Chapter 5: The Best Ways to Get Revenge Part 2 (Steven Adler)

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A/N: where its bold and italics, its from the present this chapter, all in bold is the interview, which is also underlined...hope you guys enjoy!

We've just finished eating Nikki and I, and quite frankly we've both had enough of our bonding shit with others today i.e. those lame ass meetings, so we head back to our room and turn on the tv.... quickly finding MTV....and my now former band, I stop still....

"You gotta be FUCKING kidding me!" I hissed, it's an interview from the looks of it. Fucking press conference. I sit down, plop down angrily willing the tv to blow up by my gaze. I feel a hand on my shoulder: Nikki.

"Oh Steven...i know how much it still hurts..."

"It DOES." I whispered, as I feel his hand leave my shoulder and him plop down beside me as we tune in. "Let it 'slip' from me about what I told you about Axl.... but make it anonymous, those guys would never figure I'd have the balls to be behind it."

"They SERIOUSLY fucking underestimated you.... I'll fucking do it, Allen gets freaking creative...he'll have some FUN. "Nikki's tone SOUNDS cheerful really, but I hear the wicked mischievousness in it.

Back to the interview in progress.... seems Tommy Lee is being addressed; I scowl.... feeling the bitter sting of tears...

Interviewer: So, Tommy, why the sudden leave from Motley Crϋe?

Oh yes Tommy, DO tell us...this outta be good!

Tommy Lee: Look all I'll say, is it was time for a change.... Fuck those guys.

My eyes widen, is he serious?!

"Well fuck you too, asshole." Nikki mutters, flipping the tv off...we tune back in.

Interviewer: Wow, so there's bad blood? Hmm, how do you feel about taking your friend Steven Adler's place? Some fucking friend!

Tommy: He was never my friend; he was just in EVERYONE'S way.... I have a place now that I belong, whose ideas mesh better with my own.

Axl Rose: We're damned lucky to have Tommy Lee, hell of a drummer. We're already starting to work on a new album, matter of fact.

My eyes widen, and tears stream down my face.... why?!! Why does it still hurt so much?!! Then I feel my face harden.... just wait till he sees what I can do from four walls!!!

More of the interview plays, I don't pay attention...lost in my thoughts, as they show a very happy Tommy Lee playing with Guns.... signing a contract already...can hardly be legal since he violated his contract with Motley.... finally, I've seen enough...

"Turn it off Nikki.... i can't anymore." I curl up in a ball, knees drawn up to my chest.... Nikki turns the tv off, just as upset as me.... looking angry and sad both.

"How...that can be shouldn't be.... Allen is working on the stuff you gave me as we speak and reducing or cutting Tom's royalties." Nikki says lowly, voice vibrating with anger.

"NO IT SHOULDN'T be legal...but I can't thank you enough Nikki...and too with the song means a lot to me.... but still I didn't think it would hurt so much...and to see or hear that I was always in the way...and what was said...was like death by 1000 cuts. But oh, he will see...they all will, I'll have the last laugh...I WILL." I declare, balling my hands into fist...trying to steady my breathing.

"You will and I will both.... this hurts, fucking sucks for me...but I see it hurts you even more...I hate seeing a friend like you, be hurt." Nikki's tone is quiet, and we look at each other.

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now