Chapter 13: Christmas 88' Part 1 (Steven Adler)

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Christmas Season is upon us and oh this is my favorite of year...FINALLY. To be honest, for so long I wasn't crazy about Christmas for obvious reasons: abusive families, ex-partner, ex-band mates...that kind of thing. Though I confess that part of me, held out hope those hopes were crushed time and again, and then the drugs...those didn't help. Nikki, I know, has felt like me.... Anyway, the day after Christmas, I started decorating and I really went all out but I took Nikki into consideration.

"So, you really want me to do this? I want you to like it too." I look to my boyfriend in the store, where we were buying decorations and such.

"I told you, yes. For once in my life, I have a reason to want to celebrate Christmas, the holidays in general. This is a huge contrast to my having been on my deathbed last year. You really give me a reason to celebrate every day, and I know I'll love anything else you do, you put your heart and soul into it." His words made me cry, because they were so beautiful, Nikki wiped away my tears. "Never forget how much I love you."

To which I replied, "Never...God, I love you." And ignoring on-lookers we kissed and everyone else disappeared. We did get everything I wanted/needed to decorate and when we got home, I went to town...Nikki kept looking at me, that same look of love and wonder...making my heartbeat faster.

Which brings us to now: December 11...Nikki's 30th birthday. Currently, he is upstairs asleep were both up rather late last night and at this point I've moved into his bedroom or gradually have been moving to our bedroom I should say over the past weeks. I am in the kitchen, it's around 12...I had not the heart to wake my boyfriend and I am fixing his birthday dinner and the cake I promised...the cake is already made and ready to go, plus I have a pile of gifts I bought him ready to go...

Suddenly, I feel and then see a familiar set of muscled and tattooed arms wrapped around me, and I immediately lean back into: My Nikki.

"Hmmm..." I turn and kiss him, then smiling brightly. "Happy 30th birthday baby!"

" I need a big birthday kiss to grow on!" Nikki mocks a pout, teasing me.

"Well, you are the—" I am cut off by Nikki claiming my lips in a dominating kiss, not that I am starts off fiery then turns slow and sweet, our lip's part with a sweet click. "—Birthday boy." I finish feeling dazed.

"I am, aren't I?" Nikki grins, but then his look grows serious, and I am startled by the tears in his eyes. "I didn't think I'd be here to see 30, I almost WASN'T. and then I think...about, I could have lost this...lost us, before i even knew...Steven, you make me want to celebrate not just birthdays and holiday's...but life, and especially our love...our relationship." I reach up to gently thumb away his tears, despite my own.

"I know just how you feel Nikki, I didn't think I'd live to see I'm almost 21...and you.... god, you were my best friend...still are and now my lover. I love you so much Nikki Sixx, so much." I whisper, before once more I feel his lips on mine. Thankfully the food doesn't burn, but I do catch Nikki trying to sneak a peek at his birthday cake, and I playfully smack him...on the ass, which causes him to squeak and blush...hmmm. "Baby...not yet. I promise you are gonna love it. And besides you know what kind it is." I remind him.

"But Steeeven, I Know...but..." Nikki whines, teasing me as I finish all the food for his birthday dinner and tell him to sit at the table, while I get everything situated and fix him a plate and he smiles, "Thank you Blue Eyes, you spoil me. And I really appreciate you doing this and everything you do."

"That means the world to me Nikki and same goes for you babe." I smile back and we attack his birthday dinner, Nikki groaning at how good everything is...which not gonna lie, turning me on. We finish up and I make Nikki wait, while I rush into the kitchen to get his birthday cake, placing a '3' and '0' on the cake, I even wrote out 'Happy Birthday to My love.' I enter the dining room singing 'happy birthday' and Nikki whose jaw drops upon seeing the cake...but I can see how much all this means to him. I set the cake in front of me before he pulls me in his lap and kisses me senseless.

"I love it!"

"Glad you love it! Now blow out your candles before you burn our house down." I tease and so he does, as I go to cut him the first slice before getting myself some. "Damn!!! Like damn this is WOW!!" Nikki praises my cake. And then adds, "Betty Crocker ain't got shit on you."

"Nope she doesn't!" I quip, enjoying seeing Nikki so happy. We both consume enough cake and I store what's left for later, before bringing Nikki his presents and he looks to me...

"Steven, didn't have to go to so much trouble!"

"Aw, I'm merely returning the favor of spoiling you...I just really love seeing the way your eyes light up, with such joy...I just love seeing you happy." I smile gently and Nikki smiles back starting on his gifts which include: A Custom-Made leather jacket (This earned me a French kiss, God Nikki can kiss!), Bandana's, Aqua Net (I mean why the fuck not?) and because he loves to draw and paint so much, art supplies of all kinds.

"You really have made this the most memorable birthday I've had in my life!" Nikki chokes up.

"I'd do anything for you! And I am SO glad I could be apart of something this special, someone as special as deserve the fucking world babe." Nikki brings me into a slow kiss and at that moment the phone rings.... I make a beeline for the phone in the kitchen, but Nikki beats me smirking.

"Hello? Oh, hey Mick. Thanks for wishing me happy birthday. It's been a birthday I've had in my life!" Nikki's eyes shine, "Aw...course she can tell me happy birthday! Oh...course I'll have her 'Aunt Stevie' listen too." Nikki places the phone to where we both can hear...Liza's sweet little voice.

"Happy birday Unka Nikki! Wuv you and tank Aunt Stevie, for birthday!"

"He did thank me sweetheart." I tell the little girl and a thought occurs to me, "Nikki?" I whisper.


"I was thinking, um Christmas Eve we could invite the guys over and Liza too, her first grown-up Christmas party?" I whisper again. Nikki looks at me with awe, the way only he can, and I know that means 'yes'.

"You guys there?" Liza asks.

"Sorry Liza, Aunt Stevie was telling me an idea! Can you get your mommy on the phone just a second? Then we'll talk to you some more, promise." Nikki tells her, being so good with her and I can't help but have thoughts of how he'd be with our children. Liza agrees and Mick gets back on the phone.

"So did you guys have any plans Christmas Eve?" Nikki asks.

"No, why?" Mick's tone is knowing.

"Well Steven had the idea for a Christmas party, and to invite Liza.... kind of like her first 'grown up' Christmas party." Nikki says.

"I think that would be wonderful. I'll run it by Oz, but I am sure he'll say yes..." Mick says, as I hear Liza in the background wanting to talk to 'Unka Nikki' and 'Aunt Stevie', with a laugh Mick gives her the phone.

"Dat more than a sec!" Liza points out matter of factly, very sassy, but God she sounds so cute! "Mommy said prize?"

"Yes Liza, I had the idea to have a party Christmas Eve and we wanna invite you." I tell her and am rewarded, Nikki and I both with joyous squealing.

"Weawwy?! My first party! I wear pretty Christmas out fit an' everything!" Liza is very animated. WE chat with her another minute or two and then Mick, who tells us Ozzy said we're on and we finally hang up...Nikki has that look in his eyes, making my heart flutter.

"You...your way..." Nikki stammers for words, but oh I get the meaning, as he pulls me to him and we kiss, and I think of what an amazing holiday I am having so far and how I'd rather be no where else but by Nikki's side.

A/N: The start of Steven and Nikki's holiday season and a memorable 30th birthday for Nikki. Next chapter will be the Christmas Eve party, stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now