Chapter 17: A Rival Encounter (Steven Adler)

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My 21st birthday passed....and so did the rest of January. Best birthday of my life by the way! Hell, everyday of my life since in my mind I officially met Nikki as been the best day of my life, even though I had my moments or a lot of them.... i had Nikki right there with me, I have him with me Still. Valentine's day has also passed, which Nikki surprised me with a romantic night on the town and therefore spoiled the hell out of me, his every touch...every look only made me fall for my boyfriend even more. Which brings us to now: A few days after Valentine's and we've been busy the previous two days, a whirl of meetings to hammer out and discuss details for what will be the first leg of the 'Doctor Feel Good' Tour.

Nikki is currently in our practice room, and I am looking thru our fridge and pantry making note of what we need to stock up on, cherries and chocolate being at the top of the list...those are now Nikki's favorite dessert flavors I make him.... maybe while he's working in the studio, I can go out....

This was a bad idea to say the least as it would turn out.... but then again, my former bandmates would catch some karma....and it wouldn't be pretty, but for would FEEL worse than what they'd receive...I've maybe said too much, but anyway on with the show...

I finish cataloging what we need from the store and make my way to my heart, my world: Nikki. I stand in the doorway of our studio as he works on some bass rifts...and I pause to admire him, it seems I make some small noise, for Nikki stops what he is doing and looks up smiling at me...

"Hey babe, just thinking about you."

"Well, I was thinking about going to the store---" I tease, before I realize it Nikki is in front of me taking me in his arms, and he mocks a pout...

"Steven...teasing me not very nice...but you're too sexy and cute for me to stay..." Next thing I feel is his lips on mine, tasting every part of my mouth and his arms have a firm hold on me which is a good thing or my ass no lie would be in the floor. Everything disappears...and after we part for breath, both of us panting slightly." I can see it were thinking of me...but going to the store, be careful babe...wait do you want me to go with you?" I should have said 'yes' in hindsight...

"I've got this...and babe, I already know cherries and chocolate...the most important things on my list." I grin at him.

"Aw you know me so well!" But then Nikki's look goes from playful to serious. "I love you and be careful."

"I will babe." WE kiss once more, me giving a brief run down of what I'll get when I go to the store and then i make me way to my car...and am off, driving thru our neighborhood and soon am at our favorite grocery store. Huh, weird...Nikki told me to be's weird because it felt like a he...knew....

I shake my head, as I enter the store and find a cart and am in the produce department before I hear loud drunken, probably high voices that I NEVER wanted to hear again in person.... i try and ignore it...but then then I feel myself tripped...and OUCH! I sit up carefully, and my eyes widen: Axl, Tommy Lee, and the rest of the guys...what the fuck?!

"Well look who we have here.... little Steven Adler. Sixx's little whore." Tommy surprisingly sneers at me, I recover enough to stand shakily, knowing I've got a bruise on my chin.

"Look man, I'm just here minding my own business wanting to get groceries." I huff, glaring at all of them, but feeling scared.

"Didn't you hear me dude?"

"Yes, I did Tommy....and I am NOT his whore, leave him the fuck out of this. He is my best friend and my keep his name from your lips!" I snap, this is exactly what they goad me, but I will defend Nikki...and try and defend myself.

"Oooh...someone has claws!" Axl mocks.

"Look just let me be on my way...please." I beg, feeling tears in my eyes. I go to reach for my cart and find myself shoved...hard, but I manage to keep my balance. "What'd I do to you? To any of you? This isn't right.... I've tried and tried to make peace...but you still won't respect me." My voice trembles, and I wonder if someone has noticed all this commotion.

"Oh, look you're gonna cry now..." Axl sneers. And cry I do....

"Just STOP!! All of you.... just STOP. I was in a dark place because of you...ALL OF YOU...and now I'm respected, in a band that has my back instead of stabbing it...I am happy...and I'm done with this shit!" My voice filled with frustration, pain.... rage. The next thing I know thru my haze of tears, is a fist coming at my face before I can stop it...and then pain...taunting...I hear shouts, running footsteps and next thing I know I wake a hospital?! "W-What happened?"

"You were brought in.... you have bruising on your chin and the right side of your face is bruised and swollen and your ribs are bruised....those young guys they were arrested for assault." MY good eye I guess widens. As I take in the kindly looking middle-aged nurse.

"Um..." my brain kicks in. "Oh partner...he doesn't know where I am!"

"Do you want us to call him?" She asks in the same kind tone. I nod and give her the number, as she tells me to get some rest and I lay back noticing the my ribs, my heart....and I give in to the pain and pass out....

I hear something strange...and wake up with a start, at first, I think it's an animal in pain...but I realize these are sobs and these are not my own...but it seems my stirring alerts the person at my bedside...wait,'s Nikki!

"S-Steven...oh g-God..." He shoots up like he's been pricked with a pin, his look filled with so much pain and worry. "I'm sorry...."

I cut him off, "This...this isn't your fault...i-it's not. It's MINE. I felt like you were warning me when I left the house.... i went to the store, I didn't get the food and I'm SORRY. I think they were all arrested for assault...harassment...I think they taunted me, Tommy called me 'Sixx's little whore', I told HIM, THEM I wasn't your whore to leave you out of it...that you were my best friend and my boyfriend...that I didn't want to hear your name from HIS lips...and I-I...fucking a baby. I think I screamed at them about me being done...that I am's, it's hazy." I breathe out in a gasp and then wince..., "It HURTS...EVERYTHING hurts..." I whisper. I think I am given something for pain..., "Hold me...please...." I beg Nikki who has yet to quit crying, who carefully takes off his shoes and carefully holds me in his arms, being mindful of my injuries.

"Don't worry about the food...I'm not angry or mad at you in ANY way...I'm angry at those FUCKERS." Nikki spits out the word 'fuckers' like it's a bad taste before continuing his tone husky and soft. "Baby...I feel like I should've been there. This kills me to see you hurt...see you in pain, to see you cry...I've never felt like this about anyone BUT you. I am not going anywhere ever blue eyes and I think I'll pay those fuckers a visit in jail."

"Go get them babe..." I whisper. "Nikki Sixx...remember this, you are my everything.... you are worth everything...I'll defend and love you until my last breath. I love you babe."

"I love you too and you don't know how much you and your words mean to me. I'll take care of you baby, always." Nikki gently runs his fingers thru my hair as the pain meds fully give in, but I fight sleep, Nikki notices. "Babe...go to sleep, you need it. I love you."

"Love you too babe." I murmur.... i feel a gentle kiss placed on my lips and then I give into darkness....

Oh Nikki would indeed pay a visit to 'those fuckers' as he said, still says to this day...I mean we're civil with them now when we have to be...IF we have to be, but we do not forget...still trying to forgive...but anyway, it wouldn't be pleasant for them to say the least to face my then boyfriends,  wrath....but he would too do as he's always done, take care of me, defend me...

A/N: A rival encounter indeed.... Next chapter the aftermath of the events of this chapter, Nikki confronting his former drummer and Steven's ex-bandmates and more. Stay tuned! And oooh, after the aftermath chapter....rehearsals for the doctor feel good tour, which will see a bit of a time skip to April/May and surprises from Nikki to Steven! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now