Chapter 75: Bittersweet & We All Have Our Days (Nikki Sixx)

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Our family is closer than ever before, truly it's a beautiful is beautiful and amazing period. This all came about 2 months ago on that rainy day when Steven and I told our story to our children, the whole sordid history before Steven and I found each other and even the storms that came when we became a couple. Steven, my heart still breaks at the trauma he's endured, it likely always will.... but now he knows, we BOTH do...that neither of us must share our burdens and pains alone. Steven worried as I did, that our children.... ALL of them, Rain...Frankie, Drew and our unborn children would think less of us.... we WERE WRONG, we are...our children if anything look at us like we're their heroes, perhaps even more so. They know our truths, hidden and otherwise about the things Steven and I made, the things we've done that we regret...but the point is, they LOVE us...they are proud. So damn proud and it goes to show, that Steven and I are raising our children right.

Steven, my poor blue-eyes though these past 2 months.... he'd started having nightmares that night we'd told our kids about our past...he woke up screaming, and it took me an hour, to calm him down enough to tell me he'd a nightmare about losing.... the twins, he'd carried in 87' before that infamous Girls' tour.

God, I wanna kill Axl! But anyway, the triplets were fine thankfully. Steven felt guilty, he'd woken the kids that night...who like me were scared shitless. But they hugged and hugged, and they even insisted on fixing pallets on the floor, the three of them and staying that night. Since that night they've always, even more so than before made it a point each of them to check on Steven, check on me....

Then there have been moments, of joy.... feeling the triplets move for the first-time last month. Firstly, it NEVER gets old, but anyway.... we'd been cuddling on the couch; the kids were working on homework.... when my husband who'd been dozing suddenly wakes up with a start, alarming me...but without words, he places my hand on either side of his stomach and I knew.... they were moving, very fluttery like.

"Nikki...Nikki...they are moving.... moving." Steven's baby-blues darkened with tears. The kids immediately dropped what they were doing and there was so much love, so much love.

During these past 2 months, Steven and I worked with SIXX AM, me making sure my husband took it easy, wrote, took care of the kids...and our marriage, our love got stronger...we got thru Steven's nightmares and that brings us too now....

Steven is now 4 months pregnant, things are better mentally for him overall, though he still has his days, and his morning sickness FINALLY seems to be tapering off and its now October and thankfully a weekend and the kids are home. The smell of pumpkin and cinnamon start wafting thru the air, and I smile setting aside the portrait drawing of Steven I'd been working on and head to the kitchen, and I hear laughter, Steven's sounding like bells and when he comes into view.... i forget how to breath for a moment, his eyes the lightest of blues, radiant smile and his stunning swollen stomach housing our triplets.

Steven looks up, his smile even wider.... god, does it warm my heart to see him smile!

"Hey.... i was really wanting to bake, it's been a while...and it's fall. Plus, the babies are moving like crazy!" Walking towards me now, and I rush to meet him.

"You are so BEAUTIFUL by the way." I whisper, gently stroking his cheek.

"Nah.... you are." Steven counters.

"Agree to disagree my love..." And with that I capture his sweet, sweet lips....and I don't stop kissing him until the need for air wins out, and I place my hands on his stomach, laughing. "WOW...they really are moving...." And I add on softly, "I love it...where..."

Steven cuts me off, "The kids if I HAD to hazard a guess, will be down in 3, 2, 1...." And sure enough 3 sets of feet thunder down the stairs, taking deep sniffs as they reach the kitchen.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now