Chapter 49: It's Happened at Last (A visit) (Steven-Adler Sixx)

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The first night or day, which ever...doesn't matter the time anyway...but the first day or so that I have been in the hospital bonding with my precious little jellybean, my newborn daughter Rain has been everything. Her feeding from me is something I could never have imagined, but it creates a bond to me anyway like no other between mother and child. And Nikki? Oh, my beloved husband, has been in short: amazing. He is such a good father, helping me take care of her, him singing to her.... it's nothing less than beautiful.

Which brings us to now: day 2 roughly of my hospital Stay, I've just fed and burped Rain who is now making cooing noises at me, Nikki had stepped out...something about a surprise for me.

"There now jellybean, all nice and fed.... daddy should be back soon; said he had a surprise for me. Daddy is the best person, truly beautiful inside and out. We love you dearly." I kiss her little forehead and no sooner than I hear and then see: Nikki!

"I love you both too blue-eyes," His eyes are soft and my own widen upon seeing that he has, roses, not traditional red but multi-colored ones.... very beautiful and unique.

"Babe.... you didn't have to get those, but they are stunning!" I say as he sets them down and kissed me before then giving our daughter affection making my heart melt.

"Ah Steven, you know I can't help myself." He teases, but his tone turns tender. "I just love making you smile and now.... Oh wait!! Before I forget I called everyone, they are on their way should be here soon.

"I know babe, I am the same way, and I am excited to see everyone and for them to see, if I figure right you meant to say somewhere in there, you wanted to hold our daughter." Nikki looks at me in awe, a look that says, 'you are made for me' and carefully he takes Rain from me, and I cannot help but admire him, holding our daughter in those strong arms of his. He is absolutely a devoted father of that there is no question. Nikki holds her for a bit, murmuring sweetly to her....and before I know it, everyone arrives.... Nikki hands Rain back to me who curls up on my chest, as everyone finds seats and unloads stuff for jellybean too. Truly touching! Nikki joins me in the bed, wrapping me and our daughter in his embrace.

Vince starts things off exclaiming teary eyed, "Aw is that your daughter?! God, she's adorable!" The others echo similar sentiments, Vince suddenly seems nervous.

"Babe? You, ok? Gonna get sick?" Nikki and I share a look, we know. Zak had just asked his husband that question.

"n-No...just nervous." Vince stammers.

"Vinny don't be.... their family." Zak speaks gently to Vince, and everyone and I do mean EVERYONE is eager to hear what we have a feeling it is, news wise. 

"You're right." Zak kisses Vince gently. Vince clears his throat, "Well judging by the looks on your faces, you know.... well to make it official: I am finally pregnant, about 7 far so good.... I...for SO long.... I've wanted a baby. Geez, Steven man I know just how you felt. And like you said 'it's worth the wait'" Vince is crying as am I, and I am carefully not to jostle my sleeping daughter.

"Truer words have never been spoken. Congratulations to you and Zak both, I know you guys will be awesome parents." I sniffle and I catch Mick's eyes, and he smirks widely, and I soon find out why.

"I bet it's a girl, I mean all Vince wears is pink." Funny story: Mick turned out to be right.

"Whatever." Vince grumbles.

"Oi! Congratulations but can we PLEASE get to the matter at hand?" Ozzy, ever impatient pipes up.

"Nikki?" I whisper.

"Yeah blue-eyes?"

"I love you." I whisper once more.

"I love you too baby. Now you DO realize they are gonna fight over holding her, right?" I say lowly, smirking.

"Hmm...I DO." Nikki grins widely. "Good thing I brought my camera." After A TON of debating in the end, Liza is in fact the first to hold Rain, Nikki helping her first, followed by Mick who'd handed Robby to his husband.

"Aunt Stevie, Uncle Nikki.... she pretty!" Liza is beaming. Liza I can't fucking believe will be six this year by the way....

"Thank you, sweetheart." I tell her, leaning against Nikki who kisses me.

Ozzy and Mick hold her next, them switching off with one another with their son...

"So...Rain is what Nikki would look like with Blond hair..." Mick is highly amused. And my husband is I can tell itching to shoot Mick the bird.

"HEY! I'll have you know I would LOOK adorable!" Nikki protests, grinning madly though.

"Did the Nikki Sixx just refer to himself as adorable?" Vince snickers, as he says it.

"You're damn right I did!" Nikki quips back, me shaking silently as I can from laughter.

Ozzy holding Rain.... I'd NEVER in a million years before I met and got to know Ozzy would have thought he'd be good with kids or a good father.... but he is a devoted and wonderful father.

"Got yourselves a little heartbreaker here." Ozzy's tone is fond, and Nikki and I fairly glow with pride. Ozzy holds her a little while longer before Vince and Zak do. Vince in tears, gushing over her and Zak is much the same. Not that I blame baby, my Valentine's baby because when Rain was born. It was Valentine's Day, the best Valentine's Day gift my husband could have ever given me!

Everyone stays awhile before leaving and amazingly Rain is still asleep.... I can't sleep I'll feel like I'll miss something, I just wanna take care of her.... Nikki takes notice.

"Babe? Remember you need rest too."

"Nik.... I just don't wanna miss anything, what if she needs me? I wanna take care of her." I cry, gently rocking my daughter. Nikki smooths back her hair before laying a hand on my cheek.

"I know you do because you are an amazing mother, amazing person.... don't cry blue eyes,"

Almost as if Rain knows or maybe it's time for a feeding.... she wakes up and is NOT happy....

"Shh...shh...Mommy's got you princess." I soothe her.

"Here let me check her diaper, and then you can feed her and THEN you mister ARE sleeping." Nikki says firmly but gently. I relent, and he takes Rain from me humming 'Without You' as he changes her diaper, she pooped and peed it seems and he talks gently to her all the while, she quits fussing so much and starts cooing as my husband also changes her outfit. "There is all better princess, now to mommy!" Nikki smiles at me, and I smile back as I once more pull down my hospital gown and Nikki helps me support Rain as she latches on and begins to nurse. Her eyes never leaving mine.

"Mommy loves you jellybean."

Soon she is full and burped and God I am SO exhausted, Nikki takes her from me---

"Sleep well blue eyes. I've got her and I PROMISE if she needs you or I do I'll wake you."

I feel his lips on my own and I drift off with a smile of my face and of course dream of my family. Life doesn't get any better than this...

A/N: Sweet family moments and FINALLY Vince and Zak are having a baby of their own! Next chapter will see little Rain Iris Sixx being brought home. Stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now