Chapter 19: Dr. Feel Good Tour Rehearsals Part 1 (Steven Adler)

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It's May now, and my god where the hell has the time gone? Meetings for the tour, interviews with MTV, radio stations and so much more I'd be hard pressed to keep track. The greatest thing or person  rather of it all? My Nikki...We've already built a solid foundation to our relationship last year when we got together at thanksgiving the past year having started out as  friends prior to that point and its only gotten even stronger, our relationship as a whole, Especially after the run-in with Guns. Nikki told me the EXACT details of said meeting, I in a way wish I could have been there to see the looks on their faces, but the way Nikki described it to me I felt like I WAS there. But my boyfriend told me he did it because it was right, because he loved me so much and he just did it for ME. I dreaded recovery, or I had...not because of the possibility of being addicted to painkillers and all possibly but , because of any down time. I'd told Nikki one night, "I hate having to put anything on hold, I don't wanna let the band down or especially you down Nikki."

"Steven, I know you do...and its one of the many things I love about you, your drive, your put your heart and soul into everything you do...but baby, you aren't letting the band down, and you could never, and I mean NEVER let me down. I am gonna take care of you, you need to take it easy for a bit." I had never loved him more for saying what he did, and Nikki was right of course. The bruised ribs sucked by the way, but I was careful...Also, the sexual tension between Nikki and I is at an all time high or built up to an all-time high. We make out heavily, groping one another but his touches are not selfish they are also tender at the same time and if we go crazy over this much contact then when we make love it will be PARADISE.

Which brings us back to May or now...we've started rehearsals for 'Dr. Feelgood' and I was initially nervous , i mean this is my first headlining tour and my first tour with Mӧtley. I needn't have worried, if the reactions of my friends/bandmates and my lover have been any indication I am killing it. Currently we are on a 2-hour lunch break, it's just Nikki and I.... the idea in part was so Mick, Ozzy and Liza could just spend time together as a family and Zak & Vince could have 'private time', making me snicker and drawing the attention of Nikki.

"What's so funny?"

"Just thinking about how Vin and Zak were going to have 'private time' and how fast they lit out of here. I swear I saw tire tracks!" I full on cackle now, and Nikki laughs eyes bright.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Vince move that fast!" Nikki laughs but then his look turns tender and yet is heated at the same time. "Mmm. Baby...just wait until we have our own private time.... I'll take care of your needs and then some."

"I look forward to that.... you are driving me wild." I moan. Before I know it Nikki fairly attacks my lips feasting like a man starved, with herculean effort we part. And somehow, I manage to get all the food I'd brought out of the picnic basket and collect myself, somewhat...I can feel my face is flushed. I packed Nikki and I cold noodles with chicken kind of like a pad Thai, but lots of veggies and I of course made Cherry-Chocolate chunk cookies which Nikki immediately grabs one before digging into the noodles. "Um babe, dessert comes last." I state highly amused.

"So? Who says? Sides...its not my fault these are so good!" Crumbs cover his face and I shake my head fondly. I follow suit giving him a cheeky grin, before finally both of us dig into the noodles and all with gusto and before I realize it Lunch is finished and it hits me, Nikki has seemed kind of nervous today.

" I'm sorry I didn't think to ask till now...but are you ok? You've seemed nervous? And forgive me for not thinking about that...." Nikki gently cuts me off and surprises me by taking my hand.

"You have nothing to apologize for Steven...yeah, I have been nervous...." Nikki takes a deep breath and looks me straight in the eye. "Steven Joseph Adler, my life with you...I've never been this happy in all my years.... until you. Only you...I knew last year in rehab, you would become a permanent fixture in not just our band, but in my life. You put the heart and soul back into me, brought my heart back to life. I only fall more for you each day, you are more than just my musical partner, you're my PARTNER. My lover, the one who I am lucky enough to wake up next to each day, and each day I learn something new...I have...well you made me believe in love, you've given me something special: You, your love and so much more...which is why Stephen Joseph Adler..." Here Nikki gets on one knee, and I bring a hand to my mouth in shock, tears spilling down my cheeks. "I would be fucking HONORED if you would do me the privilege of marrying me?" Nikki manages to pull a ring out of his pocket that is set in diamonds and looks like musical's stunning, Nikki grows nervous waiting for me to respond.

