Chapter 64: It's almost that Time Again (Nikki Sixx)

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August now, August 12th to be exact....and Steven has already been on bed rest, but now as it gets closer to time.... he is on strict bed rest and my poor husband is miserable. As if to add to his misery, it's raining...I've been downstairs, cleaning up after dinner and watching tv with Rain, Rain and I are cuddled on the couch...but neither of us can relax our minds on Steven.

"Daddy?" Rain asks, voice small as if fearing I'll be upset, which I could NEVER.

"Honey why are you afraid?" I rock her gently in my arms.

"Mommy so sad an' hurt...and miswerble. An' upstairs...."

"Jellybean, mommy doesn't need to be walking upstairs and downstairs so much.... your sister is a big's a lot for mommy, but he and your sister will be ok." I tell her, my heart clenching at the thought of Steven being in pain...something happening.

"Can we go see mommy before beddy time? Cheer up? Pease?" Rain begs, her blue like my husband's. I don't fucking have the heart to tell her no, nor would I ever.

So, I pick her up and we head upstairs to our bedroom, and I open the door to find Steven in tears.... sobbing...and Steven startles, looking up at me and our oldest daughter.

"N-Nikki? Rain?"

"Rain wanted to come cheer you up and see you before bedtime." I state softly concerned, walking towards our bed, Rain burrowing into Steven as best she can, and I take the opposite side...Steven leaning his head against my shoulder. "I know how sad you are, how sad you've miserable you are...and how scared you are that its closer time for Frankie to be born."

"I just...have hated to...having to be on STRICT bed rest Nikki. I've felt like I've been doing something wrong and that's not true and then I feel like I haven't been fair to you or Rain." Steven whispers, looking at me and running his fingers thru Rain's wild mane of hair.

"I know...I know babe, you hate being on kills me to see you so sad, you should never be sad....and you're doing nothing wrong, have done nothing wrong.... you haven't neglected or hurt me or her. You're 8 months now, not much longer. I am here to take care of you, love you take care of and love our daughters.... i...I don't want anything to happen to you, Steven, I won't let it if I can help it."

Rain who'd been silent to this point, pipes up with something...that fucking floors me...its beautiful!

"Mommy always have dat sadness from da people that hurt-y mommy...but daddy make evey-thing betta, I know mommy you wuv me wots and wots, daddy too.... its ok mommy to west and take care-a sef (Self)...things happen, but it be ok...Pomise."

"When'd you get to be so smart jellybean?" Steven asks her again...her answer...

"You an' daddy....dat how."

See? Our daughter.... our little ray of sunshine.... smart as hell.... sweet as sugar. The point is, that Steven and I are doing an amazing job to say the least raising her!

"You're the sweetest Rain.... its bedtime looks like.... thank you and daddy too for coming to cheer me up...I feel better now." Steven tells her softly, despite still looking so very exhausted....

Spoiler alert: Frankie Nicole would come a month early...this month, with in the next day or so...very...soon.

"You sure fee ok mommy?" Rain looks worried. She I do believe has that feeling...that Frankie.... may just make an appearance much sooner than we thought.

"Honey I am more worried about you...but I promise you no matter what it will be ok." Steven I can see in his eyes.... he KNOWS.

Steven insists on singing her song to her, 'Here Comes the Sun', and she falls asleep by songs end and carefully I take her from my husband and tuck her in bed, making sure she is safe and snug. I kiss her little forehead...

"Love your jellybean. Sleep well." And with that I head back to the bedroom I share with my husband, who is absentmindedly watching some old comedy on tv, zoning out...and crying again. "Steven?" I venture, very worried..., "Are you hurting again?"

"Everything hurts." He whimpers. "No... contractions yet...I just...Nikki..."

"Hey, I've got you blue-eyes...let's try a massage and see if that helps any." I sit carefully on the bed; Steven manages nod still whimpering.... ok. Carefully I start massaging him all over, back, legs feet you name it. Saving his well swollen belly for last.... feeling Frankie move, seeming to be restless.

Steven looks a little less miserable after, and I do what I can to make him smile...peppering his face in kisses before taking my dear sweet time massaging his lips and am rewarded with one of my favorites 'smiles' his eyes sparkling as if lit from within by the sun.

"Thank you, babe.... just thank you.... a lot less miserable than before, still miserable...but eh ya sleepy though, but I can't to me?" How could I refuse my husband? I can't.

"I'd do anything for you babe...ANYTHING...I will talk to you all night long if you need me to or want me too...I'll be you remember?" I trail off a moment in thought before continuing, "You remember that day...not long before we left rehab? When I got you all the things, I thought would help you have a new lease on life?"

"How could I ever forget that? Nik, I remember every moment like it was yesterday"

"I're eyes...they...I mean...I'd never done such things for anyone before, but with you, I wanted to...seeing your eyes that day, how well pure...the look, the surprise, someone unused to being shown such kindness...I just made it my personal mission to make you smile...even then, I know now...that it was's always been, it took us time to realize...but that day, it was like Christmas...very special." I state softly, getting a little misty...lost in the past.

"I remember that...I've NEVER had anyone go to such lengths for saved my life! You got me stuff because you WANTED TO, I'd lost everything...everything, but you Nikki Sixx were THERE, cared...ya know? You remember that day Liza...I first met her?" Steven reaches for my hands, which I oh so gladly let him hold...and I sure the hell aint letting go.

"I'd argue first off you saved MY life...but, yes, I remember the day you met her...the day I really started to notice or see your way, that I could finally see such things for myself, with YOU. You were, really helped her...helped Oz and Mick...there ain't no fucking body that can hold a candle to you."

Steven and I talk some more, before he dozes off or rather drifts off into an uneasy sleep...or maybe its just me, that feeling I have I can't I lay there, hand on his stomach...waiting...waiting until the next thing I know...I wake with a start....and feel something wet? Wait...FUCK...I quickly realize...Steven's water has broken!!

"Steven? S-Steven...wake up.... baby...wake up." I plead. Steven wakes with a grimace....and his eyes widen as he takes in my stricken look and the fact the bed is wet...

"Nikki....NO...NO...t-too early...." Steven bursts into tears.

"Hey..." softly even though my voice is shaky. "She'll be ok...I fucking promise and so will YOU. Now, I've got your bags and Frankie's ready to go...are you having any contractions yet?" Steven pales....and before he can puke, I am ready for it.... him groaning after.

"N-No...pressure...I UGH!! N-never mind.... HURTS." Steven groans reaching for me desperately, me doing my best to help him breathe thru it and then after a few minutes it passes....Needless to say....I do believe Frankie Nicole will soon be with us...I quickly make some phone calls, and before I can blink Oz shows up with Zak to help take Rain, still sleeping away....and soon, very soon I speed off with my husband and the bags in tow, frantic...anxious....scared....but despite the pain I know he's in....Steven says, "I l-love husband ever!"

"I love you too...more than you could ever know..." I trail off, Steven once more reaching for one of my free hands, biting back a scream as another contraction hits him...

"Just let it all out babe...let it all out.... you've got've got this blue eyes." I encourage him as we speed on our way....

A/N: Frankie Nicole will be arriving early! Next chapter will I believe pick up right where this one leaves off and Frankie Nicole will make her official appearance!!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now