Chapter 65: The Birth of Frankie Nicole Sixx Part 1 (Steven-Adler Sixx)

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I am scared out of my fucking mind!!! All I know right now, as my husband speeds to the I am scared...the pain.... the fact that Frankie is coming early....and that the contraction I am trying to hold back my screams from.... HURTS. Nikki has just encouraged me, I need that...finally for now it passes...but there is so much pressure it feels still...and pain.

"N-Nik..." I whimper miserably.

"I know blue-eyes...we're almost there. Hold on...and Steven? Scream as loud as you want, loud as you need." Nikki soothes me, gently squeezing my I cling to him as best I can and pant....and then a haze descends upon me...and I hear frantic shouting....

I wake up with a start, freaking the fuck out....and the pain...a contraction.... hits me...and I scream, holding nothing back and I FEEL Nikki, hold me...helping me thru despite how panicked he sounds.

"Steven?! Oh my god fucking scared.... F-Frankie...checked on...she's ok...Steven...she's ok.... you've been out for maybe 2 hours.... come on breathe babe...breath." Gradually the contraction passes, and I lay back against the hospital bed exhausted already.

"Frankie's, ok? Right? S-sorry." Tears slip down my cheeks as I feel Nikki's warm bass roughened hands, gently cup my face.

"She's ok...I promise you. She's just eager to meet us.... NEVER be sorry Steven. Its will be, it kills me to see you in such pain...but I know that you'd do it over and fucking over for me....and I'd do the same for you, because I LOVE YOU."

"I-I love you Nikki so much.... I'm just so tired...not sure I can do this." I say quietly.

"Hey...Hey, blue eyes...I know you're tired...and in a lot of pain right now...but you can do this. I believe in you, I always have." I see and hear the truth of my husband's words. But most of all, I see the love in his gaze, the's like that whenever he looks at me. I too get the deeper meaning; I know he's telling me I am stronger than I realize. I start to doze off...but 10 minutes later...I am hit with another contraction, and I let loose a scream I am pretty sure California heard.... sobbing at the same time.


"Breathe Steven...breathe blue-eyes...." I shut my eyes tightly still riding out the contraction, squeezing my husband's hand desperately...he's grounding me.... I need that.... FINALLY, it passes.

"I wonder if s-she's taking after me? Always energetic..." I sigh heavily, ready for Frankie to be out, yet dreading it all the same.

"She could be like Rain, the best of both of us...or just like you.... or me, Steven...I know you and I will love her just the same. Hmm, if she is like me.... there was a time, that I didn't think I'd make any kind of father, I didn't want that.... it's hard to believe there ever WAS such a time. You and only you changed all that. And now, here we are of the best places to be, you've got this.... never doubt that." Nikki's eyes are a dark iridescent green, shiny with tears much like my own, as he gently rubs my swollen stomach....and I've never loved him more....

All I know is that my husband is helping me fight my fears.... the hours that pass in my labor are long and some point Nikki pulls my hair back, makes sure I have plenty of ice and changes out wet wash cloths to help cool me and after a total of 10 hours of labor it's time for me to start pushing....

"N-Nik.... Pressure.... I feel Frankie's head..." I groan, whimpering looking to my husband desperately.

"I See it...I see it...she's already beautiful..." Nikki sounds choked; he eyes me steadily...tenderly. "Bring her into this world to meet us blue eyes. gotta push. I love you, Steven."

"L-Love you too..." And with that I bear down and scream, throwing in some choice curse words...many curse words....and I feel the INTENSE burning down below.... i just want it to stop...

It takes me a while to get Frankie's head out, and by a while I mean 40 minutes....and after that.... before I know it, I feel her slide out and I start...Nikki and I both sobbing messes as our Frankie Nicole Sixx greets us with a loud cry.

"Steven.... Steven she's...she's HERE! So beautiful.... thank you." Nikki kisses me, as we gaze upon our youngest daughter. The way Nikki is looking at me, as if I was the most beautiful and stunning person.... i can never get over or get enough of how he looks at me. In record time, me passing the afterbirth....and every part of me sore beyond belief...FINALLY, FUCKING finally Frankie is cleaned and bundled and the moment she's settled into my arms, gown exposing my chest.... she instantly stops crying.

"Hey Frankie.... Frankie Nicole Sixx.... you're named after daddy; daddy is my other half...a true partner in every sense of the word. As scary as the labor and delivery little pumpkin pie its WONDERFUL to meet you. I can't wait to see your eyes.... i bet money you have daddies' eyes.... you have his lips and nose." I speak softly to her, eager for her to open her little eyes as I gently 'hold' her little hands. Carefully I look to Nikki, who is looking at me like I hung the moon tears streaming down his face.

"Steven...I am SO proud of you. I know how rough this was...but you did it anyway.... i can't believe she's here.... we have two beautiful, beautiful children...and she looks like YOU....i mean yeah she's got my nose and lips...but there is no doubt she is a mini-Steven."

Frankie at those words...opens her little eyes, seeming to me to take everything in.

"You DO have daddies' eyes! Such a beautiful green! I love it...and I love you my darling girl." I gently kiss her little forehead, and then she grabs one of my fingers as it is near her face...and God my heart...the feeling of her tiny, warm little hand...., "Just wait till you meet your big sister and our family!" I melt at the coming adorable scene with my two daughters together and I the thought of my children with Nikki, period.

"She's perfect! Just like you Steven...we've made some beautiful children!! And look...look she's got our hair...hmm, so THIS is what you'd look like as a brunette." Nikki goes from gushing to amused to at the fact Frankie has his natural hair color.

"I'd look downright adorable obviously." I quip, grinning albeit tiredly.

"That you would blue-eyes.... that you would." Nikki grins back at me. Nikki gently kisses me before speaking to Frankie 'holding' her little hands, running a finger along her cheek. "Hey there Frankie..." Frankie I swear looks straight at her father, mesmerized it seems to me, not that I blame her. "My little pumpkin pie.... you look just like a mini version of mommy, with some of my features, the lips, eyes, and hair. You are perfect just like your older sister Rain...I have more sunshine in my life sweet girl, first there was mommy and then your sister and now you...I love you baby girl."

And we love you Nikki, we love you more and more with each breathe we take....

Nikki wound up calling the family, letting them know...and they were thrilled of course and insisted on giving us a day or rough as my labor was with Frankie and as scared as I was and my husband was, the point is Nikki never once failed to be my rock...he NEVER has. The birth of our third child, our son.... was the easiest and fastest birth of them all.... that will be a few years from this point in time...but my pregnancy and birth of our triplets circa 2004.... would be the scariest, roughest of them all...but again thru it all...I had my Nikki, I have him still.

A/N: A rough labor, but Frankie Nicole Sixx has officially arrived!! Next chapter will see more of them bonding with Frankie and Frankie meeting her older sister: Rain. Stay tuned!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now