Chapter 26: It's Our Home Sweet Home (Nikki Sixx)

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Home is where the heart is or so they say or in mine and Steven's case: Home Sweet Home. The first leg of the 'Dr. Feelgood' tour is done and a smashing success and fucking stellar debut for my fiancée. Now, now we are home and as a matter of fact we've literally just arrived home  straight off the tour bus and it's early morning ,but in any case our luggage  gets scattered wherever it may land and I Pull my fiancée into my arms, and I don't wanna let go.

"Home sweet Home at last. Ya know? this is the first time in years that I looked forward to coming home and blue eyes that's because of you." I murmur, running my fingers gently thru Steven's hair.

"Funny I could say the same about YOU Nikki. Ugh, so exhausted though! Even though I slept on the bus, and I know you're tired too, but oh...I must make a list of household stuff we need, get our laundry and bills sorted and'—" I cut Steven off with a gentle finger to his lips.

"Hey, we can do that stuff but rest first...and hmm, I have the PERFECT idea in mind." I can feel myself smirk wickedly and am rewarded by Steven's blush which magnify his baby blues.

"Babe...tell you what.... I'll agree to your idea of 'rest' IF you at least let me get our laundry sorted and make a list of stuff we need...and bonus: you get to ogle me." Steven's tone is teasing, oh he KNOWS what he's doing all right.

"You tease'' I trail off before fairly slamming my mouth against his, claiming his lips in a dominating kiss before it then turns sweet and tender, we part for breath both of us panting. "Ok...NOW WE can get some stuff done and then 'rest'." I wiggle my eyebrows and Steven elbows me smirking before he takes off, sorting our bills first...I don't let him get far, I help and then once that's done, we sort all of our laundry to be washed, unpack our luggage and at last to the kitchen where Steven grabs a pen and a pad of paper, turning to me with despite his tiredness, a beaming smile his gaze knowing, I turn into a heart beating fast.

"Nikki, I know first things first Cherries and Chocolate." Steven says this fondly writing those things down, as then he and I both come up with things our house needs and FINALLY, I with out warning scoop him up, making him squeak and moan both and promptly head for our bedroom.

"Mmm, Now I have you all to myself...." I whisper heatedly.

"Oh, whatever shall you do with me Nikki?" Steven whispers back in the same tone. Oh, just he...screw it! I claim his lips in a kiss, keeping them busy while somehow managing to get up the stairs all the way, open our bedroom door and I reluctantly put Steven on his feet and I note the deep flush he's sporting, and I can feel my like steel.

"Lose the clothes, I need you..." I moan and purr, mad with need for him. Steven immediately loses the clothes and I stand there rooted to the spot admiring the vision I see before me.

Steven arches an eyebrow, "Um Babe your clothes?" OH yeah, hastily I discard my clothes before he and I both tumble to our bed, gripping, teasing and exploring one another, both giving and receiving mutual pleasure for a bit, every sense heightened...I carefully as always prep him, and enter him and I nearly stop breathing....Steven has his head thrown back in ecstasy, fairly screaming broken syllables of my I begin my pace, him begging for harder and more, the bed begins to creak heavily...

Thus, our dance goes, and after a wee bit I slow my pace..." St-even look at me. I love you. I LOVE YOU." I can't help but get teary eyed and I see the same emotions reflected in my fiancée's eyes.

"A-And......I...I love you Nikki...always Sixx's Heavy Metal blue eyed a-angel." Tears slip down his cheeks, which I kiss away, and once perfectly timed thrust has him coming undone completely...I follow suit.... i wait for a few minutes before I reluctantly pull out and gently clean my fiancée off first before I clean myself, change our sheets and then both of his still naked back in bed where our legs entwine with one another's, Steven tracing my tattoos lovingly yet also sleepily.

"That was...unbelievable, out of this world...emotional, hot heavy, name it. It's always like the first time with you Steven." I murmur.

Steven chuckles a bit, "So many adjectives." He teases me but then his tone turns husky from tears, his following words get me started for they are fucking beautiful just like him. "You never fail Nikki to let me give you pleasure, and moreover I've never wanted to do such things with anyone in my life but you. Our pleasure giving is mutual, our love is powerful, and we can get thru anything together, we balance one another. With one another we know what true love looks like, what true love feels like and should be and we're getting married. It's just the most beautiful, amazing thing ever."

"Damn babe..." I collect myself enough to continue albeit tearfully. "I don't know what I'd do or where I'd be without you...I want to live for you, every day...there is nothing I love more than seeing you happy and doing what you love no matter what it is. And I can't wait to marry you and have babies, I would love a big family.... but our first, like your dreams and mine our first, I feel like very strongly will be a little girl."

"I feel that too." Steven whispers as I gently kiss him, and he yawns hugely.

"Sleep babe let's sleep. I love you." I murmur gently brushing his hair back.

"Love you too...." Steven then drifts off and I quickly join him, and do as I do whenever I fall asleep, dream of Steven...of our lives, our futures...our love....

Steven and I are married, as indicated by the flashes of metal I spy on our fingers....and we seem to be in Italy, Rome to be precise sitting on the lip of a beautiful and ancient fountain, the water sounding like the whispers of angels. I sigh happily...

"What're you thinking Nikki?" Steven, my husband asks me to smile gently.

"How happy I am...I mean here we are married and, on our honeymoon, in Rome Italy. I've already taken so many pictures, so many memories and we've not been here long...this was one of the most moving and best ideas you've had babe!"

"I thought I'd love to get to know the Italian roots of the man I was marrying...well now am married to....and, that's why babe when you asked me to pick, I picked here." I kiss Steven gently.

"Thank God, I learned now I speak Italian AND French."

"Nikki.... French kissing doesn't count!" Steven teases with a wide grin.

I grin back at my husband, "Not the way I do it!"

"Touché babe, touché." Steven leans against me, and God I love the feel of him!

"So...what do you say to some genuine Italian gelato? You could also get some recipe ideas...." I trail off after my suggestion and my husband tackles me practically in happiness, our laughter echoing in the air, birds literally take flight at the sound but all I know is the look and feel of my heart. "I take it that means, yes?" I tease, my lips quivering with laughter.

"No." Steven dead pans, then bursts into laughter, "It means hell yes! Now come on!" Steven practically drags me off the fountain, and I quickly find us some transportation and we are off, trading kisses and basking in our love and our joy.

A/N: Home from the tour at last, hot and heavy, and emotional moments.... Next chapter, more of Steven and Nikki at home and perhaps planning their wedding. Stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now