Chapter 87: 2012-Here Comes the Tour Part 1 (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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Summer 2012, July 2012 another year, so many special and precious milestones and we are on a sold out co-headlining Tour with Kiss and am having a blast and I'll get back to that in a moment, but oh the special and precious milestones, the precious and beautiful moments....For instance, Nikki and I very happily celebrating 22 years of marriage, 24 years of being a couple and being sober, feels pretty fucking good I tell you and the fact that FINALLY I was able to heal, meaning Guns has left me ALONE, I still have my days of course...but now it's easier to deal with. And my six precious children, my eldest doing so well with their band and my youngest 3 were like their older siblings growing up too fast and had a real knack for art and photography & this was Stormy and Ruby, Decker was really into cooking and music, playing the Violin as I'd been teaching him and they were 8 this year, 8! And my eldest daughter Rain, became a married woman, a beautiful ceremony reminding me so much of mine and Nikki's wedding so many years ago, still it feels like yesterday. But Rain on her wedding day told me something I suspected that Nikki and I both did we were gonna be grandparents and that has fucking floored us and on November 23, 2011, our granddaughter we share with Ozzy and Mick was born, best Christmas gift ever by the way! And God, holding her for the first time? I cried like.... Well, a baby.

"Nikki, look at her.... god, it seems like yesterday I gave birth to her mother and I am holding our grandchild. She looks so much like both her parents, she's PERFECT." I Told him, rocking my newborn granddaughter gently.

"Life comes full circle, so they say.... We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you Steven. And I very much agree with you." Nikki's voice husky from tears, eye liner running. "What's her name?" Nikki asked our exhausted but happy daughter. Ozzy and Mick, leaning forward eagerly.

"Robby and I were talking; it was SO hard in a way...but we named her after our mother's.... Stevie Michelle Mars-Osbourne, both for mom and my mom-in law." Rain had said softly.

Everyone's eyes were dark with tears, tears of JOY and Nikki holding her, God I'd never seen anything more precious!!

And that brings us around to now, the shows have been fucking killer....and Generation Rock is due to take the stage, Nikki and I waiting with Mick and Ozzy in the wings. We are SO not gonna miss this! We haven't so far, and we don't plan on it EVER. Mick telling us fuck the back pain.

"Oi.... who's that there?" Ozzy cranes his neck, and it seems we have a visitor. Jamison Lennon-McCartney who is Drew's age. "Oi, how about a hug eh?" Ozzy grins, as Jamison does so. Jamison is a dead ringer for John Lennon, but he has Paul McCartney's personality.

"Hey! What about us?" I pout playfully. Jamison hugs Mick and of course hugs Nikki and me.

"It's good to see everyone, Mum and Dad send their love...they are coming tomorrow I think." Here he rolls his eyes, "They were quote 'busy' with one another. But you didn't hear that from me." He goes to say more, but we are cut off by the arrival of Generation Rock...our children as they make their way to the stage and its like something out of the movies, a tractor beam as Drew and Jamison lock gazes.... only five minutes left to show time....

"Blimey..." Jamison mutters to himself and I elbow Nikki, he knows.

"I don't think we've ever officially met though our parents are friends. I'm Drew Adler Sixx. I...." Drew is cut off by the calls for Generation Rock to take the stage. "I've gotta go, but I'll see you after?" Drew's tone hopeful.

"You can count on it." And with that Drew, takes his bass...Frankie her guitar, Rain takes her spot behind her drums and Liza joins them working the crowd. Dreams really do come true; I live mine everyday....and that will never change, it never has...and if I did not mention Robby of course was naturally there to support his wife, he was there watching their daughter and my youngest children...Robby by the way became a Rock producer/manager of sorts for Generation Rock.

"You saw the look they were giving each other, right?" I asked my husband, leaning against his shoulder.

"Oh yes, I'd have to be blind not too....and besides its how we look at each other always and...look at us, where we are now." Nikki starts to get emotional and so do I. I turn to face him, cupping his face in my hands.

"I know Nik, all these years together and it feels like yesterday we met. Our children are finding love, or have found it...God, they are growing up or they are grown up. Its amazing how far we've come, all these years sober, all these years together and...and you've given me so much.... a new start in life, a family. a family of our own and now we have a granddaughter...Nikki, I love you."

"I love you too blue-eyes, so damn much." Nikki whispers, as I cover his lips with my own and he quickly takes over, not that I will complain in the least. I get the feeling Ozzy and Mick are in a similar state, we watch our children living out one of their greatest dreams until we must get ready for our set, Nikki and I of course sharing a dressing room.... getting in some quality time if you get my drift....

By the way, Jamison and Drew did see each other after Generation Rock's set and of course, the rest as they say is history, immediately they hit it off and it was so reminiscent of Nikki and I...and it lead to them getting married and they waited to have children, as it turned out Drew like myself could conceive....and indeed the next day: half of the Beatles aka John and Paul, came to town and visit and it was a BLAST.

Once out on stage, we throw down the gauntlet so to speak.... wild, anarchy.... well-oiled chaos in summation, we have the time of our lives. Nikki and I keeping our gazes on one another, wide smile on his face, his eyes glowing as they land on me, mouthing, 'I love you' which I whole heartedly mouth back, grinning wildly....

The show ends before I know it and we take our bows and fall into step as we head backstage, Nikki and I hand in hand.... talking with Vince and Mick, teasing Vince when he takes off because we know exactly where he's going and to WHOM. Nikki and I get cleaned up, showered, and visit with our children and little Stevie and we soon find ourselves back on the tour bus.... he and I cuddling in our own world, the triplets are sleeping.

"Best tour ever blue-eyes." Nikki remarks, running his hands through my still wild mane.

"You say that about every tour." I remark amused.

"Can you blame me? It's a proven fact, has been since 89'."

"Touché dearest Nik." I counter.

"How amazing is it, to see our children...Liza, Drew, Frankie, Rain.... living their dreams. Our children have their own lives, our oldest do. And Stormy, Ruby and Decker are growing up so fast.... its fucking something how I'd never thought I'd have this or want this...but I do. It never ceases to amaze me."

"I couldn't agree more with you, my love. I couldn't agree more." I burrow into my husband's strong embrace. But not before we share a kiss.

It was one of the most amazing tours, Nikki was right in saying it was the best tour ever. It was for so many reasons. We had each other, our family.... there was NOTHING better than doing what I love with the ones I love more than anything.

A/N: A first meeting, family, and the living of dreams and a taste of things to come. Stay tuned for part 2! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now