Chapter 37: Always as One (Steven Adler-Sixx)

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More shows, more driving, more flights. I love doing what I love, playing for the crowds. Mӧtley fans are the best in the world! I love to do meet and greets; I love people. The absolute best thing? Is that by my side, I have my husband with me: Nikki or also Nik if you will. Love that Nickname by the way. In any case, we've just entered august and recently realized or found out Mick was at last pregnant with his and Ozzy's second child, damn Liza is uncanny for that. Anyway, Ozzy was over the moon, Liza was thrilled and turns out Mick is about 2 months along. At some point here recently, he was checked over and everything seems to be ok with his baby and so far, he's clear to finish out the tour, only another month left anyway but still. Which brings us to now: Me pounding away on my drum set, for we are on stage. Mick, I note is being careful, but shredding like there's no tomorrow...but Nikki, keeps looking my way smiling. We are all having the time of our lives!

Outdoors, and the weather is I have to say perfect to me at least...the show is going great, and I retreat into my thoughts without missing a beat:

Mick Is pregnant.... maybe soon, very soon it will happen for me...for Nikki. My Nik...I've wanted to start a family with him SO bad, but I feel it in my bones that Liza is right.

Before I realize it, the show is over and we take our bows, heading off stage all of us chatting with one another, fussing over Mick and of course Nikki and I are holding hands. I sigh, happy. I share a look with my husband: he knows. Nikki and I stop off for showers and then head to our dressing room and change into regular clothes.

"Killer show, I am tired yet still have so much energy. Mick seems to be doing well, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy, well he's been happy since I came along...but I—" MY husband cuts me off with a laugh.

"You said all that at 100 mph!" But my husband's look grows soft, "But I love that about of many things I love...." Nikki's voice then grows husky, "You'll need that energy tonight."

I shiver from anticipation and purr out, "Oh I look forward to it!" Somehow, we manage to head out, finish dressing and then hunt for food and take it all back to our hotel.

Immediately upon arrival at our hotel, the food is first set down and then Nikki and I throw our shit wherever it may land....

"Ahhh.... this is nice!" I exclaim, plopping down and grabbing my food.

Nikki chuckles, "It is....and like I said, wait till tonight!"

I huff, "You and I both know, it will be a hell of an effort to keep our hands to ourselves."

"Touché blue-eyes." Nikki smirks, Oh I can't wait! It's always hot, but also...loving. It's sweet and fire and it's EVERYTHING.

We eat, trading gentle kisses and talking here and there or i.e., gossiping and before I know it, we are done, and my husband and I cuddle up on the bed....and my thoughts turn to tonight:

Something in the air tonight...a change coming...a good one...NO, a dream come true. I feel just as my husband does, that Liza's so far uncanny predictions will come true. This is our year, our time...Nikki will be an amazing father, and I think that I---

"Blue eyes? Whatcha thinking?" Nikki breaks me out of my reverie, "You look peaceful." My husband remarks.

"I am... I was thinking about tonight.... a change in the air, our dreams at last coming true and that you will be an amazing father." I gently trace the tattoos on his hands, till he tilts my chin up. Tears in his eyes...

"I feel it too...and what you said about being an amazing father? THANK YOU.... i mean, I never until you would have thought that or believed that."

"And I never would have thought...that I'd find the one and that it would be YOU. And God, am I glad it is YOU." Softly now, Nikki takes my lips in a sweet kiss, and I can't get enough. "You know? I have a lingerie set you haven't seen yet I brought...and make-up I wanna try, I want to make our lovemaking extra special."

"Steven sex or making love with you is special period.... but curiosity has got me...." Nikki ends his voice dropping an octave before he pauses a moment in thought, "Tell you what...why wait?"

"You my husband have a way with words!" I get excited, and dash out of bed and grab what I need, my husband eyeing me with love, lust and amusement and head into the bathroom, he's right why wait? I take my time, putting on my lingerie set and it's a lingerie set that pays homage to one of Nikki's old stage outfits, it looks like I am covered in stars, and I do my eye shadows in matching tones and lipstick.... i take my time and I take time to fix my hair and peek out the bathroom door and I smell.... Scented candles? I smile at my husband's romantic gesture, I call out, "Nik? I'm ready, close your eyes.... ok?"

"You got it babe!" My husband calls back, slowly I open the door and my eyes go wide.... Scented candles are spread around the room, and flowers? My favorite blue hydrangeas too! He remembered.... i was in the bathroom a while, so.... i walk slowly forward and my tone low and like honey....

"Nikki, I am ready baby. You can open those STUNNING eyes of yours now."

Nikki does so and it's like time stops, my heart beats wildly as his eyes rove over me hungrily, his jaw dropped....

"Holy fucking shit!! You look...WONDERFUL, like a goddess....and wait? That outfit reminds me of my old stage outfit."

"That's why I wore" I saunter my way over to the bed, swaying my hips and crawl up the bed straddling my husband. "Let ME have some fun first babe...." I trail off me capturing his lips, hungrily...nipping lightly.... exploring every inch of his mouth before I tear myself away with a groan, Nikki's hands wander mapping out every inch of me as I leave kisses down his throat, nipping the sensitive flesh and doing such all the way down...., I feel Nikki pull me back up, his gaze desperate and heated.

"Please.... I need YOU...and... I can see your eyes baby, you need me...." He whispers, gentle hands removing my sexy out fit and soon we are both bare to one another, and we neither of us need any more foreplay.... Nikki takes time to make sure I am ok, before with a loud and long groan he enters me and so it my body bows against him, I dig my nails into his back as his pace builds and builds.... the coil ever tightening. The bed sways, and creaks...and I can only scream broken syllables of my husband's name. Nikki is in much the same way as me.... without warning, he withdraws, I am on all fours, and he enters me from behind, taking away my breath from the oh so delicious impact...., "Y-Yes...So fucking close!! Scream for me babe!"

"AAAHHH, FUCK!!" I manage to scream, in broken syllables. Spots dance across my vision, as Nikki pounds away, and he brings me into a kiss...and then at last, his pace turns slow and sweet.

"I LOVE YOU." He pants, reverently...lovingly....and with one perfect hard thrust.... i come and come...Nikki immediately following, filling me for endless, endless moments, I groan from the feel. Until at last my husband gently withdraws making me whimper and gently cleans me off first and then himself and pulls me into his arms after, me laying to where I can see his beautiful eyes. "That was literal heaven." Nikki's voice wrecked, but soft.

" was. I love You Nik." I yawn, very much sleepy.

"I love you too, forever, and heavy metal Mozart...sleep, ok? I can tell you are tired; I've got you Steven. I've got you forever." The last thing I know before I drift off, is the feel of Nikki's lips and him pulling me to lay on his chest before I fully give into sleep....

Turns out Nikki and I did indeed conceive our first child, our daughter on this day/night after our show, though it would take us 2 months to realize fully that I was pregnant, given how busy we were with touring. But Nikki as always was with me thru it all, loving me and taking care of me: my rock.

A/N: At last!! The highly anticipated chapter is here! Nikki and Steven are FINALLY gonna be parents!! It will take them a bit to realize, but oh I am SO happy with how this turned out! More to come soon!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now