Chapter 25: End of the Road Part 2 (Steven Adler)

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After a night that included the final show of the first tour leg, eating, loving (LOTS OF) loving and just Nikki and I relaxing in our hotel room as best we could...we are finally on the bus bound for home. It's been an amazing ride so far being in Mӧtley and I know it will only be more so as time goes by......Currently, Nikki, Vince, Mick, and I are all playing cards, relaxing...we won't truly sleep until we get to our respective homes, but anyway...I digress.

"Fucking Killer first leg of the Dr. Feel Good tour man! Every one of us fucking killed it, we sold out the whole first leg and hey didn't Allen tell us that Guns' short tour actually did decently but nowhere near as good as ours, lot of unhappy people." Vince states gleefully really. Ah, the irony of that statement, they would do a bigger tour for 'Use your Illusion 1 & 2', which were a big double LP hit or hits for them and were good albums I grudgingly admit. the grudgingly for obvious reasons, but they too used it as an excuse to take jabs at me which no longer bothered me...but my ultimate point is their little tour for 'Lies' was enough to make Tommy Lee rich again, since A: His royalties went to me and B, nah 'A' was enough, but you get the message...well one more thing, always they were to be our rivals playing as they said "Second fiddle" to Us.

"Yeah, he did mention that, yes Vince." Mick says thoughtfully, the corners of his lips twitching with mirth. He looks up and at me. "You know Steven I really don't think this would've been possible with out you, any of it. Thanks to you, despite our STILL wildly different and crazy personalities, we get along for once...well I mean we're tight knit and sound tighter than ever. But you, you with the eyes of thousands, no the world watching fucking rocked it, all that's like for you, it didn't exist. And not to mention, I have NEVER seen Nikki so happy as I have starting last year. It's an awesome thing all the way around and not just for him, but for us all."

My jaw drops at his speech, and tears fill my eyes, I can feel Nikki squeeze my hand gently, smiling at me like only he can, but too there are tears in his eyes.

"I'd have it no other way Mick...I mean the heart and soul of our band, is a true heart and soul...but more than that, Steven IS my heart and soul. Finally, we are headed home, to our home....and, we will rest and plan our wedding too—" Nikki is cut off by an excited Vince.

"Sorry, well not that sorry Sixx.... But I would love to help!"

Nikki rolls his eyes and huffs, "Lemme guess...Pink? Lots of Pink?" I hide my snickers as best I can.

"Hey! I wore Pink...I looked FABULOUS; I'll have you know." Vince protests and huffs, crossing his arms.

"Well, no we wouldn't know Vince, because you and Zak eloped." I deadpanned, before bursting into laughter, Vince flipping me off...but then all of us wind up laughing until we cry, Nikki and I holding on to one another, till somehow, we manage to calm ourselves.

"I love you, Steven." Nikki whispers lovingly into my ear.

"And I love you, Nikki." I whisper back in the same tone. "Kiss Me?" I question lowly.

"Like you have to ask Blue eyes." Nikki says in the same tone as he kisses me and despite having an audience, takes his dear sweet time. We all chat for a bit longer, till Nikki and I decided to lay out on the couch, cuddled up together under a blanket.

"So, what are we gonna do on our first day home? Besides sleep and rest?" I ask, as Nikki gently runs his fingers thru my blond locks.

"MMM, love making and lots of it." I hear the smile in his voice, and I cannot help but snort in amusement—

"Babe, that doesn't REALLY count as relaxing."

"I disagree Steven, not the way I DO it." Nikki quips teasing then his tone turns tender, "I have to say, I have really missed watching you cook. It's like watching a well-timed dance...No, it's like everything you do, you put your heart and soul into it. "

"Aw babe!" I get a little bit misty, can't lie. "I've missed that too and our kitchen banter." I think a moment, "How would you feel if I wrote down your Nona's recipes for lasagna and tiramisu?" Someday those recipes would wind up in the cookbook I wrote, 'Heavy Metal Cookery'.

Nikki pulls back to where I can see his face and I am a bit startled to find tears in his eyes, "I would be HONORED, I'd love that...and Nona would love that." I wipe away my fiancées tears and bring him into a kiss and then we settle back down as I lay my head on his chest feeling his heartbeat in time with mine.

I yawn suddenly, "Mmm...I think I need a nap."

"I've got you babe; I'm not letting you go EVER. I love you." Nikki whispers, those words being the last things I hear before I drift off and dream----

Images flash before me, flowers, perfect weather....and finally the scene comes into focus....i appear to be walking down an aisle, white carpet laid out scattered with blue hydrangea petals, I wear a tux, with a bow tie that reminds me of Nikki's seems as if we are getting married. Ozzy is escorting me down the aisle, but all I can see now is Nikki...and even though I am dreaming, I swear this feels so real and time stops---

Nikki, my Nikki...he is also wearing a matching tux, but his bow tie is the color of my eyes, I cannot help but be touched, he has tears in his eyes, and I know they are in mine, our jaws drop upon seeing each other, finally Ozzy hands me to Nikki....

"You look like an ANGEL." Nikki whispers awed, "So damn beautiful, God do I love you!"

"I can't believe how beautiful YOU look. "I counter, "I love you, Nikki."

The scene then fades as another takes shape----

In this, Nikki seems to be cooing over a bundle, a wiggling seems I've given birth...and he is holding our daughter.... murmuring sweetly to her...

"Hey sweet girl, it's, I'm your daddy...Mommy and I both dreamed about you before you were born, we wanted you so badly and now you're here. There was a time when I didn't think I'd ever want kids, well admit to my self I DID want them...but sweetheart, you're amazing mother carried you, birthed you and I helped to create something precious and beautiful! You look like us both, but you have your mother's eyes and hair. I guess I know what I'd look like as a blonde, I'd look adorable!" Nikki laughs and cries both, as he eyes me laying in bed exhausted like I am the most stunning person he's ever seen. "Thank you, babe, thank you." He whispers.

A/N: Humor, heart, dreams aka foreshadowing and the end of the chapter will see our favorite couple home from the tour, stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now