Chapter 50: Bringing Home Our Rain (Nikki Sixx)

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It's strange to think I once thought I wouldn't be a father, didn't WANT to be one. I almost wasn't here for ANY of this, my husband, and my newborn daughter: Rain. I easily could have been dead, hell I was dead...for 2 minutes. And Steven, my sweet Steven was much the same way as me and to top it off for him, he was being abused by his now former bandmates. And look where we are now, we've come such a long way. I can honestly say that my life is beautiful.

Currently Steven has been discharged and we're getting ready go home, and I find myself excited, all the bags are ready to go.... just gotta bring the car around and wheel Steven down to the entrance with our precious jellybean. I finally quit rushing around and turn to find my husband smiling softly, those blue eyes glowing.

"I know I feel that way too."

"God, you are MADE for me." I just am in awe, staring at him for a moment. And carefully, I walk over to the bassinet housing our daughter. "Hey jellybean, guess what? We're going home, now let's get you to mommy." Rain coos at me, the sound making me melt, as I first make sure she's bundled and carefully pick her up and hold her in my arms, she's dressed in the cutest outfit, and I just can't get over how beautiful and small she is. I carefully pass her to Steven, like I am passing him a holy relic and she settles in his arms.

"Aw! Look Nikki...her little mittens, booties, she looks like a little snowflake!" My husband exclaims.

"Well, it IS winter." I tease before my tone softens. "Let's go home babe." I wheel the two most precious human beings on earth down to the entrance and then in record time I pull the car around and get Rain settled in her little carrier, kissing her little forehead and I laugh as her hair from under her little hat is sticking up in every direction, rather like my own hair and my husband's. I then help Steven, who winces a little in the back seat so he can be with Rain in case she needs him. "Love you blue-eyes, thank you for loving me and having our daughter...just for everything." I find tears spring to my eyes. Steven places a hand on my cheek, I cannot resist leaning into his touch.

"Love you too much. I love you and our daughter. Never forget that and never forget that you gave me a purpose in my life, gave me a life...gave me a family, a home where I am treated with respect, treated like a human being, treated with love." I lean in and kiss him, tasting the salt of both our tears as we head on our way, me driving carefully.

The ride home, is a pleasant one my husband and I speaking in low tones.... Steven murmuring to our daughter, who I swear is taking everything in.... again, adorable...really fucking adorable. She never falls asleep on the way home, and I pull up to our house and Steven remarks—

"Home Sweet Home."

"It really is....and it's even sweeter now that we have our daughter." I state softly, I park in the garage, cut the engine and open the door for my husband, as he gets Rain out of her carrier and holds her and so we enter the house, and Rain right away starts getting fussy.

"Shh...jellybean, don't fuss.... i bet someone is sleepy." Steven rocks her gently in his arms, as I deposit the bags and rush back to hear him say, "You're yawning Rain, you need sleepy time, ok?" Rain makes a noise of protest it seems to me. "Nikki.... she's fighting sleep." Steven sounds worried. We are new parents after all.

"I have an idea, how about we give her a 'tour' of the house?" The idea just came to me.

"Worth a shot, you have the best ideas Nik." Steven sounds grateful for the suggestion.

I smirk, "Always."

"You're lucky you're too sexy and cute for me to stay mad at. "Steven is highly amused, though I see the love in his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Hmmm.... I am." I tease, before I add, "Let's take her little hat off.... she may be hot." I carefully do just that and my husband and I can't help but laugh at her hair sticking out in 1000 directions, which I try to smooth back but it only makes it worse.

We do give our daughter a tour of the house, both of us telling our daughter stories about her mother and I, going down memory lane as it were. Rain gives the cutest little yawns, obviously sleepy, but to me seems to take things in. At some point, I hold her and on we continue until we wind up in her nursery and she at last closes her little eyes and is asleep.

Carefully she is laid in her crib, baby monitors are on, and I wrap my arms around Steven after of course giving our daughter little kisses.

"Rain just had to see the house...." Steven sounds amused before his tone turns tearful. "Nikki.... she's...I mean..."

"I get your meaning babe.... she's here, it's all so surreal...but it is REAL. It's everything." We stand there a few minutes more, before heading to our bedroom and turning on the tv.

"I would love a nice hot shower, but I need too—" I cut my husband off with a gentle kiss.

"Take you a long shower baby, and I know you need to do stuff. I'll take care of whatever you need."

"I love you Nikki....and I can never thank you enough for all you do and have done." Steven bursts into tears, alarming me. " you still find me attractive?" Without words I take him into our bathroom and gently take off his clothes and together, we stand in front of our bathroom mirror.

"Steven...look...please..." I beg, Steven reluctantly does so....i move my hands gently up and down his chest, his stomach...., "Let me tell you what I SEE...I see a man, who has always been stronger than what he realizes, the person that taught me what love is and should be, my best friend...someone who never judges, you turn me on so bad all the time it and only you can do this. I see a person who is beautiful inside and out. I love you no matter what you look like, I will love you in any way, shape, or form."

" always.... god...have such a way with words.... it's just that...I had thought...with the stretch marks and that I haven't...the baby weight."

"Baby.... it's cause I fucking love you. I love you like're beautiful, sexy.... always." I whisper, before Steven turns in my embrace.

"Stay with me? While I shower?"

"Hell yes.... let me just.... AH...never mind." As I hold up a baby monitor in triumph.

I get the shower started, and Steven steps in and sighs in extasy...both of us listening out for Rain.

"Oooh this is nice!" Steven groans.

"Take your time baby." Steven does take a nice long shower, I check on Rain who is still sleeping away and I lay out sleep wear for Steven, change my clothes just in time for Steven to step out of the shower, dry off and dry his hair...both of us head to check on our daughter again, she is sleeping like a little rock. "Sleep well jellybean.... mommy and daddy love you, very much." I whisper.

When Rain was 3 months old, we headed into the studio...surprisingly Vince is the one who demanded we do so, to work on 'Decade of Decadence', we'd written a new song 'Primal Scream' and we would re-record our biggest hits. And milestones would be hit or made in more ways than one, each one precious and amazing.

A/N: Little Rain Iris Sixx is now home. Next chapter we will see her hit some milestones, an album to be worked on and more. 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now