now