Chapter 40: Never been so happy (Nikki Sixx)

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I have never been so happy as I have since I've known Steven, my wonderful AMAZING husband. I love him more than life itself and now I am even happier than before because something that I've wanted so bad for the past 2 years has finally come true, Steven is pregnant with our first child, our little jellybean. Currently, we've just got home from the hospital and my poor husband, despite being given something to help with his morning sickness is heaving as I carefully hold his hair back with one hand and gently rub his back with the other.

"Shh...Oh Steven...I know...I know it sucks ass."

Finally, Steven comes up for air, and seems to be done and tears stream down his face....

" DOES. Nik...I don't know what I'd do without you. But baby, I am SO sleepy...and hungry, but I don't feel like much."

I help my husband up and rinse his mouth out and carry him back to our bed and tuck him under the covers, and hold his hands, which I kiss.

"I don't know what I'd do without you babe, and I know I'll never have to find out.... truly, I only fall more in love with you every day....and, tell you what...I'll bring you some crackers and some pepper mint tea we have that's good and take care of getting groceries and all." Before my husband can give me a proper answer, I kiss him and then he responds.

"You don't have to go to so much trouble Nik." He protests.

"It's NO trouble babe, and I'll fix dinner something light for later. I love you and I love our jellybean." Softly, firmly.

"Mmm'kay..." Steven murmurs sleepily.

"Sleep blue-eyes and page me if you need me."

"Mmm' k you." He murmurs before dropping off too sleep. I kiss his forehead and with out disturbing him, kiss his little swollen belly, before leaving the room and making sure he is ok, I head down stairs to the kitchen and make a list of food and house hold items to buy, and things to make my Nona's lasagna especially, and am soon done but I rush back upstairs to make sure Steven is still ok, I leave him some crackers and everything and something to get sick in just in case he can't make the bathroom and water I'd brought with me. I grab my wallet and beeper and head to the store. My thoughts as ever on my husband and unborn child.

Once I get to the store, I move quickly and am through making sure I get everything on the list and then some, I am in a hurry to get back to my husband....

After what feels like forever, I am done shopping and head right back home, I end up making several trips to get everything in, put stuff away, I finally get around to washing our laundry and clean the house and before I know it hours have passed by, during all this I'd checked on Steven several times.

Now, I am finishing up with folding towels and head back upstairs and once more check on my husband, who is still sleeping peacefully...looking like a literal angel lying there. He is glowing even in sleep.... Quietly I put the towels away and grab my sketch book and sit on the chase lounge close by admiring my husband, who is carrying our unborn child and I begin to draw the stunning sight before me...getting lost as I always do in my Steven....

Suddenly, I hear a low groan and my husband croaks out...


"I'm here.... stupid question, but how do you feel?" I reply, as I eye him with concern, he's looking pale again. He breathes deeply and opens his eyes, seeming to be unfocused...he's dizzy.

"D-Dizzy..." He groans.

", just close those eyes and rest some more." I gently smooth back his hair. "Here... if you are up for it, I brought crackers and water. I can make you some more peppermint tea." Softly, gently kissing his lips...just letting my husband know that I got him.

"Can... I.... Sit Up?" Steven opens his tired beautiful blues.

"Sure, I'll help you..." Carefully I prop him up, laying him up more in a sitting position of sorts. "There, that better blue eyes?"

"MMM...yeah." He whispers, tears gather in his eyes which spill down his cheeks. It always breaks my heart to see him cry, whatever the reason. "I-I... I love our little jellybean, b-but...I hate...feeling terrible! Does that make ME terrible?!!"

"Whoa. Whoa...calm down...breathe. I know it's not easy, and no its not wrong that you hate feeling terrible, it doesn't make you a terrible person. I know it's a lot right now, that you're morning sickness is rough, but you are doing something MAGICAL. You're carrying our baby, our little jellybean...and she's already giving us a hard time it seems, but Steven it won't last forever, and I know, I know you are itching to get out of bed and of course I will let you, but it's ok to slow down and to rest, as much as you need. You do so much for me every day, this is the least I can do, is to take care of you, take care of whatever you need and then some. I love You, Steven Joseph Adler-Sixx and I love our little jellybean." Now, I am crying.... i can't help myself and I don't fucking want to.

"Did I ever tell you, how amazing a person you are Nikki Sixx?" Steven says awed.

"In words, in touches, in so many ways...for I could say the same for you." I gently kiss him, before my hands drift down to his little swollen belly. " about that tea and I can bring you whatever you might be craving."

"Tea please...and m-maybe pb & J... like a couple of sandwiches. And then I need you to cuddle with me."

"Hell yes to all of it. I won't take long." I promise him, he smiles gently at me as I hand him some water and crackers, and soon race down the steps to the kitchen, fix tea (caffeine free) of course, sandwiches and am back upstairs in no time, where to my relief Steven seems to have a little more color in his face and I wait for him to notice me and when he does, oh the way his eyes light up!!

"Hope its ok...I iced the tea...and let me help you." Steven smiles at my words, making my heart melt. I set the tea to where he can reach it and hand him the sandwiches, of which I made 4, he eats 2 & A half before declaring he's done...making me concerned as he's getting pale again. So, I suggest he drink the tea, which he does and gradually once again color returns to his face and the sandwiches are discarded. I am glad he at least ate some, but he looks like he could use some more rest and my husband did request cuddles, so cuddles it is. I throw off my shoes, and socks...strip down to my boxers and take my husband into my arms, who immediately curls up on my chest and of course naturally our hands both rest on his small for now at least, swollen stomach.

"I wish I could have eaten more...but I think the tea helped. Nik...thank you for taking such amazing care of me and our child...I love you and you are the best husband ever! And, I have to me you are already an amazing father!" It is here Steven carefully looks at me.

"God. I mean...I are...meant for me. And I could say the same about YOU." I whisper before then saying, "So on the off...chance that we are you have any names for a boy?" Curiously.

"Well...first I don't believe we are wrong...but if we are, I had some ideas.... I like James...and I want to give him your a middle name: Nikki."

"I would LOVE THAT...." Getting misty.

"Also, since we want more than 2 kids...if our second one is a girl, I want to name her again after you...Frankie...Frankie Nicole Sixx." I am floored and touched by those names. I find I very much do love them. Funny story: Our second child would indeed be a girl, a daughter we would name Frankie Nicole Sixx.

"So. Two girls then: Rain Iris and Frankie Nicole...all the names sound perfect." I say as I continue to hold my husband in my arms, and our hands still rest on his stomach where our little jellybean, our baby is growing.

A/N: Poor Steven still having rough morning sickness, but I promise the baby will be and is healthy. But he has Nikki by his side to take care of him. Sweet moments and hints as to future children's names. More to come!

Betrayed by Your Guns & Betrayed by your Crϋe (A Steven Adler/Nikki Sixx story)Where stories live. Discover now