Chapter 9: He's the one they Call 'Feel Good' & Studio (Steven Adler)

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These past several weeks have been a fucking blur, or rather a whirl wind.... getting settled in at my home with Nikki. Working on song writing and rifts and even did some interviews. Plus, got some Guns 'N' Roses news via MTV and it had to do with them ALREADY  having finished with their album which was called 'Lies', it made me scoff to say the least watching MTV on the night in question when I found out.

"Unbelievable." I muttered, I couldn't deny my jealousy of Tommy Lee or my ex-bandmates but what really hurt? That really the album was a dig at ME. Tears slipped down my cheeks.... But then Tommy looked comfortable, like he truly belonged.... still, it hurt....

"Steven? We don't have to keep watching." Nikki's concerned voice floated to me.

"No...I can't escape this Nikki, I CAN'T. I know the pact of kicking ass and taking names and I believe I am or trying like hell to do so, but...i-I've still been attacked, and I EVEN actually tried to reach out, like an idiot." I lamented wiping away my tears in vain.

"Hey, you're stronger than you've always been since I've gotten to know you. We still, you and I both have our moments...but I want to beat their asses because of how much they are hurting you still. It's not right, but me, Vince, Mick, Ozzy, Zak, and Allen have your back. And in the end, YOU will be the one who truly comes out on're moving on, becoming stronger and stronger, even if it seems like you're not and its bit by bit. Make them fucking regret fucking you over." Nikki finishes his speech by hugging me, he never fails to make me feel better, just to be there....

Which brings us to the present it's May and my first day in the recording studio with Motley, we don't have to be there super early, I think like 10:30 am....and that's to give Mick as much time as possible with his and Ozzy's daughter, so they can have family time. It was my suggestion that they do so, which touched Mick that I cared so much. Nikki said I have a big heart and am the most thoughtful person he's ever known.... before him, I would never have heard those words, but now is different.

I woke up early, despite staying up late and now it's 7:30 and I am already dressed for the day, I am SO excited and a little bit currently I am fixing breakfast for Nikki and me, making sure to make his favorite coffee the way he likes it. I am making fruit and yogurt parfaits along  with toast spread with Jam. Next thing I know I hear:

"Steven? Up already?" Nikki's sleepy voice sounds out.

"Um yeah, I was excited and thought I'd make us's almost done." I turn from what I am doing to look at him, despite being sleepy still he smiles. "I made your favorite coffee, it's fresh and hot."

"Ah, you are a life saver!" I make him his coffee and he drink it with a satisfied sigh, after letting it cool some of course. "Steven thank you."

"Your welcome Nikki." I utter softly, breakfast is soon ready, and Nikki eats his with gusto, making me laugh as he looks like a chipmunk now with his cheeks a little puffed out.

"What? It's not my fault.... your food is so fucking tasty!" Nikki grumbles, smirking ever so slightly, his green eyes sparkling, he's teasing me. His look then grows serious, "Are you nervous any?"

I sigh, "Yeah...a little at least. I know I'll do good..." Nikki cuts me off.

"You'll do GREAT, you'll kick ass I know."

We eat our fill, and I go to prepare some lunch for everyone that I know will keep cold and all, sandwiches and homemade chips and fruit salad.

"You don't have to go to so much trouble Steven, you know they'll tell you that." Nikki states softly.

"Yeah, I know, but I want to do this as a thank you." I grin and Nikki grins back before I know it, it's time to head to the studio, lyrics, instruments, and the food is grabbed. Upon arrival, the food I made is put in the refrigerator and we wait for Mick and Vince who show up not long after Nikki and I get there, and we get down to business.

One of my suggestions was to first do like a table reading of songs and stuff, that we'd written and Mick and Vince, Nikki especially were on everyone, put in their opinions, their notes and from there we started to work on instrumentals.

This is so different than before, I am SEEN, treated as an equal and am just listened to, period. I am treated with respect and the environment isn't tense, insults and abuse aren't being hurled at me...I feel happy, THIS to me is being on top of the world.

We all pitch in and even manage to get two songs recorded, vocals included, and both were done in one take...shocking the guys.

"Wow, holy shit! I mean we've never sounded so killer or been so productive!" Vince exclaims.

"We would have been more productive if wasn't for 'HIM'" Mick mutters bitterly, but then he smiles at us almost gleefully and proudly saying, "Steven knows what the hell he's doing.... look how he's brought all of us together."

"Well said Mars." Nikki echoes his tone. Coincidentally it's time for a lunch break, I tell Nikki I'll be right back, as I come back laden with food and everyone minus Nikki looks at me with surprise.

"I thought I'd make us all lunch as a thank you.... hope you like it." My tone shy, as Nikki helps me with everything.

"You didn't have to do that Steven, but we really appreciate you being so thoughtful." Mick says sincerely, making me smile as we all tuck in and then nothing, but the sound of pleased groans can be heard and compliments galore on my cooking skills, making me blush. The food gets cleared away and we get back at it, me thundering away on drums and even my violin, I get to do backing vocals now...I never did get to before, I am having the time of my life!! The hours pass by in a blur and it's early evening. Everyone chats for a bit, me being showered with praises from my bandmates, no my FRIENDS and then Nikki and I get in his car and drive home. Upon entering, BOTH our shoes go flying along with our jackets as we both plop down on our couch with a sigh.

"I just wanted to tell you Nikki, that I had the time of my life today. For the first time in the studio, I was treated as an equal and we got a couple of songs recorded today, you let me do backing vocals, and I even got to play my violin. You don't know how much that means to me." I break the silence. Nikki sits up and gives me a hug, pulling me to him.

"You Steven...there aren't enough words to describe how amazing you were today. You killed always have done so. You make everyone proud; you think of new ways to make us more productive; you make us wanna be like've put the heart and soul back into Motley.... only you Steven Adler." Nikki squeezes me gently and after a few minutes he releases me, almost reluctant to part and I find I feel the same way.

"Ya knows you're making me fact all of you did today. I was worried I was gonna literally catch on fire." I tease, elbowing him.

"You WERE on fire in a different way." Nikki's eyes sparkle, but then he too teases, "I was worried at one point we'd have to break out the fire extinguisher, I think I even saw smoke come off you."

I laugh loudly, "Sure you did...but the smoke may've been from that cigarette I had earlier!"

"Man, you didn't have a cigarette!" Nikki counters.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't or maybe I really am magic!" I practically cackle. Soon enough Nikki and I both manage to calm it down and we end up ordering our favorite Chinese take-out and watching tv.... a perfect ending to a perfect, kick-ass day.

A/N: Steven's first day in the studio was a smashing success, even a little G'N'R news thrown in, humor and the making of Dr. Feel good. Next chapter is more studio time from Nikki's POV. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now