Chapter 88: 2012-Here Comes the Tour Part 2 (Nikki Sixx)

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Another day, another show.... it's not work, it's what I love's a passion...but my greatest passion greatest love? Steven and of course our children and our granddaughter, talk about fucking surreal but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Today is the day, we must what is for or rather who is...dear to us, friends.... legends, absolute legends.... Half of the Beatles are coming to visit finally: John Lennon and Paul McCartney-Lennon. Their youngest son Jamison had of course come yesterday and when he and my oldest son, Drew caught each other's gaze.... tractor beam I tell you; I could also tell you it was like they were struck by lightning, and I know EXACTLY how that feels, thanks to my beloved blue-eyes, I experience such every time I kid you not when I look at him.

Currently, Steven and I are getting ready for Mӧtley's set and naturally we've spent as much time as we can with all our children and our precious little Stevie. Paul and John are supposed to be coming with Jamison I think....

"Babe?" I question, pausing in doing my eye liner.

"Yes, their coming with Jamison Nikki." Steven NEVER fails to amaze me as he isn't even looking at me, doing his eye shadow. 

I laugh lightly, fondly. "You know me so well; I can never get over YOUR WAY." And it is here, Steven who it seems is finished, his eye shadow accentuating his beautiful, gorgeous blues turns to me, walking my way.... making my heartbeat wildly as without words he gently takes over and finishes my eyeliner and once done I can contain myself no longer and kiss him...senseless may I add.

"Wow..." Steven is breathless.

"Always and forever babe." I whisper, kissing him once more before knocks sound at the door, and Steven moves to sit beside me, me immediately taking one of his hands as those voices we know oh so well sound out, wondering if they can come in. with a laugh, we tell them yes as one of the greatest song writing duos and musical legends enter the room, but to Steven and I they are family.

"We were watching your kids perform, very talented." Paul states.

"Jamison couldn't take his eyes off ONE member in particular." A huge smirk plasters itself across John Lennon's face. "He loves you, yeah, yeah..." He sings.

"Oi...darling don't you think we should visit with our friends eh?" Paul raises an eyebrow, tone teasing before turning to Steven and I. "It's good to see you guys."

"Likewise." I smile, Steven burrowing into me.

"Did you get my recipes I sent?" Steven is very animated, eyes sparkling.

"We did mate, although even AFTER all these years some of us...still bloody well can't cook." Paul deadpans.

"Oi! I'll ave' you know, I can COOK...just the kitchen." Paul rolls his eyes; it's never been a dull moment with them for sure. But I note the blush that is on his cheeks. John notices and smirks widely, "Still got it."

"Cheeky Bastard." Paul says this fondly.

If you are dying to know when we became acquainted with the Mclennon's as they are dubbed, well that is an interesting tale in and of itself. THEY came to one of the shows on the first leg of the Dr. Feelgood was out of nowhere, it was like 'you have visitors' and of course the fact that said messenger was barely restraining themselves from glee and or passing out, it was both. And sure, enough they were there, and we hit it off right away, had some common interests and they told us THEIR story, for they'd heard of Steven and I and I cannot tell you to this day, how much that meant. How much it still means that they told us something not many people know, bared their souls because they felt they could, personally I maintain that it was because of Steven.... he brings out the best in anyone, well almost anyone, I don't need to say who...those fuckers, ah sorry...on with the show.

"We really appreciate you guys coming all this way." Steven softly says, squeezing my hands gently.

"Not a problem, it's a pleasure." John smiles and then his look goes far away for a moment, and I know he's reminiscing. "Your band reminds us so much of The Beatles in a lot of ways." He's said this before, but it still fucking floors me in so many ways. "Your husband Sixx gives Ringo a run for his money."

Steven blushes at this and exclaims, "I doubt that."

"Ringo himself said it." John says seriously adding with a devious smile, "I have it recorded."

"Someone's feeling evil, aren't they?" Paul states dryly although he's shaking his head fondly.

"Ah, well you are sticking around for the show of course?" Steven asks.

"Oh, we are.... got a surprise for you all." And it's something to see Paul McLennon to see him mirror his husband's devious grin.

Just you wait and see....

We chat for a bit longer until it's time to head to the stage, stopping on our way to speak and or spend as much time as we possibly can with our children, our family and Steven and I of course walk hand in hand....and Vince I note has a shit eating grin. I bet a million dollars he KNOWS what the surprise is, and he is LOVING this right now....

'I'll get you for this Vince.' I mouth.

Vince's grin just gets wider and much more shit-eating as he flips me off and we walk out on stage to the roar of the crowd, me of course getting Steven settled at his drum kit kissing him...the crowd going wild at such.... But then in this moment, this sweetest of moments disappears and it's just Steven and me.

Then the show gets underway, Chaos.... Mick, Mick being as always, a fucking trouper.... a fucking rock god with his back, Vince being Vince.... our family, our beautiful family....

Right before we get to our cover of 'Helter Skelter', Vince working the crowd, gleefully shouts we have some legendary special guests and friends to join us on stage and sure enough, the applause, which was thunderous to begin with, gets EVEN louder as John Lennon and Paul Lennon-McCartney join us on stage, Steven and I share a look of astonishment and a laugh. We should have known....

And we launch into the most sick, stellar, FUCKING epic performance with John and Paul of the song, having the time of our lives and the looks Paul and John toss each other, reminding me so much of Steven and i....

This performance was legendary, and still is to this day. I mean how many people can say they jammed on stage with Half the Beatles? Not just the Beatles, but OUR friends and we'd soon be connected thru our children: Jamison and Drew, who'd shortly after they officially met would start dating, and they waited a year at least after they found out, Drew like Steven could conceive and so that meant more precious and I do mean precious grandchildren.

Before I knew it, the show is over and we take our final arms around Steven, neither of us giving two shits about how sweaty we both are, and the fact that we need showers.... we look at one another and time I swear fucking STOPS.

"I love you, Steven." I feel a warm and loving hand on my face, and I lean into my husband's touch.

"And I love YOU Nikki." The world around us disappears once more and I feel the lips I love and know so well on my own.

A/N: Oh, I loved writing this chapter so much!! Hope you enjoy my friend!! The last 2 chapters will be a 2-part epilogue from the present day, stay tuned!! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now