Chapter 11: Help! In the Studio (Steven Adler)

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After the day that Nikki shared a part of himself that he hasn't shared with anyone except me at that point in time, but he shared precious memories of his Nona. That meant so much to me at the time, still does to this brought us closer to one another, to where we were destined to be together and where we are in the modern world. Anyway, what I am getting at is after Nikki shared special memories of his Nona with me, we took two days off before getting back into the studio, all hands in on finishing/mixing 'Dr.Feelgood', a true rock and roll magnum opus if there ever was one....but it is when we went back in the studio that I would finally meet my niece: Liza Beth Mars-Osbourne. Ozzy would bring her by to see Mick....and she would meet me, in a way that no one expected...but fate would strike....and further deepen not only my familial bonds with Mick and Oz, but  my special bond with Nikki.

"Steven?! Are you ready yet?" Nikki yells from the living room, as I am in the kitchen packing some snacks, like granola (home-Made of course), grapes and several mini bottles of juice and water. I quickly finish packing, grab everything I need: Drumsticks, lyric book, violin, and all and stride into the living room, confident.

"I'm ready, see?"

"I do see.... you're tiny but mighty!" Nikki teases me, smirking dancing on his lips.

"I am and don't forget that!" Very sassy, Nikki rolls his eyes but grabs his stuff and insists on helping me with mine, we lock up and pack everything in the car...where finally Nikki gives a proper response to what I said, before leaving the we are now on our way to the studio.

"You've spent FAR too much time with Vince." Nikki smirks widely, I don't have to see my eyes are scanning over lyrics, I FEEL it.

"Quit smirking first of all...and secondly, I think it makes me even more fabulous!" I finally look up and eye Nikki, who at first has his jaw dropped.... but then lets out a little laugh of astonishment which I KNOW is more for the first part of what I said.

"Wow...just, how DID you know...I mean. Wow." Nikki seems to be at a loss for words.

"I had that feeling....and I know you Nikki, you're an amazing person." My tone soft, I mean every word, nothing more is said...though I catch him glancing at me from time to time. We arrive at the studio to find Mick and Vince who are both at the mixing board.

"Oh, if I didn't tell you guys, Oz is bringing by Liza in a bit...I think in an hour or so roughly. That's ok right?" Mick states and asks, his eyes soft at the thought of his husband and daughter. Nikki and I deposit our stuff and find seats quickly.

"Mick man of course its ok, and you called and reminded us too." Nikki reassures him.

Mick smiles, "Good...sorry if I was nervous any...this is the first time I've ever brought her into the studio with me, she's always wanted to come...and now she can...she's so excited!" Mick ends looking at me.

"Don't worry about it! And Like Nikki said, it's ok. Now, I can't wait to finally meet her in person...and, I hope she likes me." I murmur.

"Steven man, she'll love you...I know Mick has told her a lot about you." Vince soothes MY nerves at her liking me, we all chat a few minutes more before diving in and going over what's been done, what needs to be done etc. and get started on mixing and such, Mick, and Vince, myself and Nikki working in harmony, everyone giving equal input for about an hour and a half, before I apologize and ask for a piss break before I meet Liza. It is here, fate is fixing to strike and ultimately serves only to deepen my bond with Nikki.

I head down the hall intent on my destination...but the bathroom closest to our studio is out of order...well fuck! I hear Ozzy's distinct voice sound out and a child's excited voice, which I take to be Liza.... i must walk to another bathroom roughly literally a mile away, but I know where it is, and at the point I sprint into the stall and barely get my pants down in time for me to piss. I feel much better, but I realize that I've been gone a lot longer than I I wash my hands and exit the bathroom...and I immediately turn my head upon hearing...crying?  Not Just any cries, but a child's tears and I rush out of the bathroom to find right against the wall opposite the bathroom.... a little girl, 3 years old from the looks of it with...auburn hair and realization sets who EXACTLY this is...and she is so very scared and my heart breaks at the sight.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now