But I find myself beaming, I can feel it. "Yes." I manage to whisper as he slips the ring on my finger, and we come together in a kiss that brings both of us to the floor. After we part, Nikki rests his forehead against mine, my now fiancée.

"I love you...God, I love you."

"I love you too, I cannot wait till I'm your husband." I whisper. Before I realize it the guys come back, and much congratulating and ribbing occurs, Nikki and I cant quit eyeing each other for rehearsals, the rest of rehearsals...

At last, we are thru for the day and upon reaching home, Nikki insists I rest downstairs while he races upstairs for something. My mind is reeling...if it means what I think it does...I am ready a little nervous but ready. I wait for what feels like an eternity before, I feel myself scooped up into those strong loving arms I know so well, Nikki carrying me bridal style up to our bedroom...he explains on the way...

"Steven.... i have a surprise for you...I hope you love it...and by the look in your eyes you have some idea...." At this point we've reached the bedroom, where Nikki sets me on my feet, and I take in the scene. The room is dimly lit, scented candles dotted here and there, flower petals scattered.

" wow...what an amazing surprise! SO romantic!" I turn back to my fiancée, "Nikki I'm a little nervous but I am ready."

"Let me show you how love is supposed to FEEL. " He whispers breathe ghosting across my lips before they fall upon mine, his hands wander as do mine....gentle, fiery...passionate, and for the first time ever I have a partner who lets me willingly touch him...this means EVERYTHING, the care he's showing me as well as the passion, before I know it our clothes are gone and gently both of us nude, Nikki lays me on the bed and I find myself gazing up at him, heated under his gaze...needing him in all ways....

" I need you." I whisper, my voice not my own.

"I've got you eyes...I've got you." Nikki lovingly maps out my figure, kissing anywhere he can reach, I respond in kind as I give into my body's call, he makes his way down to my length and before I can do anything else, he takes me in his mouth....and I am hands go to his hair and pull, he groans....pumping me until FINALLY with a scream I come...Nikki lovingly cleaning my 'mess'...before caging me in arms on either side of my face. It brings tears to my eyes, as he's already given me pleasure...taking care of my needs. "Shh...I know...I need to prep you...this may sting...I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"Nikki, I trust you...I want this with you...I love you."

"I love you too, babe...more than you know..." Nikki trails off keeping my lips busy as he preps me, it's a sensation I am not used he is being careful to not hurt me unlike my previous partner, and finally I am prepped practically humping his fingers. He maneuvers me to where I am riding him and slowly, he enters me, and I swear I quit breathing.... god.... he's HUGE! He's does sting, bringing tears to my eyes...which he kisses away...and finally he's in, giving me a chance to get used to his size...finally I nod, and he begins a perfect rhythm, gradually building arching against him, head thrown back, screaming broken syllables of each other's name, he and I....the bed creaking and swaying the coil building tighter and tighter until...I begin to see spots across my vision and at last with one perfect thrust I scream and cover he immediately then fills me....riding me down, my voice wreaked, both our voices wrecked....but oh so satisfied...I can feel our hearts pounding in time, both of us sweat he begins to clean me, still with in me and at last pulls out...leaving me with a contented sigh...and then we finish cleaning each other and he takes me gently in his arms to where I am looking at him, he reaches out to lovingly caress my face. "You were.... beyond...amazing.... it's never been like this...ever.... you were PERFECT. I love you!" Nikki's eyes are tearful but so loving, I too reach out to gently caress his face....

"And I love you...Nikki, you've for the first time...I've enjoyed making love, because we made LOVE. You showed me care, you didn't derive selfish pleasure from me.... you let me pleasure you, touch don't know how very much tonight means to me. I love you...God, do I love you, Nikki Sixx." I end this with a yawn. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry...I took a lot out of you. And I love you Steven Joseph Adler...Sixx. Let's get some sleep babe." Nikki gently kisses me, and I drift off before I completely fall asleep, I hear, "Sleep well my heart and soul." And then I know nothing else...but I feel there is a smile on my face.

A/N: Tour rehearsals have begun! And now Nikki and Steven are engaged! And too...they at last made love! So much more to come! There will be a part 2 of this chapter! and no babies yet...that will be in 1990, stay tuned! 

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now