Chapter 84: Get Ready to Bring Your Guns...Again Part 2

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I had let Steven go with our oldest kids to the store, I'd felt a little better knowing he wasn't alone.... but it was Deja fucking vu, that day in 89' and he called me from the hospital, or the nurse did and told me he was there. I'd been at home, feeling uneasy.... the triplets still sleeping away like rocks, me sitting on the chase lounge drawing and I got the worst.... phone call of my life! It was Steven's number...but it wasn't Steven on the phone, it was Frankie...a very frantic and crying Frankie....

"D-Dad.... Dad...." Was all she could get out and I instantly KNEW something was wrong.

"Sweetheart.... what's wrong? I know its mom, but you need to breathe, ok? Please?" I'd begged her.

"A-Axl and T-Tommy L-Lee showed up.... they...they shoved him in the f-floor...they, they are hurting him!! Rain...we help...and stay, he wanted us to be safe...daddy!" She wailed.

"I'm coming! Ok...I promise....and Frankie? I am SO proud of you and your siblings for wanting to defend your mother, I" I was crying, seeing red at the same time.

"H-Hurry...we...we are scared." She whimpered and the line went dead....My anger and worry building, I quickly and shakily dialed Zak and Vince tolded I needed them NOW....gave a brief rundown and they were there I shit you not with in 4 minutes, Vince calling after me as I ran to the car telling me he and Zak will take the triplets and I high tailed it to Steven.....which brings us to now....

Steven has just collapsed into my arms, cops are here.... holding Axl and Tommy, and I beg him to wake up...but he doesn't, I am told an ambulance is on its way, and my oldest, are brought to me, being kept safe.

"Stay with your mother a moment." I whispered to them, as I shakily stand and whisper to Steven, "I am gonna make them PAY babe." And I charge over to where Axl and Tommy are cuffed, the cops steer clear of me....and without warning I fucking deck them both and I make it HURT. "That's for Steven.... this has gone on for far too fucking long.... i warned you, I've warned you over and fucking over. You attacked him, HURT HIM IN FRONT OF OUR CHILDREN.... THEY ARE TRAUMATIZED BECAUSE OF YOU BOTH AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR OWN CHILDREN? DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK OF THEM? IT'S NEVER OK, NEVER TO DO WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO STEVEN, BUT YOU AXL....AND TOMMY WERE SADLY A MATCH MADE IN HELL AND DESERVE EACH OTHER. I-I...." Here I break down, "I love him. I always have, you have.... i don't understand how you can treat Tommy like he's saint.... you and those FUCKERS." I HISS. "But treat Steven like you have. Jail is the least you deserve, but I hope you know...THIS will affect your children, they could take you both away from them...however, you should LIVE with what you've done...oh you'll receive Jail time make no mistake, and Tommy? Your mother will probably take or gain custody of your kids. I also heard you called my husband among other things a baby factory, each of our precious angels were made with love...he and I BOTH wanted them, and I would and do love him no matter what. This is the LAST fucking time!"


"Save it! Oh, and did I mention restraining orders for you and all of Guns? Goodbye. You stupid sad motherfuckers." Lowly, menacingly.

At this point EMS workers are here checking over Steven, I gather my scared children to me...feeling so anger worry still there.

"Dad?" Rain's voice is small.

"I am sorry if I..."

She cuts me off, "No you didn't scare me or us. We're...we're proud of you, mom's proud...we love you...., still..."

"I know sweetheart I know." I whisper. Leaving no room for argument, my three eldest demand to go with me, I follow in the car...and I arrive in record time, and the kids and I find ourselves out in a waiting room, I know Steven will be admitted, but they are doing further tests. "I am gonna talk to your school, see about keeping you out for at least a week.... you guys need time and I know you want to spend time with your mother.... Zak and Vince have Stormy, Ruby, and Decker.... they are in good hands."

"A-Are you...sure Daddy?" Drew asks.

"Very...we all need each may take longer than a week...that's ok. I can't tell you how much I love you guys, all six of my children.... you are all the best gifts I could have ever been given and your mother.... your mother is my everything." The tears once more fall. After I don't know how long a doctor comes out and gives me details on Steven's injuries: Broken Ribs, Bruises....cuts....and he's awake and wants me, wants the kids...though they will give him something for pain, I know he worries or will that he'd become addicted to them again....but I will tell him and show him as always that he is stronger than he realizes, he always has been.

Rain, Frankie and Drew follow me...holding my hands, reminding me so much of when they were little and together, we walk in and see Steven, I can tell his ribs are wrapped...his hair wilder than normal...face covered in bruises...but those eyes, those eyes glow when they land on me and our oldest before filling with tears, immediately I sit down and take his hands in mine and his are shaking.

"N-Nikki.... Nikki.... Are the kids, ok? All of them?"

"The triplets are fine, they are safe.... Drew, Frankie, and Rain are here, they...they are scared...those fuckers scared them.... NONE of this was your fault...none of it. made sure they'd be safe, you protected defended them and me...and you were so brave to have stood up for yourself, Decking Axl, and Kneeing Tommy where it really hurts....and babe...I fucking hit them for you.... I think I may have broken a jaw or two. And I am gonna talk to the kids' school and keep them out for a bit, they need time and so do you and us...."

"I love you Nikki hero, my absolute hero." Love, awe and tears and I kiss him gently before letting our children talk to their mother. "I am proud of you three for offering to stay for getting help, just like your father...saving my life. All my children, everyday do that.... Your father has always done that since the moment I met him whether he or I knew it or not. I love you...I love you."

"We love you too Mom." Frankie my pumpkin pie sniffles.

"Dad let them have it." Rain sounds so proud, "He defended you. He's got a hell of a swing."

To my relief Steven chuckles, albeit very carefully. "He does, he taught me well." Steven yawns, wincing in pain. "Maybe meds taking affect.... need me."

"Sleep blue-eyes. I need you my love to rest, ok? I love you."

" you more." Steven murmurs, dropping off into what I hope is a healing sleep.

My oldest and I stayed for a while, until the need for food won out and of course, I called the kids schools and collected their work...and leaving a note for Steven just in case while we were gone, telling him how much I loved him....telling him I was taking care of things for him, that I was checking on our youngest...and that I felt in my bones, that at long last....the conflict...this was IT, the final confrontation....turns out, it was. And about 3 years from now, in 2008.... we'd at long last film a music video for 'Saints of Los Angeles.' And Steven, my beloved blue-eyes came up with such amazing ideas, he, and I both did and DJ Ashba and James Michael, our good friends, made appearances and James directed the video.

A/N: At long last Guns are put to rest or will be....and Steven, Nikki and their children will recover, and Next chapter will be in 2008, and the following will be a few years later at the wedding of Rain Iris Adler-Sixx to Robby Mars-Osbourne. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now